<?php /** * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd@butonic.de> * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud GmbH. * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * */ namespace OCA\Files_Sharing\Command; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\IDBConnection; use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; /** * Cleanup 'shared::' storage entries that have no matching entries in the * shares_external table. */ class CleanupRemoteStorages extends Command { /** * @var IDBConnection */ protected $connection; public function __construct(IDBConnection $connection) { $this->connection = $connection; parent::__construct(); } protected function configure() { $this ->setName('sharing:cleanup-remote-storages') ->setDescription('Cleanup \'shared::\' storage entries that have no matching entries in the shares_external table') ->addOption( 'dry-run', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'only show which storages would be deleted' ); } public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $remoteStorages = $this->getRemoteStorages(); $output->writeln(count($remoteStorages) . " remote storage(s) need(s) to be checked"); $remoteShareIds = $this->getRemoteShareIds(); $output->writeln(count($remoteShareIds) . " remote share(s) exist"); foreach ($remoteShareIds as $id => $remoteShareId) { if (isset($remoteStorages[$remoteShareId])) { $output->writeln("$remoteShareId belongs to remote share $id"); unset($remoteStorages[$remoteShareId]); } else { $output->writeln("$remoteShareId for share $id has no matching storage, yet"); } } if (empty($remoteStorages)) { $output->writeln("no storages deleted"); } else { $dryRun = $input->getOption('dry-run'); foreach ($remoteStorages as $id => $numericId) { if ($dryRun) { $output->writeln("$id [$numericId] can be deleted"); $this->countFiles($numericId, $output); } else { $this->deleteStorage($id, $numericId, $output); } } } } public function countFiles ($numericId, OutputInterface $output) { $queryBuilder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select($queryBuilder->createFunction('count(fileid)')) ->from('filecache') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq( 'storage', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($numericId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ); $result = $queryBuilder->execute(); $count = $result->fetchColumn(); $output->writeln("$count files can be deleted for storage $numericId"); } public function deleteStorage ($id, $numericId, OutputInterface $output) { $queryBuilder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->delete('storages') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq( 'id', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($id, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ); $output->write("deleting $id [$numericId] ... "); $count = $queryBuilder->execute(); $output->writeln("deleted $count"); $this->deleteFiles($numericId, $output); } public function deleteFiles ($numericId, OutputInterface $output) { $queryBuilder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->delete('filecache') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq( 'storage', $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter($numericId, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ); $output->write("deleting files for storage $numericId ... "); $count = $queryBuilder->execute(); $output->writeln("deleted $count"); } public function getRemoteStorages() { $queryBuilder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select(['id', 'numeric_id']) ->from('storages') ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->like( 'id', // match all 'shared::' + 32 characters storages $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('shared::________________________________', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) ) ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->notLike( 'id', // but not the ones starting with a '/', they are for normal shares $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('shared::/%', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR), IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR) )->orderBy('numeric_id'); $query = $queryBuilder->execute(); $remoteStorages = []; while ($row = $query->fetch()) { $remoteStorages[$row['id']] = $row['numeric_id']; } return $remoteStorages; } public function getRemoteShareIds() { $queryBuilder = $this->connection->getQueryBuilder(); $queryBuilder->select(['id', 'share_token', 'remote']) ->from('share_external'); $query = $queryBuilder->execute(); $remoteShareIds = []; while ($row = $query->fetch()) { $remoteShareIds[$row['id']] = 'shared::' . md5($row['share_token'] . '@' . $row['remote']); } return $remoteShareIds; } }