/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ import { Node, View, registerFileAction, FileAction, Permission } from '@nextcloud/files' import { translate as t } from '@nextcloud/l10n' import { ShareType } from '@nextcloud/sharing' import AccountGroupSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/account-group.svg?raw' import AccountPlusSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/account-plus.svg?raw' import LinkSvg from '@mdi/svg/svg/link.svg?raw' import CircleSvg from '../../../../core/img/apps/circles.svg?raw' import { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth' import { action as sidebarAction } from '../../../files/src/actions/sidebarAction' import { generateAvatarSvg } from '../utils/AccountIcon' import './sharingStatusAction.scss' const isExternal = (node: Node) => { return node.attributes.remote_id !== undefined } export const action = new FileAction({ id: 'sharing-status', displayName(nodes: Node[]) { const node = nodes[0] const shareTypes = Object.values(node?.attributes?.['share-types'] || {}).flat() as number[] if (shareTypes.length > 0 || (node.owner !== getCurrentUser()?.uid || isExternal(node))) { return t('files_sharing', 'Shared') } return '' }, title(nodes: Node[]) { const node = nodes[0] if (node.owner && (node.owner !== getCurrentUser()?.uid || isExternal(node))) { const ownerDisplayName = node?.attributes?.['owner-display-name'] return t('files_sharing', 'Shared by {ownerDisplayName}', { ownerDisplayName }) } const shareTypes = Object.values(node?.attributes?.['share-types'] || {}).flat() as number[] if (shareTypes.length > 1) { return t('files_sharing', 'Shared multiple times with different people') } const sharees = node.attributes.sharees?.sharee as { id: string, 'display-name': string, type: ShareType }[] | undefined if (!sharees) { // No sharees so just show the default message to create a new share return t('files_sharing', 'Show sharing options') } const sharee = [sharees].flat()[0] // the property is sometimes weirdly normalized, so we need to compensate switch (sharee.type) { case ShareType.User: return t('files_sharing', 'Shared with {user}', { user: sharee['display-name'] }) case ShareType.Group: return t('files_sharing', 'Shared with group {group}', { group: sharee['display-name'] ?? sharee.id }) default: return t('files_sharing', 'Shared with others') } }, iconSvgInline(nodes: Node[]) { const node = nodes[0] const shareTypes = Object.values(node?.attributes?.['share-types'] || {}).flat() as number[] // Mixed share types if (Array.isArray(node.attributes?.['share-types']) && node.attributes?.['share-types'].length > 1) { return AccountPlusSvg } // Link shares if (shareTypes.includes(ShareType.Link) || shareTypes.includes(ShareType.Email)) { return LinkSvg } // Group shares if (shareTypes.includes(ShareType.Group) || shareTypes.includes(ShareType.RemoteGroup)) { return AccountGroupSvg } // Circle shares if (shareTypes.includes(ShareType.Team)) { return CircleSvg } if (node.owner && (node.owner !== getCurrentUser()?.uid || isExternal(node))) { return generateAvatarSvg(node.owner, isExternal(node)) } return AccountPlusSvg }, enabled(nodes: Node[]) { if (nodes.length !== 1) { return false } const node = nodes[0] const shareTypes = node.attributes?.['share-types'] const isMixed = Array.isArray(shareTypes) && shareTypes.length > 0 // If the node is shared multiple times with // different share types to the current user if (isMixed) { return true } // If the node is shared by someone else if (node.owner !== getCurrentUser()?.uid || isExternal(node)) { return true } return (node.permissions & Permission.SHARE) !== 0 }, async exec(node: Node, view: View, dir: string) { // You need read permissions to see the sidebar if ((node.permissions & Permission.READ) !== 0) { window.OCA?.Files?.Sidebar?.setActiveTab?.('sharing') return sidebarAction.exec(node, view, dir) } return null }, inline: () => true, }) registerFileAction(action)