<?php /** @var array $_ */ /** @var \OCP\IL10N $l */ script('encryption', 'settings-admin'); style('encryption', 'settings-admin'); ?> <form id="ocDefaultEncryptionModule" class="sub-section"> <h3><?php p($l->t("Default encryption module")); ?></h3> <?php if(!$_["initStatus"] && $_['masterKeyEnabled'] === false): ?> <?php p($l->t("Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again")); ?> <?php else: ?> <p id="encryptHomeStorageSetting"> <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" name="encrypt_home_storage" id="encryptHomeStorage" value="1" <?php if ($_['encryptHomeStorage']) print_unescaped('checked="checked"'); ?> /> <label for="encryptHomeStorage"><?php p($l->t('Encrypt the home storage'));?></label></br> <em><?php p( $l->t( "Enabling this option encrypts all files stored on the main storage, otherwise only files on external storage will be encrypted" ) ); ?></em> </p> <br /> <?php if($_['masterKeyEnabled'] === false): ?> <p id="encryptionSetRecoveryKey"> <?php $_["recoveryEnabled"] === '0' ? p($l->t("Enable recovery key")) : p($l->t("Disable recovery key")); ?> <span class="msg"></span> <br/> <em> <?php p($l->t("The recovery key is an extra encryption key that is used to encrypt files. It allows recovery of a user's files if the user forgets his or her password.")) ?> </em> <br/> <input type="password" name="encryptionRecoveryPassword" id="encryptionRecoveryPassword" placeholder="<?php p($l->t("Recovery key password")); ?>"/> <input type="password" name="encryptionRecoveryPassword" id="repeatEncryptionRecoveryPassword" placeholder="<?php p($l->t("Repeat recovery key password")); ?>"/> <input type="button" name="enableRecoveryKey" id="enableRecoveryKey" status="<?php p($_["recoveryEnabled"]) ?>" value="<?php $_["recoveryEnabled"] === '0' ? p($l->t("Enable recovery key")) : p($l->t("Disable recovery key")); ?>"/> </p> <br/><br/> <p name="changeRecoveryPasswordBlock" id="encryptionChangeRecoveryKey" <?php if($_['recoveryEnabled'] === '0') print_unescaped('class="hidden"');?>> <?php p($l->t("Change recovery key password:")); ?> <span class="msg"></span> <br/> <input type="password" name="changeRecoveryPassword" id="oldEncryptionRecoveryPassword" placeholder="<?php p($l->t("Old recovery key password")); ?>"/> <br /> <input type="password" name="changeRecoveryPassword" id="newEncryptionRecoveryPassword" placeholder="<?php p($l->t("New recovery key password")); ?>"/> <input type="password" name="changeRecoveryPassword" id="repeatedNewEncryptionRecoveryPassword" placeholder="<?php p($l->t("Repeat new recovery key password")); ?>"/> <button type="button" name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"> <?php p($l->t("Change Password")); ?> </button> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> </form>