/** * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry * * @author Christoph Wurst * @author Joas Schilling * @author John Molakvoæ * @author Juan Pablo Villafáñez * @author Julius Härtl * @author Robin Appelman * @author Robin McCorkell * @author Roeland Jago Douma * @author Vincent Petry * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ describe('OCA.Files_External.Settings tests', function() { var clock; var select2Stub; var select2ApplicableUsers; beforeEach(function() { clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); select2Stub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'select2').callsFake(function(args) { if (args === 'val') { return select2ApplicableUsers; } return { on: function() {} }; }); // view still requires an existing DOM table $('#testArea').append( '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + ''+ ''+ '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + ''+ '
'+ ''+ '
'+ '
'+ '
' ); // these are usually appended into the data attribute // within the DOM by the server template $('#externalStorage .selectBackend:first').data('configurations', { '\\OC\\TestBackend': { 'identifier': '\\OC\\TestBackend', 'name': 'Test Backend', 'configuration': { 'field1': { 'value': 'Display Name 1' }, 'field2': { 'value': 'Display Name 2', 'flags': 1 } }, 'authSchemes': { 'builtin': true, }, 'priority': 11 }, '\\OC\\AnotherTestBackend': { 'identifier': '\\OC\\AnotherTestBackend', 'name': 'Another Test Backend', 'configuration': { 'field1': { 'value': 'Display Name 1' }, 'field2': { 'value': 'Display Name 2', 'flags': 1 } }, 'authSchemes': { 'builtin': true, }, 'priority': 12 }, '\\OC\\InputsTestBackend': { 'identifier': '\\OC\\InputsTestBackend', 'name': 'Inputs test backend', 'configuration': { 'field_text': { 'value': 'Text field' }, 'field_password': { 'value': ',Password field', 'type': 2 }, 'field_bool': { 'value': 'Boolean field', 'type': 1 }, 'field_hidden': { 'value': 'Hidden field', 'type': 3 }, 'field_text_optional': { 'value': 'Text field optional', 'flags': 1 }, 'field_password_optional': { 'value': 'Password field optional', 'flags': 1, 'type': 2 } }, 'authSchemes': { 'builtin': true, }, 'priority': 13 } } ); $('#externalStorage #addMountPoint .authentication:first').data('mechanisms', { 'mechanism1': { 'identifier': 'mechanism1', 'name': 'Mechanism 1', 'configuration': { }, 'scheme': 'builtin', 'visibility': 3 }, }); }); afterEach(function() { select2Stub.restore(); clock.restore(); }); describe('storage configuration', function() { var view; function selectBackend(backendName) { view.$el.find('.selectBackend:first').val(backendName).trigger('change'); } beforeEach(function() { var $el = $('#externalStorage'); view = new OCA.Files_External.Settings.MountConfigListView($el, {encryptionEnabled: false}); }); afterEach(function() { view = null; }); describe('selecting backend', function() { it('populates the row and creates a new empty one', function() { selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend'); var $firstRow = view.$el.find('tr:first'); expect($firstRow.find('.backend').text()).toEqual('Test Backend'); expect($firstRow.find('.selectBackend').length).toEqual(0); // TODO: check "remove" button visibility // the suggested mount point name expect($firstRow.find('[name=mountPoint]').val()).toEqual('TestBackend'); // TODO: check that the options have been created // TODO: check select2 call on the ".applicableUsers" element var $emptyRow = $firstRow.next('tr'); expect($emptyRow.length).toEqual(1); expect($emptyRow.find('.selectBackend').length).toEqual(1); expect($emptyRow.find('.applicable select').length).toEqual(0); // TODO: check "remove" button visibility }); it('shows row even if selection row is hidden', function() { selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend'); view.$el.find('tr#addMountPoint').hide(); expect(view.$el.find('tr:first').is(':visible')).toBe(true); expect(view.$el.find('tr#addMountPoint').is(':visible')).toBe(false); }); // TODO: test with personal mounts (no applicable fields) // TODO: test suggested mount point logic }); describe('saving storages', function() { var $tr; beforeEach(function() { selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend'); $tr = view.$el.find('tr:first'); }); it('saves storage after clicking the save button', function() { var $field1 = $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field1]'); expect($field1.length).toEqual(1); $field1.val('test'); $field1.trigger(new $.