/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ import type { FileStat, ResponseDataDetailed } from 'webdav' import { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus' import { Folder, Node, davGetClient, davGetDefaultPropfind, davResultToNode } from '@nextcloud/files' import { openConflictPicker } from '@nextcloud/upload' import { showError, showInfo } from '@nextcloud/dialogs' import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n' import logger from '../logger.ts' /** * This represents a Directory in the file tree * We extend the File class to better handling uploading * and stay as close as possible as the Filesystem API. * This also allow us to hijack the size or lastModified * properties to compute them dynamically. */ export class Directory extends File { /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ _contents: (Directory|File)[] constructor(name, contents: (Directory|File)[] = []) { super([], name, { type: 'httpd/unix-directory' }) this._contents = contents } set contents(contents: (Directory|File)[]) { this._contents = contents } get contents(): (Directory|File)[] { return this._contents } get size() { return this._computeDirectorySize(this) } get lastModified() { if (this._contents.length === 0) { return Date.now() } return this._computeDirectoryMtime(this) } /** * Get the last modification time of a file tree * This is not perfect, but will get us a pretty good approximation * @param directory the directory to traverse */ _computeDirectoryMtime(directory: Directory): number { return directory.contents.reduce((acc, file) => { return file.lastModified > acc // If the file is a directory, the lastModified will // also return the results of its _computeDirectoryMtime method // Fancy recursion, huh? ? file.lastModified : acc }, 0) } /** * Get the size of a file tree * @param directory the directory to traverse */ _computeDirectorySize(directory: Directory): number { return directory.contents.reduce((acc: number, entry: Directory|File) => { // If the file is a directory, the size will // also return the results of its _computeDirectorySize method // Fancy recursion, huh? return acc + entry.size }, 0) } } export type RootDirectory = Directory & { name: 'root' } /** * Traverse a file tree using the Filesystem API * @param entry the entry to traverse */ export const traverseTree = async (entry: FileSystemEntry): Promise => { // Handle file if (entry.isFile) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (entry as FileSystemFileEntry).file(resolve, reject) }) } // Handle directory logger.debug('Handling recursive file tree', { entry: entry.name }) const directory = entry as FileSystemDirectoryEntry const entries = await readDirectory(directory) const contents = (await Promise.all(entries.map(traverseTree))).flat() return new Directory(directory.name, contents) } /** * Read a directory using Filesystem API * @param directory the directory to read */ const readDirectory = (directory: FileSystemDirectoryEntry): Promise => { const dirReader = directory.createReader() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const entries = [] as FileSystemEntry[] const getEntries = () => { dirReader.readEntries((results) => { if (results.length) { entries.push(...results) getEntries() } else { resolve(entries) } }, (error) => { reject(error) }) } getEntries() }) } export const createDirectoryIfNotExists = async (absolutePath: string) => { const davClient = davGetClient() const dirExists = await davClient.exists(absolutePath) if (!dirExists) { logger.debug('Directory does not exist, creating it', { absolutePath }) await davClient.createDirectory(absolutePath, { recursive: true }) const stat = await davClient.stat(absolutePath, { details: true, data: davGetDefaultPropfind() }) as ResponseDataDetailed emit('files:node:created', davResultToNode(stat.data)) } } export const resolveConflict = async (files: Array, destination: Folder, contents: Node[]): Promise => { try { // List all conflicting files const conflicts = files.filter((file: File|Node) => { return contents.find((node: Node) => node.basename === (file instanceof File ? file.name : file.basename)) }).filter(Boolean) as (File|Node)[] // List of incoming files that are NOT in conflict const uploads = files.filter((file: File|Node) => { return !conflicts.includes(file) }) // Let the user choose what to do with the conflicting files const { selected, renamed } = await openConflictPicker(destination.path, conflicts, contents) logger.debug('Conflict resolution', { uploads, selected, renamed }) // If the user selected nothing, we cancel the upload if (selected.length === 0 && renamed.length === 0) { // User skipped showInfo(t('files', 'Conflicts resolution skipped')) logger.info('User skipped the conflict resolution') return [] } // Update the list of files to upload return [...uploads, ...selected, ...renamed] as (typeof files) } catch (error) { console.error(error) // User cancelled showError(t('files', 'Upload cancelled')) logger.error('User cancelled the upload') } return [] }