appData = $appDataFactory->get('appstore'); } /** * @psalm-suppress UndefinedClass AppAPI is shipped since 30.0.1 * * @return TemplateResponse */ #[NoCSRFRequired] public function viewApps(): TemplateResponse { $this->navigationManager->setActiveEntry('core_apps'); $this->initialState->provideInitialState('appstoreEnabled', $this->config->getSystemValueBool('appstoreenabled', true)); $this->initialState->provideInitialState('appstoreBundles', $this->getBundles()); $this->initialState->provideInitialState('appstoreDeveloperDocs', $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('developer-manual')); $this->initialState->provideInitialState('appstoreUpdateCount', count($this->getAppsWithUpdates())); if ($this->appManager->isEnabledForAnyone('app_api')) { try { Server::get(ExAppsPageService::class)->provideAppApiState($this->initialState); } catch (\Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface|\Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface $e) { } } $policy = new ContentSecurityPolicy(); $policy->addAllowedImageDomain(''); $templateResponse = new TemplateResponse('settings', 'settings/empty', ['pageTitle' => $this->l10n->t('Settings')]); $templateResponse->setContentSecurityPolicy($policy); Util::addStyle('settings', 'settings'); Util::addScript('settings', 'vue-settings-apps-users-management'); return $templateResponse; } /** * Get all active entries for the app discover section */ #[NoCSRFRequired] public function getAppDiscoverJSON(): JSONResponse { $data = $this->discoverFetcher->get(true); return new JSONResponse(array_values($data)); } /** * Get a image for the app discover section - this is proxied for privacy and CSP reasons * * @param string $image * @throws \Exception */ #[PublicPage] #[NoCSRFRequired] public function getAppDiscoverMedia(string $fileName): Response { $getEtag = $this->discoverFetcher->getETag() ?? date('Y-m'); $etag = trim($getEtag, '"'); $folder = null; try { $folder = $this->appData->getFolder('app-discover-cache'); $this->cleanUpImageCache($folder, $etag); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $folder = $this->appData->newFolder('app-discover-cache'); } // Get the current cache folder try { $folder = $folder->getFolder($etag); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $folder = $folder->newFolder($etag); } $info = pathinfo($fileName); $hashName = md5($fileName); $allFiles = $folder->getDirectoryListing(); // Try to find the file $file = array_filter($allFiles, function (ISimpleFile $file) use ($hashName) { return str_starts_with($file->getName(), $hashName); }); // Get the first entry $file = reset($file); // If not found request from Web if ($file === false) { try { $client = $this->clientService->newClient(); $fileResponse = $client->get($fileName); $contentType = $fileResponse->getHeader('Content-Type'); $extension = $info['extension'] ?? ''; $file = $folder->newFile($hashName . '.' . base64_encode($contentType) . '.' . $extension, $fileResponse->getBody()); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->warning('Could not load media file for app discover section', ['media_src' => $fileName, 'exception' => $e]); return new NotFoundResponse(); } } else { // File was found so we can get the content type from the file name $contentType = base64_decode(explode('.', $file->getName())[1] ?? ''); } $response = new FileDisplayResponse($file, Http::STATUS_OK, ['Content-Type' => $contentType]); // cache for 7 days $response->cacheFor(604800, false, true); return $response; } /** * Remove orphaned folders from the image cache that do not match the current etag * @param ISimpleFolder $folder The folder to clear * @param string $etag The etag (directory name) to keep */ private function cleanUpImageCache(ISimpleFolder $folder, string $etag): void { // Cleanup old cache folders $allFiles = $folder->getDirectoryListing(); foreach ($allFiles as $dir) { try { if ($dir->getName() !