l10n->t('Logging level'); } public function getCategory(): string { return 'system'; } public function run(): SetupResult { $configLogLevel = $this->config->getSystemValue('loglevel', ILogger::WARN); if (!is_int($configLogLevel) || $configLogLevel < ILogger::DEBUG || $configLogLevel > ILogger::FATAL ) { return SetupResult::error( $this->l10n->t('The %1$s configuration option must be a valid integer value.', ['`loglevel`']), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-logging'), ); } if ($configLogLevel === ILogger::DEBUG) { return SetupResult::warning( $this->l10n->t('The logging level is set to debug level. Use debug level only when you have a problem to diagnose, and then reset your log level to a less-verbose level as it outputs a lot of information, and can affect your server performance.'), $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-logging'), ); } return SetupResult::success($this->l10n->t('Logging level configured correctly.')); } }