* Copyright (c) 2014
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
* or later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
// TODO: move to a separate file
' +
// FIXME: options are hard-coded for now
' +
' ' +
' ' +
' +
' +
' ' +
' ' +
' +
' +
' ' +
' ' +
' +
' +
' ' +
' ' +
' +
/* TODO the current l10n extrator can't handle JS functions within handlebar
templates therefore they are duplicated here
t("files_external", "Enable encryption")
t("files_external", "Enable previews")
t("files_external", "Enable sharing")
t("files_external", "Check for changes")
t("files_external", "Never")
t("files_external", "Once every direct access")
* Returns the selection of applicable users in the given configuration row
* @param $row configuration row
* @return array array of user names
function getSelection($row) {
var values = $row.find('.applicableUsers').select2('val');
if (!values || values.length === 0) {
values = [];
return values;
function highlightBorder($element, highlight) {
$element.toggleClass('warning-input', highlight);
return highlight;
function highlightInput($input) {
if ($input.attr('type') === 'text' || $input.attr('type') === 'password') {
return highlightBorder($input,
($input.val() === '' && !$input.hasClass('optional')));
* Initialize select2 plugin on the given elements
* @param {Array