 * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@owncloud.com>
 * @author Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl>
 * @author Björn Schießle <schiessle@owncloud.com>
 * @author Felix Moeller <mail@felixmoeller.de>
 * @author Florin Peter <github@florin-peter.de>
 * @author Georg Ehrke <georg@owncloud.com>
 * @author Joas Schilling <nickvergessen@owncloud.com>
 * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd@butonic.de>
 * @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@owncloud.com>
 * @author Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>
 * @author Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
 * @author Robin McCorkell <robin@mccorkell.me.uk>
 * @author Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>
 * @author Victor Dubiniuk <dubiniuk@owncloud.com>
 * @author Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
 * @license AGPL-3.0
 * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

 * Versions
 * A class to handle the versioning of files.

namespace OCA\Files_Versions;

use OC\Files\Filesystem;
use OC\Files\View;
use OCA\Files_Versions\AppInfo\Application;
use OCA\Files_Versions\Command\Expire;
use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
use OCP\Lock\ILockingProvider;
use OCP\User;

class Storage {

	const DEFAULTMAXSIZE=50; // unit: percentage; 50% of available disk space/quota
	const VERSIONS_ROOT = 'files_versions/';


	// files for which we can remove the versions after the delete operation was successful
	private static $deletedFiles = array();

	private static $sourcePathAndUser = array();

	private static $max_versions_per_interval = array(
		//first 10sec, one version every 2sec
		1 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => 10,      'step' => 2),
		//next minute, one version every 10sec
		2 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => 60,      'step' => 10),
		//next hour, one version every minute
		3 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => 3600,    'step' => 60),
		//next 24h, one version every hour
		4 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => 86400,   'step' => 3600),
		//next 30days, one version per day
		5 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => 2592000, 'step' => 86400),
		//until the end one version per week
		6 => array('intervalEndsAfter' => -1,      'step' => 604800),
	/** @var \OCA\Files_Versions\AppInfo\Application */
	private static $application;

	 * get the UID of the owner of the file and the path to the file relative to
	 * owners files folder
	 * @param string $filename
	 * @return array
	 * @throws \OC\User\NoUserException
	public static function getUidAndFilename($filename) {
		$uid = Filesystem::getOwner($filename);
		$userManager = \OC::$server->getUserManager();
		// if the user with the UID doesn't exists, e.g. because the UID points
		// to a remote user with a federated cloud ID we use the current logged-in
		// user. We need a valid local user to create the versions
		if (!$userManager->userExists($uid)) {
			$uid = User::getUser();
		if ( $uid != User::getUser() ) {
			$info = Filesystem::getFileInfo($filename);
			$ownerView = new View('/'.$uid.'/files');
			try {
				$filename = $ownerView->getPath($info['fileid']);
				// make sure that the file name doesn't end with a trailing slash
				// can for example happen single files shared across servers
				$filename = rtrim($filename, '/');
			} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
				$filename = null;
		return [$uid, $filename];

	 * Remember the owner and the owner path of the source file
	 * @param string $source source path
	public static function setSourcePathAndUser($source) {
		list($uid, $path) = self::getUidAndFilename($source);
		self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source] = array('uid' => $uid, 'path' => $path);

	 * Gets the owner and the owner path from the source path
	 * @param string $source source path
	 * @return array with user id and path
	public static function getSourcePathAndUser($source) {

		if (isset(self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source])) {
			$uid = self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source]['uid'];
			$path = self::$sourcePathAndUser[$source]['path'];
		} else {
			$uid = $path = false;
		return array($uid, $path);

	 * get current size of all versions from a given user
	 * @param string $user user who owns the versions
	 * @return int versions size
	private static function getVersionsSize($user) {
		$view = new View('/' . $user);
		$fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/files_versions');
		return isset($fileInfo['size']) ? $fileInfo['size'] : 0;

	 * store a new version of a file.
	public static function store($filename) {
		if(\OCP\Config::getSystemValue('files_versions', Storage::DEFAULTENABLED)=='true') {

