OC.L10N.register( "files_external", { "Fetching request tokens failed. Verify that your app key and secret are correct." : "Permintaan pengambilan token gagal. Pastikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi Anda sudah benar.", "Fetching access tokens failed. Verify that your app key and secret are correct." : "Akses pengambilan token gagal. Pastikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi Anda sudah benar.", "Please provide a valid app key and secret." : "Silakan berikan kunci dan kerahasiaan aplikasi yang benar.", "Step 1 failed. Exception: %s" : "Langkah 1 gagal. Kecuali: %s", "Step 2 failed. Exception: %s" : "Langkah 2 gagal. Kecuali: %s", "External storage" : "Penyimpanan eksternal", "Personal" : "Pribadi", "System" : "Sistem", "Grant access" : "Berikan hak akses", "Error configuring OAuth1" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth1", "Error configuring OAuth2" : "Kesalahan mengkonfigurasi OAuth2", "Generate keys" : "Hasilkan kunci", "Error generating key pair" : "Kesalahan saat menghasilkan pasangan kunci", "All users. Type to select user or group." : "Semua pengguna. Ketik untuk memilih pengguna atau grup.", "(group)" : "(grup)", "Saved" : "Disimpan", "Username" : "Nama Pengguna", "Password" : "Sandi", "Save" : "Simpan", "Storage with id \"%i\" not found" : "Penyimpanan dengan id \"%i\" tidak ditemukan", "Invalid backend or authentication mechanism class" : "Beckend atau kelas mekanisme otentikasi salah.", "Invalid mount point" : "Mount point salah", "Objectstore forbidden" : "Objectstore terlarang", "Invalid storage backend \"%s\"" : "Backend penyimpanan \"%s\" salah", "Not permitted to use backend \"%s\"" : "Tidak diizinkan menggunakan backend \"%s\"", "Not permitted to use authentication mechanism \"%s\"" : "Tidak diizinkan menggunakan mekanisme otentikasi \"%s\"", "Unsatisfied backend parameters" : "Parameter backend tidak lengkap", "Unsatisfied authentication mechanism parameters" : "Parameter mekanisme otentikasi tidak lengkap", "Access key" : "Kunci akses", "Secret key" : "Kunci rahasia", "Builtin" : "Internal", "None" : "Tidak ada", "OAuth1" : "OAuth1", "App key" : "Kunci Apl", "App secret" : "Rahasia Apl", "OAuth2" : "OAuth2", "Client ID" : "ID Klien", "Client secret" : "Rahasia klien", "OpenStack" : "OpenStack", "Tenant name" : "Nama tenant", "Identity endpoint URL" : "Identitas URL akhir", "Rackspace" : "Rackspace", "API key" : "Kunci API", "Username and password" : "Nama pengguna dan sandi", "RSA public key" : "Kunci publik RSA", "Public key" : "Kunci Public", "Amazon S3" : "Amazon S3", "Bucket" : "Keranjang", "Hostname" : "Nama Host", "Port" : "Port", "Region" : "Daerah", "Enable SSL" : "Aktifkan SSL", "Enable Path Style" : "Aktifkan Gaya Path", "WebDAV" : "WebDAV", "URL" : "URL", "Remote subfolder" : "Subfolder remote", "Secure https://" : "Secure https://", "Dropbox" : "Dropbox", "FTP" : "FTP", "Host" : "Host", "Secure ftps://" : "Secure ftps://", "Google Drive" : "Google Drive", "Local" : "Lokal", "Location" : "lokasi", "ownCloud" : "ownCloud", "SFTP" : "SFTP", "Root" : "Root", "SFTP with secret key login" : "SFTP dengan kunci rahasia masuk", "SMB / CIFS" : "SMB / CIFS", "Share" : "Bagikan", "Domain" : "Domain", "SMB / CIFS using OC login" : "SMB / CIFS menggunakan OC login", "Username as share" : "Nama pengguna berbagi", "OpenStack Object Storage" : "OpenStack Object Storage", "Service name" : "Nama layanan", "Request timeout (seconds)" : "Minta waktu habis (detik)", "Note: " : "Catatan: ", "Note: The cURL support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Catatan: Dukungan cURL di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau belum diinstal. Mengaitkan %s tidak dimungkinkan. Silakan minta administrator sistem Anda untuk menginstalnya.", "Note: The FTP support in PHP is not enabled or installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Catatan: Dukungan FTP di PHP tidak diaktifkan atau belum diinstal. Mengaitkan %s tidak