{{ title }}
{{ clipboardTooltip }}
{{ errors.pending }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Please enter the following required information before creating the share') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password protection (enforced)') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Password protection') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a password') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Expiration date (enforced)') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a date') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Create share') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Cancel') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Share label') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Read only') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Allow upload and editing') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'File drop (upload only)') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Allow editing') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Hide download') }}
{{ config.enforcePasswordForPublicLink
? t('files_sharing', 'Password protection (enforced)')
: t('files_sharing', 'Password protect') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a password') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Video verification') }}
{{ config.isDefaultExpireDateEnforced
? t('files_sharing', 'Expiration date (enforced)')
: t('files_sharing', 'Set expiration date') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Enter a date') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Note to recipient') }}
{{ name }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Unshare') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Add another link') }}
{{ t('files_sharing', 'Create a new share link') }}