<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ namespace Test\Files\Storage; class OwnCloudFunctions extends \Test\TestCase { function configUrlProvider() { return array( array( array( 'host' => 'testhost', 'root' => 'testroot', 'secure' => false ), 'http://testhost/remote.php/webdav/testroot/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'testhost', 'root' => 'testroot', 'secure' => true ), 'https://testhost/remote.php/webdav/testroot/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'http://testhost', 'root' => 'testroot', 'secure' => false ), 'http://testhost/remote.php/webdav/testroot/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'https://testhost', 'root' => 'testroot', 'secure' => false ), 'https://testhost/remote.php/webdav/testroot/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'https://testhost/testroot', 'root' => '', 'secure' => false ), 'https://testhost/testroot/remote.php/webdav/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'https://testhost/testroot', 'root' => 'subdir', 'secure' => false ), 'https://testhost/testroot/remote.php/webdav/subdir/', ), array( array( 'host' => 'http://testhost/testroot', 'root' => 'subdir', 'secure' => true ), 'http://testhost/testroot/remote.php/webdav/subdir/', ), ); } /** * @dataProvider configUrlProvider */ public function testConfig($config, $expectedUri) { $config['user'] = 'someuser'; $config['password'] = 'somepassword'; $instance = new \OC\Files\Storage\OwnCloud($config); $this->assertEquals($expectedUri, $instance->createBaseUri()); } }