* @author Robin Appelman * @author Sam Tuke * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ /** * transparently encrypted filestream * * you can use it as wrapper around an existing stream by setting CryptStream::$sourceStreams['foo']=array('path'=>$path,'stream'=>$stream) * and then fopen('crypt://streams/foo'); */ namespace OCA\Files_Encryption; use OCA\Files_Encryption\Exception\EncryptionException; /** * Provides 'crypt://' stream wrapper protocol. * @note We use a stream wrapper because it is the most secure way to handle * decrypted content transfers. There is no safe way to decrypt the entire file * somewhere on the server, so we have to encrypt and decrypt blocks on the fly. * @note Paths used with this protocol MUST BE RELATIVE. Use URLs like: * crypt://filename, or crypt://subdirectory/filename, NOT * crypt:///home/user/owncloud/data. Otherwise keyfiles will be put in * [owncloud]/data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles/home/user/owncloud/data and * will not be accessible to other methods. * @note Data read and written must always be 8192 bytes long, as this is the * buffer size used internally by PHP. The encryption process makes the input * data longer, and input is chunked into smaller pieces in order to result in * a 8192 encrypted block size. * @note When files are deleted via webdav, or when they are updated and the * previous version deleted, this is handled by OC\Files\View, and thus the * encryption proxies are used and keyfiles deleted. */ class Stream { const PADDING_CHAR = '-'; private $plainKey; private $encKeyfiles; private $rawPath; // The raw path relative to the data dir private $relPath; // rel path to users file dir private $userId; private $keyId; private $handle; // Resource returned by fopen private $meta = array(); // Header / meta for source stream private $cache; // Current block unencrypted private $position; // Current pointer position in the unencrypted stream private $writeFlag; // Flag to write current block when leaving it private $size; private $headerSize = 0; // Size of header private $unencryptedSize; private $publicKey; private $encKeyfile; private $newFile; // helper var, we only need to write the keyfile for new files private $isLocalTmpFile = false; // do we operate on a local tmp file private $localTmpFile; // path of local tmp file private $containHeader = false; // the file contain a header private $cipher; // cipher used for encryption/decryption /** @var \OCA\Files_Encryption\Util */ private $util; /** * @var \OC\Files\View */ private $rootView; // a fsview object set to '/' /** * @var \OCA\Files_Encryption\Session */ private $session; private $privateKey; /** * @param string $path raw path relative to data/ * @param string $mode * @param int $options * @param string $opened_path * @return bool * @throw \OCA\Files_Encryption\Exception\EncryptionException */ public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path) { // read default cipher from config $this->cipher = Helper::getCipher(); // assume that the file already exist before we decide it finally in getKey() $this->newFile = false; $this->rootView = new \OC\Files\View('/'); $this->session = new Session($this->rootView); $this->privateKey = $this->session->getPrivateKey(); if ($this->privateKey === false) { throw new EncryptionException('Session does not contain a private key, maybe your login password changed?', EncryptionException::PRIVATE_KEY_MISSING); } $normalizedPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(str_replace('crypt://', '', $path)); $originalFile = Helper::getPathFromTmpFile($normalizedPath); if ($originalFile) { $this->rawPath = $originalFile; $this->isLocalTmpFile = true; $this->localTmpFile = $normalizedPath; } else { $this->rawPath = $normalizedPath; } $this->util = new Util($this->rootView, Helper::getUser($this->rawPath)); // get the key ID which we want to use, can be the users key or the // public share key $this->keyId = $this->util->getKeyId(); $fileType = Helper::detectFileType($this->rawPath); switch ($fileType) { case Util::FILE_TYPE_FILE: $this->relPath = Helper::stripUserFilesPath($this->rawPath); $user = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser(); $this->userId = $user ? $user->getUID() : Helper::getUserFromPath($this->rawPath); break; case Util::FILE_TYPE_VERSION: $this->relPath = Helper::getPathFromVersion($this->rawPath); $this->userId = Helper::getUserFromPath($this->rawPath); break; case Util::FILE_TYPE_CACHE: $this->relPath = Helper::getPathFromCachedFile($this->rawPath); Helper::mkdirr($this->rawPath, new \OC\Files\View('/')); $user = \OC::$server->getUserSession()->getUser(); $this->userId = $user ? $user->getUID() : Helper::getUserFromPath($this->rawPath); break; default: \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', 'failed to open file "' . $this->rawPath . '" expecting a path to "files", "files_versions" or "cache"', \OCP\Util::ERROR); return false; } // Disable fileproxies so we can get the file size and open the source file without recursive encryption $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled; \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; $this->position = 0; $this->cache = ''; $this->writeFlag = 0; // Setting handle so it can be used for reading the header if ($this->isLocalTmpFile) { $this->handle = fopen($this->localTmpFile, $mode); } else { $this->handle = $this->rootView->fopen($this->rawPath, $mode); } if ( $mode === 'w' or $mode === 'w+' or $mode === 'wb' or $mode === 'wb+' ) { // We're writing a new file so start write counter with 0 bytes $this->size = 0; $this->unencryptedSize = 0; } else { $this->size = $this->rootView->filesize($this->rawPath); \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true; $this->unencryptedSize = $this->rootView->filesize($this->rawPath); \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; $this->readHeader(); } \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus; if (!is_resource($this->handle)) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', 'failed to open file "' . $this->rawPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR); } else { $this->meta = stream_get_meta_data($this->handle); // sometimes fopen changes the mode, e.g. for a url "r" convert to "r+" // but we need to remember the original access type $this->meta['mode'] = $mode; } return is_resource($this->handle); } private function readHeader() { if (is_resource($this->handle)) { $data = fread($this->handle, Crypt::BLOCKSIZE); $header = Crypt::parseHeader($data); $this->cipher = Crypt::getCipher($header); // remeber that we found a header if (!empty($header)) { $this->containHeader = true; $this->headerSize = Crypt::BLOCKSIZE; // if there's no header then decrypt the block and store it in the cache } else { if (!$this->getKey()) { throw new \Exception('Encryption key not found for "' . $this->rawPath . '" during attempted read via stream'); } else { $this->cache = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($data, $this->plainKey, $this->cipher); } } } } /** * Returns the current position of the file pointer * @return int position of the file pointer */ public function stream_tell() { return $this->position; } /** * @param int $offset * @param int $whence * @return bool true if fseek was successful, otherwise false */ // seeking the stream tries to move the pointer on the encrypted stream to the beginning of the target block // if that works, it flushes the current block and changes the position in the unencrypted stream public function stream_seek($offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) { // this wrapper needs to return "true" for success. // the fseek call itself returns 0 on succeess $return=false; switch($whence) { case SEEK_SET: if($offset < $this->unencryptedSize && $offset >= 0) { $newPosition=$offset; } break; case SEEK_CUR: if($offset>=0) { $newPosition=$offset+$this->position; } break; case SEEK_END: if($this->unencryptedSize + $offset >= 0) { $newPosition=$this->unencryptedSize+$offset; } break; default: return $return; } $newFilePosition=floor($newPosition/6126)*Crypt::BLOCKSIZE+$this->headerSize; if (fseek($this->handle, $newFilePosition)===0) { $this->flush(); $this->position=$newPosition; $return=true; } return $return; } /** * @param int $count * @return bool|string * @throws \OCA\Files_Encryption\Exception\EncryptionException */ public function stream_read($count) { $result = ''; // limit to the end of the unencrypted file; otherwise getFileSize will fail and it is good practise anyway $count=min($count,$this->unencryptedSize - $this->position); // loop over the 6126 sized unencrypted blocks while ($count > 0) { $remainingLength = $count; // update the cache of the current block $this->readCache(); // determine the relative position in the current block $blockPosition=($this->position % 6126); // if entire read inside current block then only position needs to be updated if ($remainingLength<(6126 - $blockPosition)) { $result .= substr($this->cache,$blockPosition,$remainingLength); $this->position += $remainingLength; $count=0; // otherwise remainder of current block is fetched, the block is flushed and the position updated } else { $result .= substr($this->cache,$blockPosition); $this->flush(); $this->position += (6126 - $blockPosition); $count -= (6126 - $blockPosition); } } return $result; } /** * Encrypt and pad data ready for writing to disk * @param string $plainData data to be encrypted * @param string $key key to use for encryption * @return string encrypted data on success, false on failure */ public function preWriteEncrypt($plainData, $key) { // Encrypt data to 'catfile', which includes IV if ($encrypted = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($plainData, $key, $this->cipher)) { return $encrypted; } else { return false; } } /** * Fetch the plain encryption key for the file and set it as plainKey property * @internal param bool $generate if true, a new key will be generated if none can be found * @return bool true on key found and set, false on key not found and new key generated and set */ public function getKey() { // Check if key is already set if (isset($this->plainKey) && isset($this->encKeyfile)) { return true; } // Fetch and decrypt keyfile // Fetch existing keyfile $this->encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey($this->rootView, $this->util, $this->relPath); // If a keyfile already exists if ($this->encKeyfile) { $shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey($this->rootView, $this->keyId, $this->util, $this->relPath); // if there is no valid private key return false if ($this->privateKey === false) { // if private key is not valid redirect user to a error page Helper::redirectToErrorPage($this->session); return false; } if ($shareKey === false) { // if no share key is available redirect user to a error page Helper::redirectToErrorPage($this->session, Crypt::ENCRYPTION_NO_SHARE_KEY_FOUND); return false; } $this->plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($this->encKeyfile, $shareKey, $this->privateKey); return true; } else { $this->newFile = true; return false; } } /** * write header at beginning of encrypted file * * @throws \OCA\Files_Encryption\Exception\EncryptionException */ private function writeHeader() { $header = Crypt::generateHeader(); if (strlen($header) > Crypt::BLOCKSIZE) { throw new EncryptionException('max header size exceeded', EncryptionException::ENCRYPTION_HEADER_TO_LARGE); } $paddedHeader = str_pad($header, Crypt::BLOCKSIZE, self::PADDING_CHAR, STR_PAD_RIGHT); fwrite($this->handle, $paddedHeader); $this->headerWritten = true; $this->containHeader = true; $this->headerSize = Crypt::BLOCKSIZE; $this->size += $this->headerSize; } /** * Handle plain data from the stream, and write it in 8192 byte blocks * @param string $data data to be written to disk * @note the data will be written to the path stored in the stream handle, set in stream_open() * @note $data is only ever be a maximum of 8192 bytes long. This is set by PHP internally. stream_write() is called multiple times in a loop on data larger than 8192 bytes * @note Because the encryption process used increases the length of $data, a cache is used to carry over data which would not fit in the required block size * @note Padding is added to each encrypted block to ensure that the resulting block is exactly 8192 bytes. This is removed during stream_read * @note PHP automatically updates the file pointer after writing data to reflect it's length. There is generally no need to update the poitner manually using fseek */ public function stream_write($data) { // if there is no valid private key return false if ($this->privateKey === false) { $this->size = 0; return strlen($data); } if ($this->size === 0) { $this->writeHeader(); } // Get / generate the keyfile for the file we're handling // If we're writing a new file (not overwriting an existing // one), save the newly generated keyfile if (!$this->getKey()) { $this->plainKey = Crypt::generateKey(); } $length=0; // loop over $data to fit it in 6126 sized unencrypted blocks while (strlen($data) > 0) { $remainingLength = strlen($data); // set the cache to the current 6126 block $this->readCache(); // only allow writes on seekable streams, or at the end of the encrypted stream // for seekable streams the pointer is moved back to the beginning of the encrypted block // flush will start writing there when the position moves to another block if((fseek($this->handle, floor($this->position/6126)*Crypt::BLOCKSIZE + $this->headerSize) === 0) || (floor($this->position/6126)*Crypt::BLOCKSIZE + $this->headerSize === $this->size)) { // switch the writeFlag so flush() will write the block $this->writeFlag=1; // determine the relative position in the current block $blockPosition=($this->position % 6126); // check if $data fits in current block // if so, overwrite existing data (if any) // update position and liberate $data if ($remainingLength<(6126 - $blockPosition)) { $this->cache=substr($this->cache,0,$blockPosition).$data.substr($this->cache,$blockPosition+$remainingLength); $this->position += $remainingLength; $length += $remainingLength; $data = ''; // if $data doens't fit the current block, the fill the current block and reiterate // after the block is filled, it is flushed and $data is updated } else { $this->cache=substr($this->cache,0,$blockPosition).substr($data,0,6126-$blockPosition); $this->flush(); $this->position += (6126 - $blockPosition); $length += (6126 - $blockPosition); $data = substr($data, 6126 - $blockPosition); } } else { $data=''; } } $this->unencryptedSize = max($this->unencryptedSize,$this->position); return $length; } /** * @param int $option * @param int $arg1 * @param int|null $arg2 */ public function stream_set_option($option, $arg1, $arg2) { $return = false; switch ($option) { case STREAM_OPTION_BLOCKING: $return = stream_set_blocking($this->handle, $arg1); break; case STREAM_OPTION_READ_TIMEOUT: $return = stream_set_timeout($this->handle, $arg1, $arg2); break; case STREAM_OPTION_WRITE_BUFFER: $return = stream_set_write_buffer($this->handle, $arg1); } return $return; } /** * @return