/* * Copyright (c) 2014 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ /* global FileList, FileActions */ $(document).ready(function() { var sharesLoaded = false; if (typeof OC.Share !== 'undefined' && typeof FileActions !== 'undefined') { // TODO: make a separate class for this or a hook or jQuery event ? if (OCA.Files.FileList) { var oldCreateRow = OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._createRow; OCA.Files.FileList.prototype._createRow = function(fileData) { var tr = oldCreateRow.apply(this, arguments); if (fileData.shareOwner) { tr.attr('data-share-owner', fileData.shareOwner); } return tr; }; } $('#fileList').on('fileActionsReady',function(){ // if no share action exists because the admin disabled sharing for this user // we create a share notification action to inform the user about files // shared with him otherwise we just update the existing share action. var allShared; var $fileList = $(this); if (oc_appconfig.core.sharingDisabledForUser) { allShared = $fileList.find('[data-share-owner]'); var shareNotification = '<a class="action action-share-notification permanent"' + ' data-action="Share-Notification" href="#" original-title="">' + ' <img class="svg" src="' + OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/share') + '"></img>'; $(allShared).find('.fileactions').append(function() { var owner = $(this).closest('tr').attr('data-share-owner'); var shareBy = t('files_sharing', 'Shared by {owner}', {owner: owner}); var $result = $(shareNotification + '<span> ' + shareBy + '</span></span>'); $result.on('click', function() { return false; }); return $result; }); } else { allShared = $fileList.find('[data-share-owner] [data-Action="Share"]'); allShared.addClass('permanent'); allShared.find('span').text(function(){ var $owner = $(this).closest('tr').attr('data-share-owner'); return ' ' + t('files_sharing', 'Shared by {owner}', {owner: $owner}); }); } // FIXME: these calls are also working on hard-coded // list selectors... if (!sharesLoaded){ OC.Share.loadIcons('file'); // assume that we got all shares, so switching directories // will not invalidate that list sharesLoaded = true; } else{ OC.Share.updateIcons('file'); } }); FileActions.register('all', 'Share', OC.PERMISSION_SHARE, OC.imagePath('core', 'actions/share'), function(filename) { var tr = FileList.findFileEl(filename); var itemType = 'file'; if ($(tr).data('type') == 'dir') { itemType = 'folder'; } var possiblePermissions = $(tr).data('permissions'); var appendTo = $(tr).find('td.filename'); // Check if drop down is already visible for a different file if (OC.Share.droppedDown) { if ($(tr).data('id') != $('#dropdown').attr('data-item-source')) { OC.Share.hideDropDown(function () { $(tr).addClass('mouseOver'); OC.Share.showDropDown(itemType, $(tr).data('id'), appendTo, true, possiblePermissions, filename); }); } else { OC.Share.hideDropDown(); } } else { $(tr).addClass('mouseOver'); OC.Share.showDropDown(itemType, $(tr).data('id'), appendTo, true, possiblePermissions, filename); } }); } });