<?php declare(strict_types=1); /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 John Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <skjnldsv@protonmail.com> * * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de> * @author Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at> * @author Georg Ehrke <oc.list@georgehrke.com> * @author Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com> * @author John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com> * @author Roeland Jago Douma <roeland@famdouma.nl> * @author Vincent Petry <vincent@nextcloud.com> * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ namespace OCA\Provisioning_API\Controller; use OC\Group\Manager; use OC\User\Backend; use OC\User\NoUserException; use OC_Helper; use OCP\Accounts\IAccountManager; use OCP\Accounts\PropertyDoesNotExistException; use OCP\AppFramework\Http; use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSException; use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSNotFoundException; use OCP\AppFramework\OCSController; use OCP\Files\NotFoundException; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\IGroupManager; use OCP\IRequest; use OCP\IUserManager; use OCP\IUserSession; use OCP\L10N\IFactory; use OCP\User\Backend\ISetDisplayNameBackend; use OCP\User\Backend\ISetPasswordBackend; abstract class AUserData extends OCSController { public const SCOPE_SUFFIX = 'Scope'; public const USER_FIELD_DISPLAYNAME = 'display'; public const USER_FIELD_LANGUAGE = 'language'; public const USER_FIELD_LOCALE = 'locale'; public const USER_FIELD_PASSWORD = 'password'; public const USER_FIELD_QUOTA = 'quota'; public const USER_FIELD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL = 'notify_email'; /** @var IUserManager */ protected $userManager; /** @var IConfig */ protected $config; /** @var IGroupManager|Manager */ // FIXME Requires a method that is not on the interface protected $groupManager; /** @var IUserSession */ protected $userSession; /** @var IAccountManager */ protected $accountManager; /** @var IFactory */ protected $l10nFactory; public function __construct(string $appName, IRequest $request, IUserManager $userManager, IConfig $config, IGroupManager $groupManager, IUserSession $userSession, IAccountManager $accountManager, IFactory $l10nFactory) { parent::__construct($appName, $request); $this->userManager = $userManager; $this->config = $config; $this->groupManager = $groupManager; $this->userSession = $userSession; $this->accountManager = $accountManager; $this->l10nFactory = $l10nFactory; } /** * creates a array with all user data * * @param string $userId * @param bool $includeScopes * @return array * @throws NotFoundException * @throws OCSException * @throws OCSNotFoundException */ protected function getUserData(string $userId, bool $includeScopes = false): array { $currentLoggedInUser = $this->userSession->getUser(); $data = []; // Check if the target user exists $targetUserObject = $this->userManager->get($userId); if ($targetUserObject === null) { throw new OCSNotFoundException('User does not exist'); } // Should be at least Admin Or SubAdmin! if ($this->groupManager->isAdmin($currentLoggedInUser->getUID()) || $this->groupManager->getSubAdmin()->isUserAccessible($currentLoggedInUser, $targetUserObject)) { $data['enabled'] = $this->config->getUserValue($targetUserObject->getUID(), 'core', 'enabled', 'true') === 'true'; } else { // Check they are looking up themselves if ($currentLoggedInUser->getUID() !== $targetUserObject->getUID()) { return $data; } } // Get groups data $userAccount = $this->accountManager->getAccount($targetUserObject); $groups = $this->groupManager->getUserGroups($targetUserObject); $gids = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $gids[] = $group->getGID(); } try { # might be thrown by LDAP due to handling of users disappears # from the external source (reasons unknown to us) # cf. https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/12991 $data['storageLocation'] = $targetUserObject->getHome(); } catch (NoUserException $e) { throw new OCSNotFoundException($e->getMessage(), $e); } // Find the data $data['id'] = $targetUserObject->getUID(); $data['lastLogin'] = $targetUserObject->getLastLogin() * 1000; $data['backend'] = $targetUserObject->getBackendClassName(); $data['subadmin'] = $this->getUserSubAdminGroupsData($targetUserObject->getUID()); $data[self::USER_FIELD_QUOTA] = $this->fillStorageInfo($targetUserObject->getUID()); try { if ($includeScopes) { $data[IAccountManager::PROPERTY_AVATAR . self::SCOPE_SUFFIX] = $userAccount->getProperty(IAccountManager::PROPERTY_AVATAR)->getScope(); } $data[IAccountManager::PROPERTY_EMAIL] = $targetUserObject->getSystemEMailAddress(); if ($includeScopes) { $data[IAccountManager::PROPERTY_EMAIL . self::SCOPE_SUFFIX] = $userAccount->getProperty(IAccountManager::PROPERTY_EMAIL)->getScope(); } $additionalEmails = $additionalEmailScopes = []; $emailCollection = $userAccount->getPropertyCollection(IAccountManager::COLLECTION_EMAIL); foreach ($emailCollection->getProperties() as $property) { $additionalEmails[] = $property->getValue(); if ($includeScopes) { $additionalEmailScopes[] = $property->getScope(); } } $data[IAccountManager::COLLECTION_EMAIL] = $additionalEmails; if ($includeScopes) { $data[IAccountManager::COLLECTION_EMAIL . self::SCOPE_SUFFIX] = $additionalEmailScopes; } $data[IAccountManager::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME] = $targetUserObject->getDisplayName(); if ($includeScopes) { $data[IAccountManager::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME . self::SCOPE_SUFFIX] = $userAccount->getProperty(IAccountManager::PROPERTY_DISPLAYNAME)->getScope(); } foreach ([ IAccountManager::PROPERTY_PHONE, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ADDRESS, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_WEBSITE, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_TWITTER, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_FEDIVERSE, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ORGANISATION, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_ROLE, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_HEADLINE, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_BIOGRAPHY, IAccountManager::PROPERTY_PROFILE_ENABLED, ] as $propertyName) { $property = $userAccount->getProperty($propertyName); $data[$propertyName] = $property->getValue(); if ($includeScopes) { $data[$propertyName . self::SCOPE_SUFFIX] = $property->getScope(); } } } catch (PropertyDoesNotExistException $e) { // hard coded properties should exist throw new OCSException($e->getMessage(), Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, $e); } $data['groups'] = $gids; $data[self::USER_FIELD_LANGUAGE] = $this->l10nFactory->getUserLanguage($targetUserObject); $data[self::USER_FIELD_LOCALE] = $this->config->getUserValue($targetUserObject->getUID(), 'core', 'locale'); $data[self::USER_FIELD_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL] = $targetUserObject->getPrimaryEMailAddress(); $backend = $targetUserObject->getBackend(); $data['backendCapabilities'] = [ 'setDisplayName' => $backend instanceof ISetDisplayNameBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::SET_DISPLAYNAME), 'setPassword' => $backend instanceof ISetPasswordBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::SET_PASSWORD), ]; return $data; } /** * Get the groups a user is a subadmin of * * @param string $userId * @return array * @throws OCSException */ protected function getUserSubAdminGroupsData(string $userId): array { $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); // Check if the user exists if ($user === null) { throw new OCSNotFoundException('User does not exist'); } // Get the subadmin groups $subAdminGroups = $this->groupManager->getSubAdmin()->getSubAdminsGroups($user); $groups = []; foreach ($subAdminGroups as $key => $group) { $groups[] = $group->getGID(); } return $groups; } /** * @param string $userId * @return array * @throws OCSException */ protected function fillStorageInfo(string $userId): array { try { \OC_Util::tearDownFS(); \OC_Util::setupFS($userId); $storage = OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('/'); $data = [ 'free' => $storage['free'], 'used' => $storage['used'], 'total' => $storage['total'], 'relative' => $storage['relative'], self::USER_FIELD_QUOTA => $storage['quota'], ]; } catch (NotFoundException $ex) { // User fs is not setup yet $user = $this->userManager->get($userId); if ($user === null) { throw new OCSException('User does not exist', 101); } $quota = $user->getQuota(); if ($quota !== 'none') { $quota = OC_Helper::computerFileSize($quota); } $data = [ self::USER_FIELD_QUOTA => $quota !== false ? $quota : 'none', 'used' => 0 ]; } return $data; } }