			// if the file gets streamed we need to remove the .part extension
			// to get the right target
			$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
			if ($ext === 'part') {
				$filename = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 5);

			// we only handle existing files
			if (! Filesystem::file_exists($filename) || Filesystem::is_dir($filename)) {
				return false;

			list($uid, $filename) = self::getUidAndFilename($filename);

			$files_view = new View('/'.$uid .'/files');
			$users_view = new View('/'.$uid);

			// no use making versions for empty files
			if ($files_view->filesize($filename) === 0) {
				return false;

			// create all parent folders
			self::createMissingDirectories($filename, $users_view);

			self::scheduleExpire($uid, $filename);

			// store a new version of a file
			$mtime = $users_view->filemtime('files/' . $filename);
			$users_view->copy('files/' . $filename, 'files_versions/' . $filename . '.v' . $mtime);
			// call getFileInfo to enforce a file cache entry for the new version
			$users_view->getFileInfo('files_versions/' . $filename . '.v' . $mtime);

	 * mark file as deleted so that we can remove the versions if the file is gone
	 * @param string $path
	public static function markDeletedFile($path) {
		list($uid, $filename) = self::getUidAndFilename($path);
		self::$deletedFiles[$path] = array(
			'uid' => $uid,
			'filename' => $filename);

	 * delete the version from the storage and cache
	 * @param View $view
	 * @param string $path
	protected static function deleteVersion($view, $path) {
		 * @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage
		 * @var string $internalPath
		list($storage, $internalPath) = $view->resolvePath($path);
		$cache = $storage->getCache($internalPath);

	 * Delete versions of a file
	public static function delete($path) {

		$deletedFile = self::$deletedFiles[$path];
		$uid = $deletedFile['uid'];
		$filename = $deletedFile['filename'];

		if (!Filesystem::file_exists($path)) {

			$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');

			$versions = self::getVersions($uid, $filename);
			if (!empty($versions)) {
				foreach ($versions as $v) {
					\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', array('path' => $path . $v['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED));
					self::deleteVersion($view, $filename . '.v' . $v['version']);
					\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', array('path' => $path . $v['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_MASTER_REMOVED));

	 * Rename or copy versions of a file of the given paths
	 * @param string $sourcePath source path of the file to move, relative to
	 * the currently logged in user's "files" folder
	 * @param string $targetPath target path of the file to move, relative to
	 * the currently logged in user's "files" folder
	 * @param string $operation can be 'copy' or 'rename'
	public static function renameOrCopy($sourcePath, $targetPath, $operation) {
		list($sourceOwner, $sourcePath) = self::getSourcePathAndUser($sourcePath);

		// it was a upload of a existing file if no old path exists
		// in this case the pre-hook already called the store method and we can
		// stop here
		if ($sourcePath === false) {
			return true;

		list($targetOwner, $targetPath) = self::getUidAndFilename($targetPath);

		$sourcePath = ltrim($sourcePath, '/');
		$targetPath = ltrim($targetPath, '/');

		$rootView = new View('');

		// did we move a directory ?
		if ($rootView->is_dir('/' . $targetOwner . '/files/' . $targetPath)) {
			// does the directory exists for versions too ?
			if ($rootView->is_dir('/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath)) {
				// create missing dirs if necessary
				self::createMissingDirectories($targetPath, new View('/'. $targetOwner));

				// move the directory containing the versions
					'/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath,
					'/' . $targetOwner . '/files_versions/' . $targetPath
		} else if ($versions = Storage::getVersions($sourceOwner, '/' . $sourcePath)) {
			// create missing dirs if necessary
			self::createMissingDirectories($targetPath, new View('/'. $targetOwner));

			foreach ($versions as $v) {
				// move each version one by one to the target directory
					'/' . $sourceOwner . '/files_versions/' . $sourcePath.'.v' . $v['version'],
					'/' . $targetOwner . '/files_versions/' . $targetPath.'.v'.$v['version']

