/* global OC */ /** * Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Appelman <icewind1991@gmail.com> * 2013, Morris Jobke <morris.jobke@gmail.com> * 2016, Christoph Wurst <christoph@owncloud.com> * 2017, Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de> * 2017, Thomas Citharel <tcit@tcit.fr> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { if($('#pass2').length) { $('#pass2').showPassword().keyup(); } var removeloader = function () { setTimeout(function(){ if ($('.password-state').length > 0) { $('.password-state').remove(); } }, 5000) }; $("#passwordbutton").click(function () { if ($('#pass1').val() !== '' && $('#pass2').val() !== '') { // Serialize the data var post = $("#passwordform").serialize(); $('#passwordchanged').hide(); $('#passworderror').hide(); $("#passwordbutton").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $("#passwordbutton").after("<span class='password-loading icon icon-loading-small-dark password-state'></span>"); $(".personal-show-label").hide(); // Ajax foo $.post(OC.generateUrl('/settings/personal/changepassword'), post, function (data) { if (data.status === "success") { $("#passwordbutton").after("<span class='checkmark icon icon-checkmark password-state'></span>"); removeloader(); $('#pass1').val(''); $('#pass2').val('').change(); } if (typeof(data.data) !== "undefined") { OC.msg.finishedSaving('#password-error-msg', data); } else { OC.msg.finishedSaving('#password-error-msg', { 'status' : 'error', 'data' : { 'message' : t('settings', 'Unable to change password') } } ); } $(".personal-show-label").show(); $(".password-loading").remove(); $("#passwordbutton").removeAttr('disabled'); }); return false; } else { OC.msg.finishedSaving('#password-error-msg', { 'status' : 'error', 'data' : { 'message' : t('settings', 'Unable to change password') } } ); return false; } }); $('#pass2').strengthify({ zxcvbn: OC.linkTo('core','vendor/zxcvbn/dist/zxcvbn.js'), titles: [ t('settings', 'Very weak password'), t('settings', 'Weak password'), t('settings', 'So-so password'), t('settings', 'Good password'), t('settings', 'Strong password') ], drawTitles: true, $addAfter: $('input[name="newpassword-clone"]'), nonce: btoa(OC.requestToken), }); });