== $etag) { $dir->delete(); } } catch (NotPermittedException $e) { // ignore folder for now } } } private function getAppsWithUpdates() { $appClass = new \OC_App(); $apps = $appClass->listAllApps(); foreach ($apps as $key => $app) { $newVersion = $this->installer->isUpdateAvailable($app['id']); if ($newVersion === false) { unset($apps[$key]); } } return $apps; } private function getBundles() { $result = []; $bundles = $this->bundleFetcher->getBundles(); foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { $result[] = [ 'name' => $bundle->getName(), 'id' => $bundle->getIdentifier(), 'appIdentifiers' => $bundle->getAppIdentifiers() ]; } return $result; } /** * Get all available categories * * @return JSONResponse */ public function listCategories(): JSONResponse { return new JSONResponse($this->getAllCategories()); } private function getAllCategories() { $currentLanguage = substr($this->l10nFactory->findLanguage(), 0, 2); $categories = $this->categoryFetcher->get(); return array_map(fn ($category) => [ 'id' => $category['id'], 'displayName' => $category['translations'][$currentLanguage]['name'] ?? $category['translations']['en']['name'], ], $categories); } /** * Convert URL to proxied URL so CSP is no problem */ private function createProxyPreviewUrl(string $url): string { if ($url === '') { return ''; } return '' . base64_encode($url); } private function fetchApps() { $appClass = new \OC_App(); $apps = $appClass->listAllApps(); foreach ($apps as $app) { $app['installed'] = true; if (isset($app['screenshot'][0])) { $appScreenshot = $app['screenshot'][0] ?? null; if (is_array($appScreenshot)) { // Screenshot with thumbnail $appScreenshot = $appScreenshot['@value']; } $app['screenshot'] = $this->createProxyPreviewUrl($appScreenshot); } $this->allApps[$app['id']] = $app; } $apps = $this->getAppsForCategory(''); $supportedApps = $appClass->getSupportedApps(); foreach ($apps as $app) { $app['appstore'] = true; if (!array_key_exists($app['id'], $this->allApps)) { $this->allApps[$app['id']] = $app; } else { $this->allApps[$app['id']] = array_merge($app, $this->allApps[$app['id']]); } if (in_array($app['id'], $supportedApps)) { $this->allApps[$app['id']]['level'] = \OC_App::supportedApp; } } // add bundle information $bundles = $this->bundleFetcher->getBundles(); foreach ($bundles as $bundle) { foreach ($bundle->getAppIdentifiers() as $identifier) { foreach ($this->allApps as &$app) { if ($app['id'] === $identifier) { $app['bundleIds'][] = $bundle->getIdentifier(); continue; } } } } } private function getAllApps() { return $this->allApps; } /** * Get all available apps in a category * * @return JSONResponse * @throws \Exception */ public function listApps(): JSONResponse { $this->fetchApps(); $apps = $this->getAllApps(); $dependencyAnalyzer = new DependencyAnalyzer(new Platform($this->config), $this->l10n); $ignoreMaxApps = $this->config->getSystemValue('app_install_overwrite', []); if (!is_array($ignoreMaxApps)) { $this->logger->warning('The value given for app_install_overwrite is not an array. Ignoring...'); $ignoreMaxApps = []; } // Extend existing app details $apps = array_map(function (array $appData) use ($dependencyAnalyzer, $ignoreMaxApps) { if (isset($appData['appstoreData'])) { $appstoreData = $appData['appstoreData']; $appData['screenshot'] = $this->createProxyPreviewUrl($appstoreData['screenshots'][0]['url'] ?? ''); $appData['category'] = $appstoreData['categories']; $appData['releases'] = $appstoreData['releases']; } $newVersion = $this->installer->isUpdateAvailable($appData['id']); if ($newVersion) { $appData['update'] = $newVersion; } // fix groups to be an array $groups = []; if (is_string($appData['groups'])) { $groups = json_decode($appData['groups']); // ensure 'groups' is an array if (!is_array($groups)) { $groups = [$groups]; } } $appData['groups'] = $groups; $appData['canUnInstall'] = !$appData['active'] && $appData['removable']; // fix licence vs license if (isset($appData['license']) && !isset($appData['licence'])) { $appData['licence'] = $appData['license']; } $ignoreMax = in_array($appData['id'], $ignoreMaxApps); // analyse dependencies $missing = $dependencyAnalyzer->analyze($appData, $ignoreMax); $appData['canInstall'] = empty($missing); $appData['missingDependencies'] = $missing; $appData['missingMinOwnCloudVersion'] = !isset($appData['dependencies']['nextcloud']['@attributes']['min-version']); $appData['missingMaxOwnCloudVersion'] = !isset($appData['dependencies']['nextcloud']['@attributes']['max-version']); $appData['isCompatible'] = $dependencyAnalyzer->isMarkedCompatible($appData); return $appData; }, $apps); usort($apps, [$this, 'sortApps']); return new JSONResponse(['apps' => $apps, 'status' => 'success']); } /** * Get all apps for a category from the app store * * @param string $requestedCategory * @return array * @throws \Exception */ private function getAppsForCategory($requestedCategory = ''): array { $versionParser = new VersionParser(); $formattedApps = []; $apps = $this->appFetcher->get(); foreach ($apps as $app) { // Skip all apps not in the requested category if ($requestedCategory !