array */ public function stream_stat() { return fstat($this->handle); } /** * @param int $mode */ public function stream_lock($mode) { return flock($this->handle, $mode); } /** * @return bool */ public function stream_flush() { $this->flush(); return fflush($this->handle); // Not a typo: http://php.net/manual/en/function.fflush.php } /** * @return bool */ public function stream_eof() { return ($this->position>=$this->unencryptedSize); } private function flush() { // write to disk only when writeFlag was set to 1 if ($this->writeFlag === 1) { // Disable the file proxies so that encryption is not // automatically attempted when the file is written to disk - // we are handling that separately here and we don't want to // get into an infinite loop $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled; \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; // Set keyfile property for file in question $this->getKey(); $encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt($this->cache, $this->plainKey); fwrite($this->handle, $encrypted); $this->writeFlag = 0; $this->size = max($this->size,ftell($this->handle)); \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus; } // always empty the cache (otherwise readCache() will not fill it with the new block) $this->cache = ''; } private function readCache() { // cache should always be empty string when this function is called // don't try to fill the cache when trying to write at the end of the unencrypted file when it coincides with new block if ($this->cache === '' && !($this->position===$this->unencryptedSize && ($this->position % 6126)===0)) { // Get the data from the file handle $data = fread($this->handle, Crypt::BLOCKSIZE); $result = ''; if (strlen($data)) { if (!$this->getKey()) { // Error! We don't have a key to decrypt the file with throw new \Exception('Encryption key not found for "'. $this->rawPath . '" during attempted read via stream'); } else { // Decrypt data $result = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($data, $this->plainKey, $this->cipher); } } $this->cache = $result; } } /** * @return bool */ public function stream_close() { $this->flush(); // if there is no valid private key return false if ($this->privateKey === false) { // cleanup if ($this->meta['mode'] !== 'r' && $this->meta['mode'] !== 'rb' && !$this->isLocalTmpFile) { // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled; \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; if ($this->rootView->file_exists($this->rawPath) && $this->size === $this->headerSize) { fclose($this->handle); $this->rootView->unlink($this->rawPath); } // Re-enable proxy - our work is done \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus; } // if private key is not valid redirect user to a error page Helper::redirectToErrorPage($this->session); } if ( $this->meta['mode'] !== 'r' && $this->meta['mode'] !== 'rb' && $this->isLocalTmpFile === false && $this->size > $this->headerSize && $this->unencryptedSize > 0 ) { // only write keyfiles if it was a new file if ($this->newFile === true) { // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled; \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false; // Fetch user's public key $this->publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey($this->rootView, $this->keyId); // Check if OC sharing api is enabled $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled(); // Get all users sharing the file includes current user $uniqueUserIds = $this->util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $this->relPath); $checkedUserIds = $this->util->filterShareReadyUsers($uniqueUserIds); // Fetch public keys for all sharing users $publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys($this->rootView, $checkedUserIds['ready']); // Encrypt enc key for all sharing users $this->encKeyfiles = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($this->plainKey, $publicKeys); // Save the new encrypted file key Keymanager::setFileKey($this->rootView, $this->util, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['data']); // Save the sharekeys Keymanager::setShareKeys($this->rootView, $this->util, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys']); // Re-enable proxy - our work is done \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus; } // we need to update the file info for the real file, not for the // part file. $path = Helper::stripPartialFileExtension($this->rawPath); $fileInfo = array( 'mimetype' => $this->rootView->getMimeType($this->rawPath), 'encrypted' => true, 'unencrypted_size' => $this->unencryptedSize, ); // if we write a part file we also store the unencrypted size for // the part file so that it can be re-used later $this->rootView->putFileInfo($this->rawPath, $fileInfo); if ($path !== $this->rawPath) { $this->rootView->putFileInfo($path, $fileInfo); } } $result = fclose($this->handle); if ($result === false) { \OCP\Util::writeLog('Encryption library', 'Could not close stream, file could be corrupted', \OCP\Util::FATAL); } return $result; } }