<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "External storage" => "外部存储", "Local" => "本地", "Location" => "地点", "Amazon S3" => "Amazon S3", "Access Key" => "访问密钥", "Hostname (optional)" => "域名 (可选)", "Port (optional)" => "端口 (可选)", "Region (optional)" => "区域 (optional)", "Enable SSL" => "启用 SSL", "Host" => "主机", "Username" => "用户名", "Password" => "密码", "Root" => "根路径", "Secure ftps://" => "安全 ftps://", "Share" => "共享", "SMB / CIFS using OC login" => "SMB / CIFS 使用 OC 登录信息", "URL" => "URL", "Secure https://" => "安全 https://", "Remote subfolder" => "远程子文件夹", "Access granted" => "权限已授予。", "Error configuring Dropbox storage" => "配置Dropbox存储时出错", "Grant access" => "授权", "Please provide a valid Dropbox app key and secret." => "请提供有效的Dropbox应用key和secret", "Error configuring Google Drive storage" => "配置Google Drive存储时出错", "Personal" => "个人", "Saved" => "已保存", "<b>Note:</b> " => "<b>注意:</b>", " and " => "和", "Name" => "名称", "External Storage" => "外部存储", "Folder name" => "目录名称", "Configuration" => "配置", "Options" => "选项", "Available for" => "可用于", "Add storage" => "增加存储", "No user or group" => "无用户或组", "All Users" => "所有用户", "Groups" => "组", "Users" => "用户", "Delete" => "删除", "Enable User External Storage" => "启用用户外部存储", "Allow users to mount the following external storage" => "允许用户挂载以下外部存储", "SSL root certificates" => "SSL根证书", "Import Root Certificate" => "导入根证书" ); $PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=1; plural=0;";