dimungkinkan. Silakan minta administrator sistem Anda untuk menginstalnya.", "Note: \"%s\" is not installed. Mounting of %s is not possible. Please ask your system administrator to install it." : "Catatan: \"%s\" belum diinstal. Mengaitkan %s tidak dimungkinkan. Silakan minta administrator sistem Anda untuk menginstalnya.", "No external storage configured" : "Penyimpanan eksternal tidak dikonfigurasi", "You can add external storages in the personal settings" : "Anda dapat menambahkan penyimpanan eksternal di pengaturan pribadi", "Name" : "Nama", "Storage type" : "Tipe penyimpanan", "Scope" : "Skop", "Enable encryption" : "Aktifkan enkripsi", "Enable previews" : "Aktifkan pratinjau", "Check for changes" : "Periksa perubahan", "Never" : "Jangan pernah", "Once every direct access" : "Setiap kali akses langsung", "External Storage" : "Penyimpanan Eksternal", "Folder name" : "Nama folder", "Authentication" : "Otentikasi", "Configuration" : "Konfigurasi", "Available for" : "Tersedia untuk", "Add storage" : "Tambahkan penyimpanan", "Advanced settings" : "Pengaturan Lanjutan", "Delete" : "Hapus", "Allow users to mount the following external storage" : "Izinkan pengguna untuk mengaitkan penyimpanan eksternal berikut" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;"); d='n64' href='#n64'>64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
# Gitea - Git with a cup of tea
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[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/code.gitea.io/gitea)](https://goreportcard.com/report/code.gitea.io/gitea)
##### Status
**Current version**: (see [Releases](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/releases))
| Web | UI | Preview |
|![Dashboard](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/1.png)|![Repository](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/2.png)|![Commits History](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/3.png)|
|![Profile](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/4.png)|![Admin Dashboard](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/5.png)|![Diff](https://gogs.io/img/screenshots/6.png)|
### Important Notes
2. If you think there are vulnerabilities in the project, please talk privately to **security@gitea.io**. Thanks!
3. If you're interested in using APIs, we have experimental support with [documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/go-gitea/go-sdk).
## Purpose
The goal of this project is to make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. With Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across **ALL platforms** that Go supports, including Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and ARM.
Want to try it before doing anything else?
Do it [online](https://try.gitea.io/)!
## Features
- Activity timeline
- SSH and HTTP/HTTPS protocols
- SMTP/LDAP/Reverse proxy authentication
- Reverse proxy with sub-path
- Account/Organization/Repository management
- Add/Remove repository collaborators
- Repository/Organization webhooks (including Slack)
- Repository Git hooks/deploy keys
- Repository issues, pull requests and wiki
- Migrate and mirror repository and its wiki
- Web editor for repository files and wiki
- Gravatar and Federated avatar with custom source
- Mail service
- Administration panel
- Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and [TiDB](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb) (experimental)
- Multi-language support ([21 languages](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs))
## System Requirements
- A cheap Raspberry Pi is powerful enough for basic functionality.
- 2 CPU cores and 1GB RAM would be the baseline for teamwork.
## Browser Support
- Please see [Semantic UI](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI#browser-support) for specific versions of supported browsers.
- The official support minimal size is **1024*768**, UI may still looks right in smaller size but no promises and fixes.