		// if we moved versions directly for a file, schedule expiration check for that file
		if (!$rootView->is_dir('/' . $targetOwner . '/files/' . $targetPath)) {
			self::scheduleExpire($targetOwner, $targetPath);


	 * Rollback to an old version of a file.
	 * @param string $file file name
	 * @param int $revision revision timestamp
	public static function rollback($file, $revision) {

		if(\OCP\Config::getSystemValue('files_versions', Storage::DEFAULTENABLED)=='true') {
			// add expected leading slash
			$file = '/' . ltrim($file, '/');
			list($uid, $filename) = self::getUidAndFilename($file);
			$users_view = new View('/'.$uid);
			$files_view = new View('/'. User::getUser().'/files');
			$versionCreated = false;

			//first create a new version
			$version = 'files_versions'.$filename.'.v'.$users_view->filemtime('files'.$filename);
			if (!$users_view->file_exists($version)) {
				$users_view->copy('files'.$filename, 'files_versions'.$filename.'.v'.$users_view->filemtime('files'.$filename));
				$versionCreated = true;

			$fileToRestore =  'files_versions' . $filename . '.v' . $revision;

			// Restore encrypted version of the old file for the newly restored file
			// This has to happen manually here since the file is manually copied below
			$oldVersion = $users_view->getFileInfo($fileToRestore)->getEncryptedVersion();
			$newFileInfo = $files_view->getFileInfo($filename);
			$cache = $newFileInfo->getStorage()->getCache();
			$cache->update($newFileInfo->getId(), ['encrypted' => $oldVersion, 'encryptedVersion' => $oldVersion]);

			// rollback
			if (self::copyFileContents($users_view, $fileToRestore, 'files' . $filename)) {
				$files_view->touch($file, $revision);
				Storage::scheduleExpire($uid, $file);
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'rollback', array(
					'path' => $filename,
					'revision' => $revision,
				return true;
			} else if ($versionCreated) {
				self::deleteVersion($users_view, $version);
		return false;


	 * Stream copy file contents from $path1 to $path2
	 * @param View $view view to use for copying
	 * @param string $path1 source file to copy
	 * @param string $path2 target file
	 * @return bool true for success, false otherwise
	private static function copyFileContents($view, $path1, $path2) {
		/** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage1 */
		list($storage1, $internalPath1) = $view->resolvePath($path1);
		/** @var \OC\Files\Storage\Storage $storage2 */
		list($storage2, $internalPath2) = $view->resolvePath($path2);

		$view->lockFile($path1, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		$view->lockFile($path2, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

		// TODO add a proper way of overwriting a file while maintaining file ids
		if ($storage1->instanceOfStorage('\OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage') || $storage2->instanceOfStorage('\OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage')) {
			$source = $storage1->fopen($internalPath1, 'r');
			$target = $storage2->fopen($internalPath2, 'w');
			list(, $result) = \OC_Helper::streamCopy($source, $target);

			if ($result !== false) {
		} else {
			$result = $storage2->moveFromStorage($storage1, $internalPath1, $internalPath2);

		$view->unlockFile($path1, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);
		$view->unlockFile($path2, ILockingProvider::LOCK_EXCLUSIVE);

		return ($result !== false);

	 * get a list of all available versions of a file in descending chronological order
	 * @param string $uid user id from the owner of the file
	 * @param string $filename file to find versions of, relative to the user files dir
	 * @param string $userFullPath
	 * @return array versions newest version first
	public static function getVersions($uid, $filename, $userFullPath = '') {
		$versions = array();
		if (empty($filename)) {
			return $versions;
		// fetch for old versions
		$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/');

		$pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
		$versionedFile = $pathinfo['basename'];

		$dir = Filesystem::normalizePath(self::VERSIONS_ROOT . '/' . $pathinfo['dirname']);