== '') { $isInCategory = false; foreach ($app['categories'] as $category) { if ($category === $requestedCategory) { $isInCategory = true; } } if (!$isInCategory) { continue; } } if (!isset($app['releases'][0]['rawPlatformVersionSpec'])) { continue; } $nextCloudVersion = $versionParser->getVersion($app['releases'][0]['rawPlatformVersionSpec']); $nextCloudVersionDependencies = []; if ($nextCloudVersion->getMinimumVersion() !== '') { $nextCloudVersionDependencies['nextcloud']['@attributes']['min-version'] = $nextCloudVersion->getMinimumVersion(); } if ($nextCloudVersion->getMaximumVersion() !== '') { $nextCloudVersionDependencies['nextcloud']['@attributes']['max-version'] = $nextCloudVersion->getMaximumVersion(); } $phpVersion = $versionParser->getVersion($app['releases'][0]['rawPhpVersionSpec']); try { $this->appManager->getAppPath($app['id']); $existsLocally = true; } catch (AppPathNotFoundException) { $existsLocally = false; } $phpDependencies = []; if ($phpVersion->getMinimumVersion() !== '') { $phpDependencies['php']['@attributes']['min-version'] = $phpVersion->getMinimumVersion(); } if ($phpVersion->getMaximumVersion() !== '') { $phpDependencies['php']['@attributes']['max-version'] = $phpVersion->getMaximumVersion(); } if (isset($app['releases'][0]['minIntSize'])) { $phpDependencies['php']['@attributes']['min-int-size'] = $app['releases'][0]['minIntSize']; } $authors = ''; foreach ($app['authors'] as $key => $author) { $authors .= $author['name']; if ($key !== count($app['authors']) - 1) { $authors .= ', '; } } $currentLanguage = substr($this->l10nFactory->findLanguage(), 0, 2); $enabledValue = $this->config->getAppValue($app['id'], 'enabled', 'no'); $groups = null; if ($enabledValue !== 'no' && $enabledValue !== 'yes') { $groups = $enabledValue; } $currentVersion = ''; if ($this->appManager->isEnabledForAnyone($app['id'])) { $currentVersion = $this->appManager->getAppVersion($app['id']); } else { $currentVersion = $app['releases'][0]['version']; } $formattedApps[] = [ 'id' => $app['id'], 'app_api' => false, 'name' => $app['translations'][$currentLanguage]['name'] ?? $app['translations']['en']['name'], 'description' => $app['translations'][$currentLanguage]['description'] ?? $app['translations']['en']['description'], 'summary' => $app['translations'][$currentLanguage]['summary'] ?? $app['translations']['en']['summary'], 'license' => $app['releases'][0]['licenses'], 'author' => $authors, 'shipped' => $this->appManager->isShipped($app['id']), 'version' => $currentVersion, 'default_enable' => '', 'types' => [], 'documentation' => [ 'admin' => $app['adminDocs'], 'user' => $app['userDocs'], 'developer' => $app['developerDocs'] ], 'website' => $app['website'], 'bugs' => $app['issueTracker'], 'detailpage' => $app['website'], 'dependencies' => array_merge( $nextCloudVersionDependencies, $phpDependencies ), 'level' => ($app['isFeatured'] === true) ? 200 : 100, 'missingMaxOwnCloudVersion' => false, 'missingMinOwnCloudVersion' => false, 'canInstall' => true, 'screenshot' => isset($app['screenshots'][0]['url']) ? '' . base64_encode($app['screenshots'][0]['url']) : '', 'score' => $app['ratingOverall'], 'ratingNumOverall' => $app['ratingNumOverall'], 'ratingNumThresholdReached' => $app['ratingNumOverall'] > 5, 'removable' => $existsLocally, 'active' => $this->appManager->isEnabledForUser($app['id']), 'needsDownload' => !