## Installation
**Note: As Gitea is a [Gogs](https://github.com/gogits/gogs) fork, tutorials and documentation related to gogs applies to Gitea too**
How to install Gitea:
- go get code.gitea.io/gitea
- [Ship with Docker](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/tree/master/docker)
- [Install with Vagrant](https://github.com/go-gitea/examples/tree/master/vagrant)
**Note: binary release will be available soon**
### Tutorials
- [How To Set Up Gogs on Ubuntu 14.04](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-gogs-on-ubuntu-14-04)
- [Run your own GitHub-like service with the help of Docker](http://blog.hypriot.com/post/run-your-own-github-like-service-with-docker/)
- [Dockerized Gogs git server and alpine postgres in 20 minutes or less](http://garthwaite.org/docker-gogs.html)
- [Host Your Own Private GitHub with Gogs.io](https://eladnava.com/host-your-own-private-github-with-gogs-io/)
- [使用 Gogs 搭建自己的 Git 服务器](https://mynook.info/blog/post/host-your-own-git-server-using-gogs) (Chinese)
- [阿里云上 Ubuntu 14.04 64 位安装 Gogs](http://my.oschina.net/luyao/blog/375654) (Chinese)
- [Installing Gogs on FreeBSD](https://www.codejam.info/2015/03/installing-gogs-on-freebsd.html)
- [Gogs on Raspberry Pi](http://blog.meinside.pe.kr/Gogs-on-Raspberry-Pi/)
- [Cloudflare Full SSL with GOGS (Go Git Service) using NGINX](http://www.listekconsulting.com/articles/cloudflare-full-ssl-with-gogs-go-git-service-using-nginx/)
### Screencasts
- [How to install Gogs on a Linux Server (DigitalOcean)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deSfX0gqefE)
- [Instalando Gogs no Ubuntu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UkHAR1F7ZA) (Português)
### Deploy to Cloud
- [OpenShift](https://github.com/tkisme/gogs-openshift)
- [Cloudron](https://cloudron.io/appstore.html#io.gogs.cloudronapp)
- [Scaleway](https://www.scaleway.com/imagehub/gogs/)
- [Portal](https://portaldemo.xyz/cloud/)
- [Sandstorm](https://github.com/cem/gogs-sandstorm)
- [sloppy.io](https://github.com/sloppyio/quickstarters/tree/master/gogs)
- [YunoHost](https://github.com/mbugeia/gogs_ynh)
- [DPlatform](https://github.com/j8r/DPlatform)
## Software and Service Support
- [Drone](https://github.com/drone/drone) (CI)
- [Fabric8](http://fabric8.io/) (DevOps)
- [Taiga](https://taiga.io/) (Project Management)
- [Puppet](https://forge.puppetlabs.com/Siteminds/gogs) (IT)
- [Kanboard](http://kanboard.net/plugin/gogs-webhook) (Project Management)
- [BearyChat](https://bearychat.com/) (Team Communication)
- [HiWork](http://www.hiwork.cc/) (Team Communication)
### Product Support
- [Synology](https://www.synology.com) (Docker)
- [One Space](http://www.onespace.cc) (App Store)
## Acknowledgments
- Router and middleware mechanism of [Macaron](https://github.com/go-macaron/macaron).
- System Monitor Status is inspired by [GoBlog](https://github.com/fuxiaohei/goblog).
- Thanks [Rocker](http://weibo.com/rocker1989) for designing Logo.
- Thanks [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/gogs) for providing open source translation plan.
- Thanks [DigitalOcean](https://www.digitalocean.com) for hosting home and demo sites.
- Thanks [KeyCDN](https://www.keycdn.com/) and [QiNiu](http://www.qiniu.com/) for providing CDN service.
## Contributing
Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request
## Authors
* [Maintainers](https://github.com/orgs/go-gitea/people)
* [Contributors](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/graphs/contributors)
* [Translators](conf/locale/TRANSLATORS)
## License
This project is under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/LICENSE) file for the full license text.