		$dirContent = false;
		if ($view->is_dir($dir)) {
			$dirContent = $view->opendir($dir);

		if ($dirContent === false) {
			return $versions;

		if (is_resource($dirContent)) {
			while (($entryName = readdir($dirContent)) !== false) {
				if (!Filesystem::isIgnoredDir($entryName)) {
					$pathparts = pathinfo($entryName);
					$filename = $pathparts['filename'];
					if ($filename === $versionedFile) {
						$pathparts = pathinfo($entryName);
						$timestamp = substr($pathparts['extension'], 1);
						$filename = $pathparts['filename'];
						$key = $timestamp . '#' . $filename;
						$versions[$key]['version'] = $timestamp;
						$versions[$key]['humanReadableTimestamp'] = self::getHumanReadableTimestamp($timestamp);
						if (empty($userFullPath)) {
							$versions[$key]['preview'] = '';
						} else {
							$versions[$key]['preview'] = \OCP\Util::linkToRoute('core_ajax_versions_preview', array('file' => $userFullPath, 'version' => $timestamp));
						$versions[$key]['path'] = Filesystem::normalizePath($pathinfo['dirname'] . '/' . $filename);
						$versions[$key]['name'] = $versionedFile;
						$versions[$key]['size'] = $view->filesize($dir . '/' . $entryName);

		// sort with newest version first

		return $versions;

	 * Expire versions that older than max version retention time
	 * @param string $uid
	public static function expireOlderThanMaxForUser($uid){
		$expiration = self::getExpiration();
		$threshold = $expiration->getMaxAgeAsTimestamp();
		$versions = self::getAllVersions($uid);
		if (!$threshold || !array_key_exists('all', $versions)) {

		$toDelete = [];
		foreach (array_reverse($versions['all']) as $key => $version) {
			if (intval($version['version'])<$threshold) {
				$toDelete[$key] = $version;
			} else {
				//Versions are sorted by time - nothing mo to iterate.

		$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/files_versions');
		if (!empty($toDelete)) {
			foreach ($toDelete as $version) {
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', array('path' => $version['path'].'.v'.$version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_RETENTION_CONSTRAINT));
				self::deleteVersion($view, $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version']);
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', array('path' => $version['path'].'.v'.$version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_RETENTION_CONSTRAINT));

	 * translate a timestamp into a string like "5 days ago"
	 * @param int $timestamp
	 * @return string for example "5 days ago"
	private static function getHumanReadableTimestamp($timestamp) {

		$diff = time() - $timestamp;

		if ($diff < 60) { // first minute
			return  $diff . " seconds ago";
		} elseif ($diff < 3600) { //first hour
			return round($diff / 60) . " minutes ago";
		} elseif ($diff < 86400) { // first day
			return round($diff / 3600) . " hours ago";
		} elseif ($diff < 604800) { //first week
			return round($diff / 86400) . " days ago";
		} elseif ($diff < 2419200) { //first month
			return round($diff / 604800) . " weeks ago";
		} elseif ($diff < 29030400) { // first year
			return round($diff / 2419200) . " months ago";
		} else {
			return round($diff / 29030400) . " years ago";


	 * returns all stored file versions from a given user
	 * @param string $uid id of the user
	 * @return array with contains two arrays 'all' which contains all versions sorted by age and 'by_file' which contains all versions sorted by filename
	private static function getAllVersions($uid) {
		$view = new View('/' . $uid . '/');
		$dirs = array(self::VERSIONS_ROOT);
		$versions = array();

		while (!empty($dirs)) {
			$dir = array_pop($dirs);
			$files = $view->getDirectoryContent($dir);

			foreach ($files as $file) {
				if ($file['type'] === 'dir') {
					array_push($dirs, $file['path']);
				} else {
					$versionsBegin = strrpos($file['path'], '.v');
					$relPathStart = strlen(self::VERSIONS_ROOT);
					$version = substr($file['path'], $versionsBegin + 2);
					$relpath = substr($file['path'], $relPathStart, $versionsBegin - $relPathStart);
					$key = $version . '#' . $relpath;
					$versions[$key] = array('path' => $relpath, 'timestamp' => $version);

