/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, Björn Schießle <bjoern@schiessle.org> * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* global FileActions, Files, FileList */ /* global dragOptions, folderDropOptions */ if (!OCA.Sharing) { OCA.Sharing = {}; } if (!OCA.Files) { OCA.Files = {}; } /** * @namespace */ OCA.Sharing.PublicApp = { _initialized: false, /** * Initializes the public share app. * * @param $el container */ initialize: function ($el) { var self = this; var fileActions; if (this._initialized) { return; } fileActions = new OCA.Files.FileActions(); // default actions fileActions.registerDefaultActions(); // legacy actions fileActions.merge(window.FileActions); // regular actions fileActions.merge(OCA.Files.fileActions); // in case apps would decide to register file actions later, // replace the global object with this one OCA.Files.fileActions = fileActions; this._initialized = true; this.initialDir = $('#dir').val(); var token = $('#sharingToken').val(); // file list mode ? if ($el.find('#filestable').length) { var filesClient = new OC.Files.Client({ host: OC.getHost(), port: OC.getPort(), userName: token, // note: password not be required, the endpoint // will recognize previous validation from the session root: OC.getRootPath() + '/public.php/webdav', useHTTPS: OC.getProtocol() === 'https' }); this.fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList( $el, { id: 'files.public', dragOptions: dragOptions, folderDropOptions: folderDropOptions, fileActions: fileActions, detailsViewEnabled: false, filesClient: filesClient, enableUpload: true, multiSelectMenu: [ { name: 'copyMove', displayName: t('files', 'Move or copy'), iconClass: 'icon-external', }, { name: 'download', displayName: t('files', 'Download'), iconClass: 'icon-download', }, { name: 'delete', displayName: t('files', 'Delete'), iconClass: 'icon-delete', } ] } ); this.files = OCA.Files.Files; this.files.initialize(); // TODO: move to PublicFileList.initialize() once // the code was split into a separate class OC.Plugins.attach('OCA.Sharing.PublicFileList', this.fileList); } var mimetype = $('#mimetype').val(); var mimetypeIcon = $('#mimetypeIcon').val(); mimetypeIcon = mimetypeIcon.substring(0, mimetypeIcon.length - 3); mimetypeIcon = mimetypeIcon + 'svg'; var previewSupported = $('#previewSupported').val(); if (typeof FileActions !== 'undefined') { // Show file preview if previewer is available, images are already handled by the template if (mimetype.substr(0, mimetype.indexOf('/')) !== 'image' && $('.publicpreview').length === 0) { // Trigger default action if not download TODO var action = FileActions.getDefault(mimetype, 'file', OC.PERMISSION_READ); if (typeof action !== 'undefined') { action($('#filename').val()); } } } // dynamically load image previews var bottomMargin = 350; var previewWidth = $(window).width(); var previewHeight = $(window).height() - bottomMargin; previewHeight = Math.max(200, previewHeight); var params = { x: Math.ceil(previewWidth * window.devicePixelRatio), y: Math.ceil(previewHeight * window.devicePixelRatio), a: 'true', file: encodeURIComponent(this.initialDir + $('#filename').val()), scalingup: 0 }; var imgcontainer = $('<a href="' + $('#previewURL').val() + '" target="_blank"><img class="publicpreview" alt=""></a>'); var img = imgcontainer.find('.publicpreview'); img.css({ 'max-width': previewWidth, 'max-height': previewHeight }); var fileSize = parseInt($('#filesize').val(), 10); var maxGifSize = parseInt($('#maxSizeAnimateGif').val(), 10); if (mimetype === 'image/gif' && (maxGifSize === -1 || fileSize <= (maxGifSize * 1024 * 1024))) { img.attr('src', $('#downloadURL').val()); imgcontainer.appendTo('#imgframe'); } else if (mimetype.substr(0, mimetype.indexOf('/')) === 'text' && window.btoa) { if (oc_appswebroots['files_texteditor'] !== undefined) { // the text editor handles the previewing return; } // Undocumented Url to public WebDAV endpoint var url = parent.location.protocol + '//' + location.host + OC.linkTo('', 'public.php/webdav'); $.ajax({ url: url, headers: { Authorization: 'Basic ' + btoa(token + ':'), Range: 'bytes=0-1000' } }).then(function (data) { self._showTextPreview(data, previewHeight); }); } else if ((previewSupported === 'true' && mimetype.substr(0, mimetype.indexOf('/')) !