OC.L10N.register( "settings", { "Private" : "Privat", "Local" : "Local", "Federated" : "Federated", "Only synchronize to trusted servers" : "Sincronizar pas qu’als servidors fisables", "Synchronize to trusted servers and the global and public address book" : "Sincronizar als servidors fisables e los annuaris d’adreças globals e publics", "Verify" : "Verificar", "Verifying …" : "Verificacion…", "Unable to change password" : "Cambiament impossible del senhal", "Very weak password" : "Senhal plan feble", "Weak password" : "Senhal feble", "So-so password" : "Senhal mejan", "Good password" : "Bon senhal", "Strong password" : "Senhal fòrt", "Groups" : "Gropes", "Group list is empty" : "La lista de grop es voida", "Unable to retrieve the group list" : "Recuperacion de la lista de grops impossibla", "{actor} added you to group {group}" : "{actor} vos a apondut al grop {group}", "You added {user} to group {group}" : "Avètz apondut {user} al grop {group}", "{actor} added {user} to group {group}" : "{actor} apondèt {user} al grop {group}", "An administrator added you to group {group}" : "Un administrator vos apondèt al grop {group}", "An administrator added {user} to group {group}" : "Un administrator apondèt {user} al grop {group}", "{actor} removed you from group {group}" : "{actor} vos levèt d’al grop {group}", "You removed {user} from group {group}" : "Levèretz {user} d’al grop {group}", "{actor} removed {user} from group {group}" : "{actor} levèt {user} d’al grop {group}", "An administrator removed you from group {group}" : "Un administrator vos levèt d’al grop {group}", "An administrator removed {user} from group {group}" : "Un administrator levèt {user} d’al grop {group}", "{actor} changed your password" : "{actor} a cambiat vòstre senhal", "You changed your password" : "Avètz cambiat de senhal", "Your password was reset by an administrator" : "Un administrator a reïnicializat vòstre senhal", "Your password was reset" : "Qualqu’un a reïnicializat vòstre senhal", "{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} cambièt vòstra adreça email", "You changed your email address" : "Avètz cambiat vòstra adreça email", "Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Un administrator cambièt vòstra adreça email", "You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Avètz suprimit lo senhal d’aplicacion « {token} »", "You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Avètz renommat lo senhal d’aplicacion « {token} » en « {newToken} »", "Security" : "Seguretat", "You successfully logged in using two-factor authentication (%1$s)" : "Vos sètz corrèctament connectat via l’autentificacion a dos factors (%1$s)", "Settings" : "Paramètres", "Wrong password" : "Wrong password", "Saved" : "Enregistrat", "Authentication error" : "Error d’autentificacion", "User documentation" : "Documentacion utilizaire", "Invalid SMTP password." : "Senhal SMTP invalid.", "Email setting test" : "Paramètres email de pròva", "Well done, %s!" : "Felicitacion, %s !", "Invalid mail address" : "Adreça email invalida", "Settings saved" : "Paramètres enregistrats", "Welcome aboard" : "La benvenguda a bòrd", "Welcome aboard %s" : "La benvenguda a bòrd %s", "Set your password" : "Definir vòstre senhal", "Go to %s" : "Anar a %s", "Install Client" : "Installar client", "Apps" : "Aplicacions", "Personal" : "Personal", "Administration" : "Administracion", "Users" : "Utilizaires", "Additional settings" : "Paramètres addicionals", "Administration privileges" : "Privilègis d’administracion", "Overview" : "Apercebut", "Basic settings" : "Paramètres de basa", "Sharing" : "Partiment", "Availability" : "Disponibilitat", "Calendar" : "Calendièr", "Personal info" : "Info personalas", "Mobile & desktop" : "Mobile e burèu", "Email server" : "Servidor email", "Background jobs" : "Prètzfaches de rèireplan", "Unlimited" : "Illimitat", "Verifying" : "Verificacion", "Disabled" : "Desactivat", "The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "La foncion « set_time_limit\" » es