 * Copyright (c) 2015, Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@owncloud.com>
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

OCA = OCA || {};

(function() {

	 * @classdesc This class represents the view belonging to the advanced tab
	 * in the LDAP wizard.
	var WizardTabAdvanced = OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabGeneric.subClass({
		 * initializes the instance. Always call it after initialization.
		 * @param tabIndex
		 * @param tabID
		init: function (tabIndex, tabID) {
			this._super(tabIndex, tabID);

			var items = {
				// Connection settings
				ldap_configuration_active: {
					$element: $('#ldap_configuration_active'),
					setMethod: 'setConfigurationState'
				ldap_backup_host: {
					$element: $('#ldap_backup_host'),
					setMethod: 'setBackupHost'
				ldap_backup_port: {
					$element: $('#ldap_backup_port'),
					setMethod: 'setBackupPort'
				ldap_override_main_server: {
					$element: $('#ldap_override_main_server'),
					setMethod: 'setOverrideMainServerState'
				ldap_nocase: {
					$element: $('#ldap_nocase'),
					setMethod: 'setNoCase'
				ldap_turn_off_cert_check: {
					$element: $('#ldap_turn_off_cert_check'),
					setMethod: 'setCertCheckDisabled'
				ldap_cache_ttl: {
					$element: $('#ldap_cache_ttl'),
					setMethod: 'setCacheTTL'

				//Directory Settings
				ldap_display_name: {
					$element: $('#ldap_display_name'),
					setMethod: 'setUserDisplayName'
				ldap_base_users: {
					$element: $('#ldap_base_users'),
					setMethod: 'setBaseDNUsers'
				ldap_attributes_for_user_search: {
					$element: $('#ldap_attributes_for_user_search'),
					setMethod: 'setSearchAttributesUsers'
				ldap_group_display_name: {
					$element: $('#ldap_group_display_name'),
					setMethod: 'setGroupDisplayName'
				ldap_base_groups: {
					$element: $('#ldap_base_groups'),
					setMethod: 'setBaseDNGroups'
				ldap_attributes_for_group_search: {
					$element: $('#ldap_attributes_for_group_search'),
					setMethod: 'setSearchAttributesGroups'
				ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute: {
					$element: $('#ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute'),
					setMethod: 'setGroupMemberAssociationAttribute'
				ldap_nested_groups: {
					$element: $('#ldap_nested_groups'),
					setMethod: 'setUseNestedGroups'
				ldap_paging_size: {
					$element: $('#ldap_paging_size'),
					setMethod: 'setPagingSize'

				//Special Attributes
				ldap_quota_attr: {
					$element: $('#ldap_quota_attr'),
					setMethod: 'setQuotaAttribute'
				ldap_quota_def: {
					$element: $('#ldap_quota_def'),
					setMethod: 'setQuotaDefault'
				ldap_email_attr: {
					$element: $('#ldap_email_attr'),
					setMethod: 'setEmailAttribute'
				home_folder_naming_rule: {
					$element: $('#home_folder_naming_rule'),
					setMethod: 'setHomeFolderAttribute'

		 * Sets the config model for this view and subscribes to some events.
		 * Also binds the config chooser to the model
		 * @param {OCA.LDAP.Wizard.ConfigModel} configModel
		setModel: function(configModel) {
			this.configModel.on('configLoaded', this.onConfigLoaded, this);
			this.configModel.on('receivedLdapFeature', this.onResultReceived, this);

		 * updates the experienced admin check box
		 * @param {string} isConfigActive contains an int
		setConfigurationState: function(isConfigActive) {
				this.managedItems.ldap_configuration_active.$element, isConfigActive

		 * updates the backup host configuration text field
		 * @param {string} host
		setBackupHost: function(host) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_backup_host.$element, host);

		 * updates the backup port configuration text field
		 * @param {string} port
		setBackupPort: function(port) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_backup_port.$element, port);

		 * sets whether the main server should be overridden or not
		 * @param {string} doOverride contains an int
		setOverrideMainServerState: function(doOverride) {
				this.managedItems.ldap_override_main_server.$element, doOverride

		 * whether the server is case insensitive. This setting does not play
		 * a role anymore (probably never had).
		 * @param {string} noCase contains an int
		setNoCase: function(noCase) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_nocase.$element, noCase);

		 * sets whether the SSL/TLS certification check shout be disabled
		 * @param {string} doCertCheck contains an int
		setCertCheckDisabled: function(doCertCheck) {
				this.managedItems.ldap_turn_off_cert_check.$element, doCertCheck

		 * sets the time-to-live of the LDAP cache (in seconds)
		 * @param {string} cacheTTL contains an int
		setCacheTTL: function(cacheTTL) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_cache_ttl.$element, cacheTTL);

		 * sets the user display name attribute
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setUserDisplayName: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_display_name.$element, attribute);

		 * sets the Base DN for users
		 * @param {string} base
		setBaseDNUsers: function(base) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_base_users.$element, base);

		 * sets the attributes for user searches
		 * @param {string} attributes
		setSearchAttributesUsers: function(attributes) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_attributes_for_user_search.$element, attributes);

		 * sets the display name attribute for groups
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setGroupDisplayName: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_group_display_name.$element, attribute);

		 * sets the Base DN for groups
		 * @param {string} base
		setBaseDNGroups: function(base) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_base_groups.$element, base);

		 * sets the attributes for group search
		 * @param {string} attributes
		setSearchAttributesGroups: function(attributes) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_attributes_for_group_search.$element, attributes);

		 * sets the attribute for the association of users and groups
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setGroupMemberAssociationAttribute: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute.$element, attribute);

		 * enabled or disables the use of nested groups (groups in groups in
		 * groups…)
		 * @param {string} useNestedGroups contains an int
		setUseNestedGroups: function(useNestedGroups) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_nested_groups.$element, useNestedGroups);

		 * sets the size of pages for paged search
		 * @param {string} size contains an int
		setPagingSize: function(size) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_paging_size.$element, size);

		 * sets the email attribute
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setEmailAttribute: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_email_attr.$element, attribute);

		 * sets the quota attribute
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setQuotaAttribute: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_quota_attr.$element, attribute);

		 * sets the default quota for LDAP users
		 * @param {string} quota contains an int
		setQuotaDefault: function(quota) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.ldap_quota_def.$element, quota);

		 * sets the attribute for the ownCloud user specific home folder location
		 * @param {string} attribute
		setHomeFolderAttribute: function(attribute) {
			this.setElementValue(this.managedItems.home_folder_naming_rule.$element, attribute);

		 * deals with the result of the Test Connection test
		 * @param {WizardTabAdvanced} view
		 * @param {FeaturePayload} payload
		onResultReceived: function(view, payload) {
			if(payload.feature === 'TestConfiguration') {

	OCA.LDAP.Wizard.WizardTabAdvanced = WizardTabAdvanced;