  - @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Julius Härtl <jus@bitgrid.net>
  - @author Julius Härtl <jus@bitgrid.net>
  - @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
  - This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  - it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
  - published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
  - License, or (at your option) any later version.
  - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  - but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  - GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
  - You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
  - along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

	<div id="app-content-inner">
		<div id="apps-list" class="apps-list" :class="{installed: (useBundleView || useListView), store: useAppStoreView}">
			<template v-if="useListView">
				<div v-if="showUpdateAll" class="counter">
					{{ n('settings', '%n app has an update available', '%n apps have an update available', counter) }}
					<button v-if="showUpdateAll"
						{{ t('settings', 'Update all') }}
				<transition-group name="app-list" tag="div" class="apps-list-container">
					<AppItem v-for="app in apps"
						:category="category" />
			<transition-group v-if="useBundleView"
				<template v-for="bundle in bundles">
					<div :key="bundle.id" class="apps-header">
						<div class="app-image" />
						<h2>{{ bundle.name }} <input type="button" :value="bundleToggleText(bundle.id)" @click="toggleBundle(bundle.id)"></h2>
						<div class="app-version" />
						<div class="app-level" />
						<div class="app-groups" />
						<div class="actions">
					<AppItem v-for="app in bundleApps(bundle.id)"
						:key="bundle.id + app.id"
						:category="category" />
			<template v-if="useAppStoreView">
				<AppItem v-for="app in apps"
					:list-view="false" />

		<div id="apps-list-search" class="apps-list installed">
			<div class="apps-list-container">
				<template v-if="search !== '' && searchApps.length > 0">
					<div class="section">
						<div />
						<td colspan="5">
							<h2>{{ t('settings', 'Results from other categories') }}</h2>
					<AppItem v-for="app in searchApps"
						:list-view="true" />

		<div v-if="search !== '' && !loading && searchApps.length === 0 && apps.length === 0" id="apps-list-empty" class="emptycontent emptycontent-search">
			<div id="app-list-empty-icon" class="icon-settings-dark" />
			<h2>{{ t('settings', 'No apps found for your version') }}</h2>

		<div id="searchresults" />

import AppItem from './AppList/AppItem'
import PrefixMixin from './PrefixMixin'
import pLimit from 'p-limit'

export default {
	name: 'AppList',
	components: {
	mixins: [PrefixMixin],
	props: ['category', 'app', 'search'],
	computed: {
		counter() {
			return this.apps.filter(app => app.update).length
		loading() {
			return this.$store.getters.loading('list')
		hasPendingUpdate() {
			return this.apps.filter(app => app.update).length > 1
		showUpdateAll() {
			return this.hasPendingUpdate && ['installed', 'updates'].includes(this.category)
		apps() {
			const apps = this.$store.getters.getAllApps
				.filter(app => app.name.toLowerCase().search(this.search.toLowerCase()) !== -1)
				.sort(function(a, b) {
					const sortStringA = '' + (a.active ? 0 : 1) + (a.update ? 0 : 1) + a.name
					const sortStringB = '' + (b.active ? 0 : 1) + (b.update ? 0 : 1) + b.name
					return OC.Util.naturalSortCompare(sortStringA, sortStringB)

			if (this.category === 'installed') {
				return apps.filter(app => app.installed)
			if (this.category === 'enabled') {
				return apps.filter(app => app.active && app.installed)
			if (this.category === 'disabled') {
				return apps.filter(app => !app.active && app.installed)
			if (this.category === 'app-bundles') {
				return apps.filter(app => app.bundles)
			if (this.category === 'updates') {
				return apps.filter(app => app.update)
			if (this.category === 'featured') {
				return apps.filter(app => app.level === 200)
			// filter app store categories
			return apps.filter(app => {
				return app.appstore && app.category !== undefined
					&& (app.category === this.category || app.category.indexOf(this.category) > -1)
		bundles() {
			return this.$store.getters.getServerData.bundles.filter(bundle => this.bundleApps(bundle.id).length > 0)
		bundleApps() {
			return function(bundle) {
				return this.$store.getters.getAllApps
					.filter(app => {
						return app.bundleIds !== undefined && app.bundleIds.includes(bundle)
		searchApps() {
			if (this.search === '') {
				return []
			return this.$store.getters.getAllApps
				.filter(app => {
					if (app.name.toLowerCase().search(this.search.toLowerCase()) !== -1) {
						return (!this.apps.find(_app => _app.id === app.id))
					return false
		useAppStoreView() {
			return !this.useListView && !this.useBundleView
		useListView() {
			return (this.category === 'installed' || this.category === 'enabled' || this.category === 'disabled' || this.category === 'updates' || this.category === 'featured')
		useBundleView() {
			return (this.category === 'app-bundles')
		allBundlesEnabled() {
			const self = this
			return function(id) {
				return self.bundleApps(id).filter(app => !app.active).length === 0
		bundleToggleText() {
			const self = this
			return function(id) {
				if (self.allBundlesEnabled(id)) {
					return t('settings', 'Disable all')
				return t('settings', 'Enable all')
	methods: {
		toggleBundle(id) {
			if (this.allBundlesEnabled(id)) {
				return this.disableBundle(id)
			return this.enableBundle(id)
		enableBundle(id) {
			const apps = this.bundleApps(id).map(app => app.id)
			this.$store.dispatch('enableApp', { appId: apps, groups: [] })
				.catch((error) => {
		disableBundle(id) {
			const apps = this.bundleApps(id).map(app => app.id)
			this.$store.dispatch('disableApp', { appId: apps, groups: [] })
				.catch((error) => {
		updateAll() {
			const limit = pLimit(1)
				.filter(app => app.update)
				.map(app => limit(() => this.$store.dispatch('updateApp', { appId: app.id }))