pas disponibla. Aquò poiriá menar a una execucion copada al mièg camin, e a una copadura de l’installacion. L’activacion d’aquesta foncion es forçadament recomandada.", "Your PHP does not have FreeType support, resulting in breakage of profile pictures and the settings interface." : "Vòstre PHP prend pas en carga FreeType, çò que causa lo rompement dels imatges de perfil e de l’interfàcia de paramètres.", "PHP does not seem to be setup properly to query system environment variables. The test with getenv(\"PATH\") only returns an empty response." : "PHP sembla corrèctament configurat per interpretar las variablas d’environament del sistèma. La pròva amb getenv(\"PATH\") a pas tornar una responda voida.", "The read-only config has been enabled. This prevents setting some configurations via the web-interface. Furthermore, the file needs to be made writable manually for every update." : "La configuracion lectura-sola es estada activada. Aquò empacha de configurar d’unes paramètres via l’interfàcia web. Pasmens, òm deu far venir lo fichièr modificable manualament per cada mesa a jorn.", "Architecture" : "Arquitectura", "Your database does not run with \"READ COMMITTED\" transaction isolation level. This can cause problems when multiple actions are executed in parallel." : "Vòstra basa de donada s’executa pas amb la transaccion de nivèl d’isolacion « READ COMMITTED ». Aquò pòt causar problèmas quand mantuna accion s’executan en parallèl.", "Nextcloud settings" : "Paramètres Nextcloud", "Enable" : "Activar", "None" : "Pas cap", "Two-Factor Authentication" : "Autentificacion dos factors", "Limit to groups" : "Limitar als grops", "Save changes" : "Enregistrar las modificacions", "Update to {update}" : "Actualizar en {update}", "Remove" : "Suprimir", "Name" : "Nom", "Version" : "Version", "Actions" : "Accions", "Disable all" : "Desactivar tot", "_%n app has an update available_::_%n apps have an update available_" : ["%n aplicacion an una mesa a jorn de disponibla","%n aplicacions an una mesa a jorn de disponibla"], "Loading" : "Cargament", "Type" : "Tipe", "Confirm" : "Confirmar", "Cancel" : "Anullar", "Description" : "Descripcion", "Details" : "Detalhs", "All" : "Tot", "No results" : "Cap de resultat", "Update to {version}" : "Metre a jorn cap a {version}", "Categories" : "Categorias", "Documentation" : "Documentacion", "Report a bug" : "Raportar un bug", "Request feature" : "Demanda de foncionalitat", "Ask questions or discuss" : "Pausar de question o discutir", "View in store" : "Veire a la botiga", "Visit website" : "Veire lo site web", "Admin documentation" : "Documentacion d’admin", "Developer documentation" : "Documentacion desvolopaire", "Changelog" : "Nòta de version", "Device settings" : "Paramètres periferic", "Allow filesystem access" : "Permetre accès filesystem", "Rename" : "Renomenar", "Revoke" : "Revocar", "Wipe device" : "Tirar periferic", "Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome per Android", "{productName} iOS app" : "Aplicacion iOS {productName}", "{productName} Android app" : "Aplicacion Android {productName}", "{productName} Talk for iOS" : "Talk de {productName} per iOS", "{productName} Talk for Android" : "Talk de {productName} per Android", "This session" : "Aquesta session", "Device" : "Periferic", "Last activity" : "Darrièra activitat", "Devices & sessions" : "Periferics e sessions", "App name" : "Nom d’aplicacion", "Login" : "Login", "Password" : "Senhal", "Profile" : "Perfil", "Enable encryption" : "Activar lo chiframent", "Submit" : "Transmetre", "Rename group" : "Renomenar lo grop", "Remove group" : "Suprimir lo grop", "Current password" : "Senhal actual", "New password" : "Senhal novèl", "Change password" : "Cambiar de senhal", "Picture provided by original account" : "Imatge provesit pel compte d’origina", "You are a member of the following groups:" : "Formatz part d’aquestes grops :", "Your full name" : "Vòstre nom complèt", "Email options" : "Opcions d’email", "This address is not confirmed" : "Aquesta