/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ import type { Upload } from '@nextcloud/upload' import type { RootDirectory } from './DropServiceUtils' import { Folder, Node, NodeStatus, davRootPath } from '@nextcloud/files' import { getUploader, hasConflict } from '@nextcloud/upload' import { join } from 'path' import { joinPaths } from '@nextcloud/paths' import { showError, showInfo, showSuccess, showWarning } from '@nextcloud/dialogs' import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n' import Vue from 'vue' import { Directory, traverseTree, resolveConflict, createDirectoryIfNotExists } from './DropServiceUtils' import { handleCopyMoveNodeTo } from '../actions/moveOrCopyAction' import { MoveCopyAction } from '../actions/moveOrCopyActionUtils' import logger from '../logger.ts' /** * This function converts a list of DataTransferItems to a file tree. * It uses the Filesystem API if available, otherwise it falls back to the File API. * The File API will NOT be available if the browser is not in a secure context (e.g. HTTP). * ⚠️ When using this method, you need to use it as fast as possible, as the DataTransferItems * will be cleared after the first access to the props of one of the entries. * * @param items the list of DataTransferItems */ export const dataTransferToFileTree = async (items: DataTransferItem[]): Promise => { // Check if the browser supports the Filesystem API // We need to cache the entries to prevent Blink engine bug that clears // the list (`data.items`) after first access props of one of the entries const entries = items .filter((item) => { if (item.kind !== 'file') { logger.debug('Skipping dropped item', { kind: item.kind, type: item.type }) return false } return true }).map((item) => { // MDN recommends to try both, as it might be renamed in the future return (item as unknown as { getAsEntry?: () => FileSystemEntry|undefined })?.getAsEntry?.() ?? item?.webkitGetAsEntry?.() ?? item }) as (FileSystemEntry | DataTransferItem)[] let warned = false const fileTree = new Directory('root') as RootDirectory // Traverse the file tree for (const entry of entries) { // Handle browser issues if Filesystem API is not available. Fallback to File API if (entry instanceof DataTransferItem) { logger.warn('Could not get FilesystemEntry of item, falling back to file') const file = entry.getAsFile() if (file === null) { logger.warn('Could not process DataTransferItem', { type: entry.type, kind: entry.kind }) showError(t('files', 'One of the dropped files could not be processed')) continue } // Warn the user that the browser does not support the Filesystem API // we therefore cannot upload directories recursively. if (file.type === 'httpd/unix-directory' || !file.type) { if (!warned) { logger.warn('Browser does not support Filesystem API. Directories will not be uploaded') showWarning(t('files', 'Your browser does not support the Filesystem API. Directories will not be uploaded')) warned = true } continue } fileTree.contents.push(file) continue } // Use Filesystem API try { fileTree.contents.push(await traverseTree(entry)) } catch (error) { // Do not throw, as we want to continue with the other files logger.error('Error while traversing file tree', { error }) } } return fileTree } export const onDropExternalFiles = async (root: RootDirectory, destination: Folder, contents: Node[]): Promise => { const uploader = getUploader() // Check for conflicts on root elements if (await hasConflict(root.contents, contents)) { root.contents = await resolveConflict(root.contents, destination, contents) } if (root.contents.length === 0) { logger.info('No files to upload', { root }) showInfo(t('files', 'No files to upload')) return [] } // Let's process the files logger.debug(`Uploading files to ${destination.path}`, { root, contents: root.contents }) const queue = [] as Promise[] const uploadDirectoryContents = async (directory: Directory, path: string) => { for (const file of directory.contents) { // This is the relative path to the resource // from the current uploader destination const relativePath = join(path, file.name) // If the file is a directory, we need to create it first // then browse its tree and upload its contents. if (file instanceof Directory) { const absolutePath = joinPaths(davRootPath, destination.path, relativePath) try { console.debug('Processing directory', { relativePath }) await createDirectoryIfNotExists(absolutePath) await uploadDirectoryContents(file, relativePath) } catch (error) { showError(t('files', 'Unable to create the directory {directory}', { directory: file.name })) logger.error('', { error, absolutePath, directory: file }) } continue } // If we've reached a file, we can upload it logger.debug('Uploading file to ' + join(destination.path, relativePath), { file }) // Overriding the root to avoid changing the current uploader context queue.push(uploader.upload(relativePath, file, destination.source)) } } // Pause the uploader to prevent it from starting // while we compute the queue uploader.pause() // Upload the files. Using '/' as the starting point // as we already adjusted the uploader destination await uploadDirectoryContents(root, '/') uploader.start() // Wait for all promises to settle const results = await Promise.allSettled(queue) // Check for errors const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected') if (errors.length > 0) { logger.error('Error while uploading files', { errors }) showError(t('files', 'Some files could not be uploaded')) return [] } logger.debug('Files uploaded successfully') showSuccess(t('files', 'Files uploaded successfully')) return Promise.all(queue) } export const onDropInternalFiles = async (nodes: Node[], destination: Folder, contents: Node[], isCopy = false) => { const queue = [] as Promise[] // Check for conflicts on root elements if (await hasConflict(nodes, contents)) { nodes = await resolveConflict(nodes, destination, contents) } if (nodes.length === 0) { logger.info('No files to process', { nodes }) showInfo(t('files', 'No files to process')) return } for (const node of nodes) { Vue.set(node, 'status', NodeStatus.LOADING) queue.push(handleCopyMoveNodeTo(node, destination, isCopy ? MoveCopyAction.COPY : MoveCopyAction.MOVE, true)) } // Wait for all promises to settle const results = await Promise.allSettled(queue) nodes.forEach(node => Vue.set(node, 'status', undefined)) // Check for errors const errors = results.filter(result => result.status === 'rejected') if (errors.length > 0) { logger.error('Error while copying or moving files', { errors }) showError(isCopy ? t('files', 'Some files could not be copied') : t('files', 'Some files could not be moved')) return } logger.debug('Files copy/move successful') showSuccess(isCopy ? t('files', 'Files copied successfully') : t('files', 'Files moved successfully')) }