== 'video') || mimetype.substr(0, mimetype.indexOf('/')) === 'image' && mimetype !== 'image/svg+xml') { img.attr('src', OC.generateUrl('/apps/files_sharing/publicpreview/' + token + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params))); imgcontainer.appendTo('#imgframe'); } else if (mimetype.substr(0, mimetype.indexOf('/')) !== 'video') { img.attr('src', mimetypeIcon); img.attr('width', 128); imgcontainer.appendTo('#imgframe'); } else if (previewSupported === 'true') { $('#imgframe > video').attr('poster', OC.generateUrl('/apps/files_sharing/publicpreview/' + token + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params))); } if (this.fileList) { // TODO: move this to a separate PublicFileList class that extends OCA.Files.FileList (+ unit tests) this.fileList.getDownloadUrl = function (filename, dir, isDir) { var path = dir || this.getCurrentDirectory(); if (_.isArray(filename)) { filename = JSON.stringify(filename); } var params = { path: path }; if (filename) { params.files = filename; } return OC.generateUrl('/s/' + token + '/download') + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params); }; this.fileList.getUploadUrl = function(fileName, dir) { if (_.isUndefined(dir)) { dir = this.getCurrentDirectory(); } var pathSections = dir.split('/'); if (!_.isUndefined(fileName)) { pathSections.push(fileName); } var encodedPath = ''; _.each(pathSections, function(section) { if (section !== '') { encodedPath += '/' + encodeURIComponent(section); } }); var base = ''; if (!this._uploader.isXHRUpload()) { // also add auth in URL due to POST workaround base = OC.getProtocol() + '://' + token + '@' + OC.getHost() + (OC.getPort() ? ':' + OC.getPort() : ''); } return base + OC.getRootPath() + '/public.php/webdav' + encodedPath; }; this.fileList.getAjaxUrl = function (action, params) { params = params || {}; params.t = token; return OC.filePath('files_sharing', 'ajax', action + '.php') + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(params); }; this.fileList.linkTo = function (dir) { return OC.generateUrl('/s/' + token + '', {dir: dir}); }; this.fileList.generatePreviewUrl = function (urlSpec) { urlSpec = urlSpec || {}; if (!urlSpec.x) { urlSpec.x = this.$table.data('preview-x') || 250; } if (!urlSpec.y) { urlSpec.y = this.$table.data('preview-y') || 250; } urlSpec.x *= window.devicePixelRatio; urlSpec.y *= window.devicePixelRatio; urlSpec.x = Math.ceil(urlSpec.x); urlSpec.y = Math.ceil(urlSpec.y); var token = $('#dirToken').val(); return OC.generateUrl('/apps/files_sharing/publicpreview/' + token + '?' + OC.buildQueryString(urlSpec)); }; this.fileList.updateEmptyContent = function() { this.$el.find('#emptycontent .uploadmessage').text( t('files_sharing', 'You can upload into this folder') ); OCA.Files.FileList.prototype.updateEmptyContent.apply(this, arguments); }; this.fileList._uploader.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) { if (!data.headers) { data.headers = {}; } data.headers.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(token + ':'); }); // do not allow sharing from the public page delete this.fileList.fileActions.actions.all.Share; this.fileList.changeDirectory(this.initialDir || '/', false, true); // URL history handling this.fileList.$el.on('changeDirectory', _.bind(this._onDirectoryChanged, this)); OC.Util.History.addOnPopStateHandler(_.bind(this._onUrlChanged, this)); $('#download').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); OC.redirect(FileList.getDownloadUrl()); }); } $(document).on('click', '#directLink', function () { $(this).focus(); $(this).select(); }); $('.save-form').submit(function (event) { event.preventDefault(); var remote = $(this).find('#remote_address').val(); var token = $('#sharingToken').val(); var owner = $('#save-external-share').data('owner'); var ownerDisplayName = $('#save-external-share').data('owner-display-name'); var name = $('#save-external-share').data('name'); var isProtected = $('#save-external-share').data('protected') ? 