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 97})); var $mountOptionsField = $tr.find('input.mountOptions'); expect($mountOptionsField.length).toEqual(1); $mountOptionsField.val(JSON.stringify({previews:true})); var $saveButton = $tr.find('td.save .icon-checkmark'); $saveButton.click(); expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1); var request = fakeServer.requests[0]; expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/index.php/apps/files_external/globalstorages'); expect(JSON.parse(request.requestBody)).toEqual({ backend: '\\OC\\TestBackend', authMechanism: 'mechanism1', backendOptions: { 'field1': 'test', 'field2': '' }, mountPoint: 'TestBackend', priority: 11, applicableUsers: [], applicableGroups: [], mountOptions: { 'previews': true }, testOnly: true }); // TODO: respond and check data-id }); it('saves storage after closing mount options popovermenu', function() { $tr.find('.mountOptionsToggle .icon-more').click(); $tr.find('[name=previews]').trigger(new $.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 97})); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field1]').val('test'); // does not save inside the popovermenu expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(0); $('body').mouseup(); // but after closing the popovermenu expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1); }); // TODO: status indicator }); describe('validate storage configuration', function() { var $tr; beforeEach(function() { selectBackend('\\OC\\InputsTestBackend'); $tr = view.$el.find('tr:first'); }); it('lists missing fields in storage errors', function() { var storage = view.getStorageConfig($tr); expect(storage.errors).toEqual({ backendOptions: ['field_text', 'field_password'] }); }); it('highlights missing non-optional fields', function() { _.each([ 'field_text', 'field_password' ], function(param) { expect($tr.find('input[data-parameter='+param+']').hasClass('warning-input')).toBe(true); }); _.each([ 'field_bool', 'field_hidden', 'field_text_optional', 'field_password_optional' ], function(param) { expect($tr.find('input[data-parameter='+param+']').hasClass('warning-input')).toBe(false); }); }); it('validates correct storage', function() { $tr.find('[name=mountPoint]').val('mountpoint'); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_text]').val('foo'); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_password]').val('bar'); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_text_optional]').val('foobar'); // don't set field_password_optional $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_hidden]').val('baz'); var storage = view.getStorageConfig($tr); expect(storage.validate()).toBe(true); }); it('checks missing mount point', function() { $tr.find('[name=mountPoint]').val(''); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_text]').val('foo'); $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field_password]').val('bar'); var storage = view.getStorageConfig($tr); expect(storage.validate()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('update storage', function() { // TODO }); describe('delete storage', function() { // TODO }); describe('recheck storages', function() { // TODO }); describe('mount options popovermenu', function() { var $tr; var $td; beforeEach(function() { selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend'); $tr = view.$el.find('tr:first'); $td = $tr.find('.mountOptionsToggle'); }); it('shows popovermenu when clicking on toggle button, hides when clicking outside', function() { $td.find('.icon-more').click(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu.open').length).toEqual(1); $('body').mouseup(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu.open').length).toEqual(0); }); it('doesnt show the encryption option when encryption is disabled', function () { view._encryptionEnabled = false; $td.find('.icon-more').click(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu [name=encrypt]:visible').length).toEqual(0); $('body').mouseup(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu.open').length).toEqual(0); }); it('reads config from mountOptions field', function() { $tr.find('input.mountOptions').val(JSON.stringify({previews:false})); $td.find('.icon-more').click(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu [name=previews]').prop('checked')).toEqual(false); $('body').mouseup(); $tr.find('input.mountOptions').val(JSON.stringify({previews:true})); $td.find('.icon-more').click(); expect($td.find('.popovermenu [name=previews]').prop('checked')).toEqual(true); }); it('writes config into mountOptions field', function() { $td.find('.icon-more').click(); // defaults to true var $field = $td.find('.popovermenu [name=previews]'); expect($field.prop('checked')).toEqual(true); $td.find('.popovermenu [name=filesystem_check_changes]').val(0); $('body').mouseup(); expect(JSON.parse($tr.find('input.mountOptions').val())).toEqual({ encrypt: true, previews: true, enable_sharing: false, filesystem_check_changes: 0, encoding_compatibility: false, readonly: false }); }); }); }); describe('applicable user list', function() { // TODO: test select2 retrieval logic }); describe('allow user mounts section', function() { // TODO: test allowUserMounting section }); });