* * @author Christopher Ng * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\DAV\UserMigration; use function Safe\sort; use function Safe\substr; use OCA\DAV\AppInfo\Application; use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\CardDavBackend; use OCA\DAV\CardDAV\Plugin as CardDAVPlugin; use OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\CachingTree; use OCA\DAV\Connector\Sabre\Server as SabreDavServer; use OCA\DAV\RootCollection; use OCP\IL10N; use OCP\IUser; use OCP\UserMigration\IExportDestination; use OCP\UserMigration\IImportSource; use OCP\UserMigration\IMigrator; use OCP\UserMigration\ISizeEstimationMigrator; use OCP\UserMigration\TMigratorBasicVersionHandling; use Sabre\VObject\Component\VCard; use Sabre\VObject\Parser\Parser as VObjectParser; use Sabre\VObject\Reader as VObjectReader; use Sabre\VObject\Splitter\VCard as VCardSplitter; use Sabre\VObject\UUIDUtil; use Safe\Exceptions\ArrayException; use Safe\Exceptions\StringsException; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Throwable; class ContactsMigrator implements IMigrator, ISizeEstimationMigrator { use TMigratorBasicVersionHandling; private CardDavBackend $cardDavBackend; private IL10N $l10n; private SabreDavServer $sabreDavServer; private const USERS_URI_ROOT = 'principals/users/'; private const FILENAME_EXT = 'vcf'; private const METADATA_EXT = 'json'; private const MIGRATED_URI_PREFIX = 'migrated-'; private const PATH_ROOT = Application::APP_ID . '/address_books/'; public function __construct( CardDavBackend $cardDavBackend, IL10N $l10n ) { $this->cardDavBackend = $cardDavBackend; $this->l10n = $l10n; $root = new RootCollection(); $this->sabreDavServer = new SabreDavServer(new CachingTree($root)); $this->sabreDavServer->addPlugin(new CardDAVPlugin()); } private function getPrincipalUri(IUser $user): string { return ContactsMigrator::USERS_URI_ROOT . $user->getUID(); } /** * @return array{name: string, displayName: string, description: ?string, vCards: VCard[]} * * @throws InvalidAddressBookException */ private function getAddressBookExportData(IUser $user, array $addressBookInfo, OutputInterface $output): array { $userId = $user->getUID(); if (!isset($addressBookInfo['uri'])) { throw new InvalidAddressBookException(); } $uri = $addressBookInfo['uri']; $path = CardDAVPlugin::ADDRESSBOOK_ROOT . "/users/$userId/$uri"; /** * @see \Sabre\CardDAV\VCFExportPlugin::httpGet() implementation reference */ $addressBookDataProp = '{' . CardDAVPlugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}address-data'; $addressBookNode = $this->sabreDavServer->tree->getNodeForPath($path); $nodes = $this->sabreDavServer->getPropertiesIteratorForPath($path, [$addressBookDataProp], 1); /** * @see \Sabre\CardDAV\VCFExportPlugin::generateVCF() implementation reference */ /** @var VCard[] $vCards */ $vCards = []; foreach ($nodes as $node) { if (isset($node[200][$addressBookDataProp])) { $vCard = VObjectReader::read($node[200][$addressBookDataProp]); $problems = $vCard->validate(); if (!empty($problems)) { $output->writeln('Skipping contact "' . ($vCard->FN ?? 'null') . '" containing invalid contact data'); continue; } $vCards[] = $vCard; } } if (count($vCards) === 0) { throw new InvalidAddressBookException(); } return [ 'name' => $addressBookNode->getName(), 'displayName' => $addressBookInfo['{DAV:}displayname'], 'description' => $addressBookInfo['{' . CardDAVPlugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description'], 'vCards' => $vCards, ]; } /** * @return array */ private function getAddressBookExports(IUser $user, OutputInterface $output): array { $principalUri = $this->getPrincipalUri($user); return array_values(array_filter(array_map( function (array $addressBookInfo) use ($user, $output) { try { return $this->getAddressBookExportData($user, $addressBookInfo, $output); } catch (InvalidAddressBookException $e) { // Allow this exception as invalid address books are not to be exported return null; } }, $this->cardDavBackend->getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri), ))); } private function getUniqueAddressBookUri(IUser $user, string $initialAddressBookUri): string { $principalUri = $this->getPrincipalUri($user); try { $initialAddressBookUri = substr($initialAddressBookUri, 0, strlen(ContactsMigrator::MIGRATED_URI_PREFIX)) === ContactsMigrator::MIGRATED_URI_PREFIX ? $initialAddressBookUri : ContactsMigrator::MIGRATED_URI_PREFIX . $initialAddressBookUri; } catch (StringsException $e) { throw new ContactsMigratorException('Failed to get unique address book URI', 0, $e); } $existingAddressBookUris = array_map( fn (array $addressBookInfo): string => $addressBookInfo['uri'], $this->cardDavBackend->getAddressBooksForUser($principalUri), ); $addressBookUri = $initialAddressBookUri; $acc = 1; while (in_array($addressBookUri, $existingAddressBookUris, true)) { $addressBookUri = $initialAddressBookUri . "-$acc"; ++$acc; } return $addressBookUri; } /** * @param VCard[] $vCards */ private function serializeCards(array $vCards): string { return array_reduce( $vCards, fn (string $addressBookBlob, VCard $vCard) => $addressBookBlob . $vCard->serialize(), '', ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getEstimatedExportSize(IUser $user): int { $addressBookExports = $this->getAddressBookExports($user, new NullOutput()); $addressBookCount = count($addressBookExports); // 50B for each metadata JSON $size = ($addressBookCount * 50) / 1024; $contactsCount = array_sum(array_map( fn (array $data): int => count($data['vCards']), $addressBookExports, )); // 350B for each contact $size += ($contactsCount * 350) / 1024; return (int)ceil($size); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function export(IUser $user, IExportDestination $exportDestination, OutputInterface $output): void { $output->writeln('Exporting contacts into ' . ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . '…'); $addressBookExports = $this->getAddressBookExports($user, $output); if (empty($addressBookExports)) { $output->writeln('No contacts to export…'); } try { /** * @var string $name * @var string $displayName * @var ?string $description * @var VCard[] $vCards */ foreach ($addressBookExports as ['name' => $name, 'displayName' => $displayName, 'description' => $description, 'vCards' => $vCards]) { // Set filename to sanitized address book name $basename = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-_]/iu', '', $name); $exportPath = ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . $basename . '.' . ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT; $metadataExportPath = ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . $basename . '.' . ContactsMigrator::METADATA_EXT; $exportDestination->addFileContents($exportPath, $this->serializeCards($vCards)); $metadata = array_filter(['displayName' => $displayName, 'description' => $description]); $exportDestination->addFileContents($metadataExportPath, json_encode($metadata)); } } catch (Throwable $e) { throw new CalendarMigratorException('Could not export address book', 0, $e); } } private function importContact(int $addressBookId, VCard $vCard, string $filename, OutputInterface $output): void { // Operate on clone to prevent mutation of the original $vCard = clone $vCard; $vCard->PRODID = '-//IDN nextcloud.com//Migrated contact//EN'; try { $this->cardDavBackend->createCard( $addressBookId, UUIDUtil::getUUID() . '.' . ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT, $vCard->serialize(), ); } catch (Throwable $e) { $output->writeln("Error creating contact \"" . ($vCard->FN ?? 'null') . "\" from \"$filename\", skipping…"); } } /** * @param array{displayName: string, description?: string} $metadata * @param VCard[] $vCards */ private function importAddressBook(IUser $user, string $filename, string $initialAddressBookUri, array $metadata, array $vCards, OutputInterface $output): void { $principalUri = $this->getPrincipalUri($user); $addressBookUri = $this->getUniqueAddressBookUri($user, $initialAddressBookUri); $addressBookId = $this->cardDavBackend->createAddressBook($principalUri, $addressBookUri, array_filter([ '{DAV:}displayname' => $metadata['displayName'], '{' . CardDAVPlugin::NS_CARDDAV . '}addressbook-description' => $metadata['description'] ?? null, ])); foreach ($vCards as $vCard) { $this->importContact($addressBookId, $vCard, $filename, $output); } } /** * @return array */ private function getAddressBookImports(array $importFiles): array { $addressBookImports = array_filter( $importFiles, fn (string $filename) => pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT, ); $metadataImports = array_filter( $importFiles, fn (string $filename) => pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === ContactsMigrator::METADATA_EXT, ); try { sort($addressBookImports); sort($metadataImports); } catch (ArrayException $e) { throw new ContactsMigratorException('Failed to sort address book files in ' . ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT, 0, $e); } if (count($addressBookImports) !== count($metadataImports)) { throw new ContactsMigratorException('Each ' . ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT . ' file must have a corresponding ' . ContactsMigrator::METADATA_EXT . ' file'); } for ($i = 0; $i < count($addressBookImports); ++$i) { if (pathinfo($addressBookImports[$i], PATHINFO_FILENAME) !== pathinfo($metadataImports[$i], PATHINFO_FILENAME)) { throw new ContactsMigratorException('Each ' . ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT . ' file must have a corresponding ' . ContactsMigrator::METADATA_EXT . ' file'); } } return array_map( fn (string $addressBookFilename, string $metadataFilename) => ['addressBook' => $addressBookFilename, 'metadata' => $metadataFilename], $addressBookImports, $metadataImports, ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @throws ContactsMigratorException */ public function import(IUser $user, IImportSource $importSource, OutputInterface $output): void { if ($importSource->getMigratorVersion($this->getId()) === null) { $output->writeln('No version for ' . static::class . ', skipping import…'); return; } $output->writeln('Importing contacts from ' . ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . '…'); $importFiles = $importSource->getFolderListing(ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT); if (empty($importFiles)) { $output->writeln('No contacts to import…'); } foreach ($this->getAddressBookImports($importFiles) as ['addressBook' => $addressBookFilename, 'metadata' => $metadataFilename]) { $addressBookImportPath = ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . $addressBookFilename; $metadataImportPath = ContactsMigrator::PATH_ROOT . $metadataFilename; $vCardSplitter = new VCardSplitter( $importSource->getFileAsStream($addressBookImportPath), VObjectParser::OPTION_FORGIVING, ); /** @var VCard[] $vCards */ $vCards = []; /** @var ?VCard $vCard */ while ($vCard = $vCardSplitter->getNext()) { $problems = $vCard->validate(); if (!empty($problems)) { $output->writeln('Skipping contact "' . ($vCard->FN ?? 'null') . '" containing invalid contact data'); continue; } $vCards[] = $vCard; } $splitFilename = explode('.', $addressBookFilename, 2); if (count($splitFilename) !== 2) { throw new ContactsMigratorException("Invalid filename \"$addressBookFilename\", expected filename of the format \"." . ContactsMigrator::FILENAME_EXT . '"'); } [$initialAddressBookUri, $ext] = $splitFilename; /** @var array{displayName: string, description?: string} $metadata */ $metadata = json_decode($importSource->getFileContents($metadataImportPath), true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $this->importAddressBook( $user, $addressBookFilename, $initialAddressBookUri, $metadata, $vCards, $output, ); foreach ($vCards as $vCard) { $vCard->destroy(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getId(): string { return 'contacts'; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDisplayName(): string { return $this->l10n->t('Contacts'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDescription(): string { return $this->l10n->t('Contacts and groups'); } }