1 : 0; OCA.Sharing.PublicApp._createFederatedShare(remote, token, owner, ownerDisplayName, name, isProtected); }); $('#remote_address').on("keyup paste", function() { if ($(this).val() === '' || $('#save-external-share > .icon.icon-loading-small').length > 0) { $('#save-button-confirm').prop('disabled', true); } else { $('#save-button-confirm').prop('disabled', false); } }); self._bindShowTermsAction(); // legacy window.FileList = this.fileList; }, /** * Binds the click action for the "terms of service" action. * Shows an OC info dialog on click. * * @private */ _bindShowTermsAction: function() { $('#show-terms-dialog').on('click', function() { OC.dialogs.info($('#disclaimerText').val(), t('files_sharing', 'Terms of service')); }); }, _showTextPreview: function (data, previewHeight) { var textDiv = $('<div/>').addClass('text-preview'); textDiv.text(data); textDiv.appendTo('#imgframe'); var divHeight = textDiv.height(); if (data.length > 999) { var ellipsis = $('<div/>').addClass('ellipsis'); ellipsis.html('(…)'); ellipsis.appendTo('#imgframe'); } if (divHeight > previewHeight) { textDiv.height(previewHeight); } }, _onDirectoryChanged: function (e) { OC.Util.History.pushState({ // arghhhh, why is this not called "dir" !? path: e.dir }); }, _onUrlChanged: function (params) { this.fileList.changeDirectory(params.path || params.dir, false, true); }, /** * fall back to old behaviour where we redirect the user to his server to mount * the public link instead of creating a dedicated federated share * * @param remote * @param token * @param owner * @param ownerDisplayName * @param name * @param isProtected * @private */ _legacyCreateFederatedShare: function (remote, token, owner, ownerDisplayName, name, isProtected) { var self = this; var location = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.host + OC.getRootPath(); if(remote.substr(-1) !== '/') { remote += '/' } var url = remote + 'index.php/apps/files#' + 'remote=' + encodeURIComponent(location) // our location is the remote for the other server + "&token=" + encodeURIComponent(token) + "&owner=" + encodeURIComponent(owner) +"&ownerDisplayName=" + encodeURIComponent(ownerDisplayName) + "&name=" + encodeURIComponent(name) + "&protected=" + isProtected; if (remote.indexOf('://') > 0) { OC.redirect(url); } else { // if no protocol is specified, we automatically detect it by testing https and http // this check needs to happen on the server due to the Content Security Policy directive $.get(OC.generateUrl('apps/files_sharing/testremote'), {remote: remote}).then(function (protocol) { if (protocol !== 'http' && protocol !== 'https') { self._toggleLoading(); OC.dialogs.alert(t('files_sharing', 'No compatible server found at {remote}', {remote: remote}), t('files_sharing', 'Invalid server URL')); } else { OC.redirect(protocol + '://' + url); } }); } }, _toggleLoading: function() { var loading = $('#save-external-share > .icon.icon-loading-small').length === 0; if (loading) { $('#save-external-share > .icon-external') .removeClass("icon-external") .addClass("icon-loading-small"); $('#save-external-share #save-button-confirm').prop("disabled", true); } else { $('#save-external-share > .icon-loading-small') .addClass("icon-external") .removeClass("icon-loading-small"); $('#save-external-share #save-button-confirm').prop("disabled", false); } }, _createFederatedShare: function (remote, token, owner, ownerDisplayName, name, isProtected) { var self = this; this._toggleLoading(); if (remote.indexOf('@') === -1) { this._legacyCreateFederatedShare(remote, token, owner, ownerDisplayName, name, isProtected); return; } $.post( OC.generateUrl('/apps/federatedfilesharing/createFederatedShare'), { 'shareWith': remote, 'token': token } ).done( function (data) { var url = data.remoteUrl; if (url.indexOf('://') > 0) { OC.redirect(url); } else { OC.redirect('http://' + url); } } ).fail( function (jqXHR) { OC.dialogs.alert(JSON.parse(jqXHR.responseText).message, t('files_sharing', 'Failed to add the public link to your Nextcloud')); self._toggleLoading(); } ); } }; $(document).ready(function () { // FIXME: replace with OC.Plugins.register() if (window.TESTING) { return; } var App = OCA.Sharing.PublicApp; // defer app init, to give a chance to plugins to register file actions _.defer(function () { App.initialize($('#preview')); }); if (window.Files) { // HACK: for oc-dialogs previews that depends on Files: Files.generatePreviewUrl = function (urlSpec) { return App.fileList.generatePreviewUrl(urlSpec); }; } });