		// newest version first

		$result = array();

		foreach ($versions as $key => $value) {
			$size = $view->filesize(self::VERSIONS_ROOT.'/'.$value['path'].'.v'.$value['timestamp']);
			$filename = $value['path'];

			$result['all'][$key]['version'] = $value['timestamp'];
			$result['all'][$key]['path'] = $filename;
			$result['all'][$key]['size'] = $size;

			$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['version'] = $value['timestamp'];
			$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['path'] = $filename;
			$result['by_file'][$filename][$key]['size'] = $size;

		return $result;

	 * get list of files we want to expire
	 * @param array $versions list of versions
	 * @param integer $time
	 * @param bool $quotaExceeded is versions storage limit reached
	 * @return array containing the list of to deleted versions and the size of them
	protected static function getExpireList($time, $versions, $quotaExceeded = false) {
		$expiration = self::getExpiration();

		if ($expiration->shouldAutoExpire()) {
			list($toDelete, $size) = self::getAutoExpireList($time, $versions);
		} else {
			$size = 0;
			$toDelete = [];  // versions we want to delete

		foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
			if ($expiration->isExpired($version['version'], $quotaExceeded) && !isset($toDelete[$key])) {
				$size += $version['size'];
				$toDelete[$key] = $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'];

		return [$toDelete, $size];

	 * get list of files we want to expire
	 * @param array $versions list of versions
	 * @param integer $time
	 * @return array containing the list of to deleted versions and the size of them
	protected static function getAutoExpireList($time, $versions) {
		$size = 0;
		$toDelete = array();  // versions we want to delete

		$interval = 1;
		$step = Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['step'];
		if (Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'] == -1) {
			$nextInterval = -1;
		} else {
			$nextInterval = $time - Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'];

		$firstVersion = reset($versions);
		$firstKey = key($versions);
		$prevTimestamp = $firstVersion['version'];
		$nextVersion = $firstVersion['version'] - $step;

		foreach ($versions as $key => $version) {
			$newInterval = true;
			while ($newInterval) {
				if ($nextInterval == -1 || $prevTimestamp > $nextInterval) {
					if ($version['version'] > $nextVersion) {
						//distance between two version too small, mark to delete
						$toDelete[$key] = $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version'];
						$size += $version['size'];
						\OCP\Util::writeLog('files_versions', 'Mark to expire '. $version['path'] .' next version should be ' . $nextVersion . " or smaller. (prevTimestamp: " . $prevTimestamp . "; step: " . $step, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
					} else {
						$nextVersion = $version['version'] - $step;
						$prevTimestamp = $version['version'];
					$newInterval = false; // version checked so we can move to the next one
				} else { // time to move on to the next interval
					$step = Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['step'];
					$nextVersion = $prevTimestamp - $step;
					if (Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'] == -1) {
						$nextInterval = -1;
					} else {
						$nextInterval = $time - Storage::$max_versions_per_interval[$interval]['intervalEndsAfter'];
					$newInterval = true; // we changed the interval -> check same version with new interval

		return array($toDelete, $size);

	 * Schedule versions expiration for the given file
	 * @param string $uid owner of the file
	 * @param string $fileName file/folder for which to schedule expiration
	private static function scheduleExpire($uid, $fileName) {
		// let the admin disable auto expire
		$expiration = self::getExpiration();
		if ($expiration->isEnabled()) {
			$command = new Expire($uid, $fileName);

	 * Expire versions which exceed the quota
	 * @param string $filename
	 * @return bool|int|null
	public static function expire($filename) {
		$config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
		$expiration = self::getExpiration();
		if($config->getSystemValue('files_versions', Storage::DEFAULTENABLED)=='true' && $expiration->isEnabled()) {

			if (!Filesystem::file_exists($filename)) {
				return false;

			list($uid, $filename) = self::getUidAndFilename($filename);
			if (empty($filename)) {
				// file maybe renamed or deleted
				return false;
			$versionsFileview = new View('/'.$uid.'/files_versions');

