/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ import { FileType, type Node } from '@nextcloud/files' import { translate as t, translatePlural as n } from '@nextcloud/l10n' /** * Extract dir and name from file path * * @param {string} path the full path * @return {string[]} [dirPath, fileName] */ export const extractFilePaths = function(path) { const pathSections = path.split('/') const fileName = pathSections[pathSections.length - 1] const dirPath = pathSections.slice(0, pathSections.length - 1).join('/') return [dirPath, fileName] } /** * Generate a translated summary of an array of nodes * @param {Node[]} nodes the nodes to summarize * @return {string} */ export const getSummaryFor = (nodes: Node[]): string => { const fileCount = nodes.filter(node => node.type === FileType.File).length const folderCount = nodes.filter(node => node.type === FileType.Folder).length if (fileCount === 0) { return n('files', '{folderCount} folder', '{folderCount} folders', folderCount, { folderCount }) } else if (folderCount === 0) { return n('files', '{fileCount} file', '{fileCount} files', fileCount, { fileCount }) } if (fileCount === 1) { return n('files', '1 file and {folderCount} folder', '1 file and {folderCount} folders', folderCount, { folderCount }) } if (folderCount === 1) { return n('files', '{fileCount} file and 1 folder', '{fileCount} files and 1 folder', fileCount, { fileCount }) } return t('files', '{fileCount} files and {folderCount} folders', { fileCount, folderCount }) }