$existsLocally, 'groups' => $groups, 'fromAppStore' => true, 'appstoreData' => $app, ]; } return $formattedApps; } /** * @param string $appId * @param array $groups * @return JSONResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired] public function enableApp(string $appId, array $groups = []): JSONResponse { return $this->enableApps([$appId], $groups); } /** * Enable one or more apps * * apps will be enabled for specific groups only if $groups is defined * * @param array $appIds * @param array $groups * @return JSONResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired] public function enableApps(array $appIds, array $groups = []): JSONResponse { try { $updateRequired = false; foreach ($appIds as $appId) { $appId = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($appId); // Check if app is already downloaded /** @var Installer $installer */ $installer = Server::get(Installer::class); $isDownloaded = $installer->isDownloaded($appId); if (!$isDownloaded) { $installer->downloadApp($appId); } $installer->installApp($appId); if (count($groups) > 0) { $this->appManager->enableAppForGroups($appId, $this->getGroupList($groups)); } else { $this->appManager->enableApp($appId); } if (\OC_App::shouldUpgrade($appId)) { $updateRequired = true; } } return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['update_required' => $updateRequired]]); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->error('could not enable apps', ['exception' => $e]); return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['message' => $e->getMessage()]], Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } private function getGroupList(array $groups) { $groupManager = Server::get(IGroupManager::class); $groupsList = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { $groupItem = $groupManager->get($group); if ($groupItem instanceof IGroup) { $groupsList[] = $groupManager->get($group); } } return $groupsList; } /** * @param string $appId * @return JSONResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired] public function disableApp(string $appId): JSONResponse { return $this->disableApps([$appId]); } /** * @param array $appIds * @return JSONResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired] public function disableApps(array $appIds): JSONResponse { try { foreach ($appIds as $appId) { $appId = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($appId); $this->appManager->disableApp($appId); } return new JSONResponse([]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('could not disable app', ['exception' => $e]); return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['message' => $e->getMessage()]], Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } /** * @param string $appId * @return JSONResponse */ #[PasswordConfirmationRequired] public function uninstallApp(string $appId): JSONResponse { $appId = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($appId); $result = $this->installer->removeApp($appId); if ($result !== false) { // If this app was force enabled, remove the force-enabled-state $this->appManager->removeOverwriteNextcloudRequirement($appId); $this->appManager->clearAppsCache(); return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['appid' => $appId]]); } return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['message' => $this->l10n->t('Could not remove app.')]], Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } /** * @param string $appId * @return JSONResponse */ public function updateApp(string $appId): JSONResponse { $appId = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($appId); $this->config->setSystemValue('maintenance', true); try { $result = $this->installer->updateAppstoreApp($appId); $this->config->setSystemValue('maintenance', false); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $this->config->setSystemValue('maintenance', false); return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['message' => $ex->getMessage()]], Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } if ($result !== false) { return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['appid' => $appId]]); } return new JSONResponse(['data' => ['message' => $this->l10n->t('Could not update app.')]], Http::STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } private function sortApps($a, $b) { $a = (string)$a['name']; $b = (string)$b['name']; if ($a === $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } public function force(string $appId): JSONResponse { $appId = $this->appManager->cleanAppId($appId); $this->appManager->overwriteNextcloudRequirement($appId); return new JSONResponse(); } }