adreça es pas confirmada", "Set as primary email" : "Definir coma adreça principala", "No email address set" : "Cap d’adreça pas definida", "Your headline" : "Vòstre títol", "Help translate" : "Ajudar a traduire", "Unable to update language" : "Actualizacion de la lenga impossibla", "No language set" : "Cap de lenga pas definida", "Your organisation" : "Vòstra organizacion", "Your phone number" : "Vòstre numèro de telefòn", "Edit your Profile visibility" : "Modificatz la visibilitat de vòstre perfil", "Your role" : "Vòstre ròtle", "Add" : "Ajustar", "Create" : "Crear", "Change" : "Modificar", "Delete" : "Suprimir", "Reshare" : "Repartir", "Default language" : "Lenga per defaut", "Common languages" : "Lengas comunas", "Other languages" : "Autras lengas", "Display name" : "Nom afichat", "Email" : "Adreça corrièl", "Quota" : "Quota", "Language" : "Lenga", "Avatar" : "Avatar", "Last login" : "Darrièra connexion", "{size} used" : "{size} utilizat", "Resend welcome email" : "Tornar enviar l’email de benvenguda", "Account deletion" : "Supression de compte", "Delete {userid}'s account" : "Suprimir lo compte de {userid}", "Welcome mail sent!" : "Email de benvenguda enviat !", "Done" : "Done", "Edit" : "Modificar", "Visibility" : "Visibilitat", "Show last login" : "Afichar la darrièra connexion", "Send email" : "Enviar email", "Default quota" : "Quota per defaut", "Adding your device …" : "Apondon del periferic…", "Unnamed device" : "Periferic sens nom", "Passwordless Authentication" : "Autentificacion sens senhal", "No devices configured." : "Cap de periferic pas configurat.", "Your browser does not support WebAuthn." : "Vòstre navigador es pas compatible amb WebAuthn.", "Admins" : "Admins", "Group name" : "Nom del grop", "Sending…" : "Mandadís…", "Email sent" : "Corrièl mandat", "Location" : "Emplaçament", "Profile picture" : "Imatge de perfil", "About" : "A prepaus", "Full name" : "Nom complèt", "Additional email" : "Email suplementari", "Headline" : "Títol", "Organisation" : "Organizacion", "Phone number" : "Numèro de telefòn", "Role" : "Ròtle", "Website" : "Site web", "Profile visibility" : "Visibilitat perfil", "Locale" : "Varianta lingüistica", "Your apps" : "Vòstras aplicacions", "Active apps" : "Aplicacions activas", "Disabled apps" : "Aplicacions desactivadas", "Updates" : "Mesas a jorn", "Show to everyone" : "Afichar a tot lo monde", "Hide" : "Amagar", "Disable" : "Desactivar", "Unknown" : "Desconegut", "Never" : "Pas jamais", "There were too many requests from your network. Retry later or contact your administrator if this is an error." : "I a agut tròp de requèstas a partir de vòstre ret. Tornatz ensajar mai tard o contactatz vòstre administrator s’aquò es una error.", "Error" : "Error", "Forum" : "Forum", "Open documentation" : "Dobrir la documentacion", "Send mode" : "Mòde de mandadís", "Encryption" : "Chiframent", "Server address" : "Adreça del servidor", "Port" : "Pòrt", "Authentication" : "Autentificacion", "Authentication required" : "Autentificacion requerida", "Credentials" : "Informacions d'identificacion", "SMTP Password" : "Senhal SMTP", "Save" : "Salvar", "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Desvolopat per la {communityopen}comunautat Nextcloud{linkclose}, lo {githubopen}còdi font{linkclose} es jos licéncia {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.", "Like our Facebook page" : "Aimar nòstra pagina Facebook", "Follow us on Mastodon" : "Nos seguir sus Mastodon", "Check out our blog" : "Donar un còp d’uèlh a nòstre blòg", "Subscribe to our newsletter" : "S’abonar a l’infoletra", "Set default expiration date for shares" : "Definir una data d’expiracion per defaut pels partatges", "Your biography" : "Vòstra biografia", "New user" : "Utilizaire novèl", "Username" : "Nom d'utilizaire", "Add user to group" : "Apondre utilizaire al grop", "Name your device" : "Nommatz vòstre periferic", "Follow us on Twitter" : "Nos seguir sus Twitter" }, "nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");