			// get available disk space for user
			$user = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get($uid);
			$softQuota = true;
			$quota = $user->getQuota();
			if ( $quota === null || $quota === 'none' ) {
				$quota = Filesystem::free_space('/');
				$softQuota = false;
			} else {
				$quota = \OCP\Util::computerFileSize($quota);

			// make sure that we have the current size of the version history
			$versionsSize = self::getVersionsSize($uid);

			// calculate available space for version history
			// subtract size of files and current versions size from quota
			if ($quota >= 0) {
				if ($softQuota) {
					$files_view = new View('/' . $uid . '/files');
					$rootInfo = $files_view->getFileInfo('/', false);
					$free = $quota - $rootInfo['size']; // remaining free space for user
					if ($free > 0) {
						$availableSpace = ($free * self::DEFAULTMAXSIZE / 100) - $versionsSize; // how much space can be used for versions
					} else {
						$availableSpace = $free - $versionsSize;
				} else {
					$availableSpace = $quota;
			} else {
				$availableSpace = PHP_INT_MAX;

			$allVersions = Storage::getVersions($uid, $filename);

			$time = time();
			list($toDelete, $sizeOfDeletedVersions) = self::getExpireList($time, $allVersions, $availableSpace <= 0);

			$availableSpace = $availableSpace + $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
			$versionsSize = $versionsSize - $sizeOfDeletedVersions;

			// if still not enough free space we rearrange the versions from all files
			if ($availableSpace <= 0) {
				$result = Storage::getAllVersions($uid);
				$allVersions = $result['all'];

				foreach ($result['by_file'] as $versions) {
					list($toDeleteNew, $size) = self::getExpireList($time, $versions, $availableSpace <= 0);
					$toDelete = array_merge($toDelete, $toDeleteNew);
					$sizeOfDeletedVersions += $size;
				$availableSpace = $availableSpace + $sizeOfDeletedVersions;
				$versionsSize = $versionsSize - $sizeOfDeletedVersions;

			foreach($toDelete as $key => $path) {
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', array('path' => $path, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED));
				self::deleteVersion($versionsFileview, $path);
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', array('path' => $path, 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED));
				unset($allVersions[$key]); // update array with the versions we keep
				\OCP\Util::writeLog('files_versions', "Expire: " . $path, \OCP\Util::DEBUG);

			// Check if enough space is available after versions are rearranged.
			// If not we delete the oldest versions until we meet the size limit for versions,
			// but always keep the two latest versions
			$numOfVersions = count($allVersions) -2 ;
			$i = 0;
			// sort oldest first and make sure that we start at the first element
			while ($availableSpace < 0 && $i < $numOfVersions) {
				$version = current($allVersions);
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'preDelete', array('path' => $version['path'].'.v'.$version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED));
				self::deleteVersion($versionsFileview, $version['path'] . '.v' . $version['version']);
				\OC_Hook::emit('\OCP\Versions', 'delete', array('path' => $version['path'].'.v'.$version['version'], 'trigger' => self::DELETE_TRIGGER_QUOTA_EXCEEDED));
				\OCP\Util::writeLog('files_versions', 'running out of space! Delete oldest version: ' . $version['path'].'.v'.$version['version'] , \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
				$versionsSize -= $version['size'];
				$availableSpace += $version['size'];

			return $versionsSize; // finally return the new size of the version history

		return false;

	 * Create recursively missing directories inside of files_versions
	 * that match the given path to a file.
	 * @param string $filename $path to a file, relative to the user's
	 * "files" folder
	 * @param View $view view on data/user/
	private static function createMissingDirectories($filename, $view) {
		$dirname = Filesystem::normalizePath(dirname($filename));
		$dirParts = explode('/', $dirname);
		$dir = "/files_versions";
		foreach ($dirParts as $part) {
			$dir = $dir . '/' . $part;
			if (!$view->file_exists($dir)) {

	 * Static workaround
	 * @return Expiration
	protected static function getExpiration(){
		if (is_null(self::$application)) {
			self::$application = new Application();
		return self::$application->getContainer()->query('Expiration');
