/** * ownCloud * * @author Vincent Petry * @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ (function() { /** * @class BreadCrumb * @memberof OCA.Files * @classdesc Breadcrumbs that represent the current path. * * @param {Object} [options] options * @param {Function} [options.onClick] click event handler * @param {Function} [options.onDrop] drop event handler * @param {Function} [options.getCrumbUrl] callback that returns * the URL of a given breadcrumb */ var BreadCrumb = function(options){ this.$el = $(''); this.$menu = $(''); options = options || {}; if (options.onClick) { this.onClick = options.onClick; } if (options.onDrop) { this.onDrop = options.onDrop; this.onOver = options.onOver; this.onOut = options.onOut; } if (options.getCrumbUrl) { this.getCrumbUrl = options.getCrumbUrl; } this._detailViews = []; }; /** * @memberof OCA.Files */ BreadCrumb.prototype = { $el: null, dir: null, dirInfo: null, /** * Total width of all breadcrumbs * @type int * @private */ totalWidth: 0, breadcrumbs: [], onClick: null, onDrop: null, onOver: null, onOut: null, /** * Sets the directory to be displayed as breadcrumb. * This will re-render the breadcrumb. * @param dir path to be displayed as breadcrumb */ setDirectory: function(dir) { var err = new Error(); console.log(err.stack); dir = dir.replace(/\\/g, '/'); dir = dir || '/'; if (dir !== this.dir) { this.dir = dir; this.render(); } }, setDirectoryInfo: function(dirInfo) { if (dirInfo !== this.dirInfo) { this.dirInfo = dirInfo; this.render(); } }, /** * @param {Backbone.View} detailView */ addDetailView: function(detailView) { this._detailViews.push(detailView); }, /** * Returns the full URL to the given directory * * @param {Object.} part crumb data as map * @param {int} index crumb index * @return full URL */ getCrumbUrl: function(part, index) { return '#'; }, /** * Renders the breadcrumb elements */ render: function() { var parts = this._makeCrumbs(this.dir || '/'); var $crumb; this.$el.empty(); this.breadcrumbs = []; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var part = parts[i]; var $image; var $link = $(''); if(part.dir) { $link.attr('href', this.getCrumbUrl(part, i)); } if(part.name) { $link.text(part.name); } $link.addClass(part.linkclass); $crumb = $('
'); $crumb.append($link); $crumb.attr('data-dir', part.dir); $crumb.addClass(part.class); if (part.img) { $image = $(''); $image.attr('src', part.img); $image.attr('alt', part.alt); $link.append($image); } this.breadcrumbs.push($crumb); this.$el.append($crumb); if (this.onClick) { $crumb.on('click', this.onClick); } } _.each(this._detailViews, function(view) { view.render({ dirInfo: this.dirInfo }); $crumb.append(view.$el); }, this); // in case svg is not supported by the browser we need to execute the fallback mechanism if (!OC.Util.hasSVGSupport()) { OC.Util.replaceSVG(this.$el); } // setup drag and drop if (this.onDrop) { this.$el.find('.crumb:not(.last)').droppable({ drop: this.onDrop, over: this.onOver, out: this.onOut, tolerance: 'pointer', hoverClass: 'canDrop' }); } this._createMenu(); this._resize(); }, /** * Makes a breadcrumb structure based on the given path * * @param {String} dir path to split into a breadcrumb structure * @return {Object.} map of {dir: path, name: displayName} */ _makeCrumbs: function(dir) { var crumbs = []; var pathToHere = ''; // trim leading and trailing slashes dir = dir.replace(/^\/+|\/+$/g, ''); var parts = dir.split('/'); if (dir === '') { parts = []; } // root part crumbs.push({ dir: '/', linkclass: 'icon-home' }); // menu part crumbs.push({ class: 'crumbmenu', linkclass: 'icon-more' }); for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var part = parts[i]; pathToHere = pathToHere + '/' + part; crumbs.push({ dir: pathToHere, name: part }); } return crumbs; }, /** * Hide the middle crumb */ _hideCrumb: function() { var selector = '.crumb:not(.hidden):not(.crumbmenu)'; var length = this.$el.find(selector).length; // Get the middle one floored down var elmt = Math.floor(length / 2 - 0.5); this.$el.find(selector+':eq('+elmt+')').addClass('hidden'); }, /** * Get the crumb to show */ _getCrumbElement: function() { var length = this.$el.find('.crumb.hidden').length; // Get the outer one with priority to the highest var elmt = (length % 2) * (length - 1); return this.$el.find('.crumb.hidden:eq('+elmt+')'); }, /** * Show the middle crumb */ _showCrumb: function() { if(this.$el.find('.crumb.hidden').length === 1) { this.$el.find('.crumb.hidden').removeClass('hidden'); } this._getCrumbElement().removeClass('hidden'); }, /** * Create and append the popovermenu */ _createMenu: function() { this.$el.find('.crumbmenu').append(this.$menu); }, /** * Update the popovermenu */ _updateMenu: function() { var menuItems = this.$el.children('.crumb.hidden').clone(); // Hide the crumb menu if no elements this.$el.find('.crumbmenu').toggleClass('hidden', menuItems.length===0) this.$menu.children('ul').html(menuItems); this.$menu.find('div').replaceWith(function(){ return $('
  • ', { html: this.innerHTML }) }); this.$menu.find('a').addClass('icon-triangle-e').wrapInner(''); }, _resize: function() { var i, $crumb, $ellipsisCrumb; if (!this.availableWidth) { this.availableWidth = this.$el.width(); } if (this.breadcrumbs.length <= 1) { return; } // If container is smaller than content while (this.$el.width() > this.$el.parent().width()) { this._hideCrumb(); } // If container is bigger than content + element to be shown // AND if there is at least one hidden crumb while (this.$el.find('.crumb.hidden').length > 0 && this.$el.width() + this._getCrumbElement().width() < this.$el.parent().width()) { this._showCrumb(); } this._updateMenu(); } }; OCA.Files.BreadCrumb = BreadCrumb; })();