<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc. * * @author Alexander Bergolth <leo@strike.wu.ac.at> * @author Alex Weirig <alex.weirig@technolink.lu> * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de> * @author Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at> * @author Joas Schilling <coding@schilljs.com> * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd@butonic.de> * @author Lennart Rosam <hello@takuto.de> * @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch> * @author Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de> * @author Robin McCorkell <robin@mccorkell.me.uk> * @author Roeland Jago Douma <roeland@famdouma.nl> * @author Roger Szabo <roger.szabo@web.de> * @author Victor Dubiniuk <dubiniuk@owncloud.com> * @author Xuanwo <xuanwo@yunify.com> * * @license AGPL-3.0 * * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * */ namespace OCA\User_LDAP; /** * @property int ldapPagingSize holds an integer * @property string ldapUserAvatarRule */ class Configuration { public const AVATAR_PREFIX_DEFAULT = 'default'; public const AVATAR_PREFIX_NONE = 'none'; public const AVATAR_PREFIX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE = 'data:'; public const LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; public const LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_AVAILABLE = 'available'; public const LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNAVAILABLE = 'unavailable'; /** * @var string */ protected $configPrefix; /** * @var bool */ protected $configRead = false; /** * @var string[] */ protected array $unsavedChanges = []; /** * @var array<string, mixed> settings */ protected $config = [ 'ldapHost' => null, 'ldapPort' => null, 'ldapBackupHost' => null, 'ldapBackupPort' => null, 'ldapBase' => null, 'ldapBaseUsers' => null, 'ldapBaseGroups' => null, 'ldapAgentName' => null, 'ldapAgentPassword' => null, 'ldapTLS' => null, 'turnOffCertCheck' => null, 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => null, 'ldapUserDisplayName' => null, 'ldapUserDisplayName2' => null, 'ldapUserAvatarRule' => null, 'ldapGidNumber' => null, 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass' => null, 'ldapUserFilterGroups' => null, 'ldapUserFilter' => null, 'ldapUserFilterMode' => null, 'ldapGroupFilter' => null, 'ldapGroupFilterMode' => null, 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass' => null, 'ldapGroupFilterGroups' => null, 'ldapGroupDisplayName' => null, 'ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr' => null, 'ldapLoginFilter' => null, 'ldapLoginFilterMode' => null, 'ldapLoginFilterEmail' => null, 'ldapLoginFilterUsername' => null, 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes' => null, 'ldapQuotaAttribute' => null, 'ldapQuotaDefault' => null, 'ldapEmailAttribute' => null, 'ldapCacheTTL' => null, 'ldapUuidUserAttribute' => 'auto', 'ldapUuidGroupAttribute' => 'auto', 'ldapOverrideMainServer' => false, 'ldapConfigurationActive' => false, 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch' => null, 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch' => null, 'ldapExperiencedAdmin' => false, 'homeFolderNamingRule' => null, 'hasMemberOfFilterSupport' => false, 'useMemberOfToDetectMembership' => true, 'ldapExpertUsernameAttr' => null, 'ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr' => null, 'ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr' => null, 'lastJpegPhotoLookup' => null, 'ldapNestedGroups' => false, 'ldapPagingSize' => null, 'turnOnPasswordChange' => false, 'ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL' => null, 'ldapDefaultPPolicyDN' => null, 'ldapExtStorageHomeAttribute' => null, 'ldapMatchingRuleInChainState' => self::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNKNOWN, ]; public function __construct(string $configPrefix, bool $autoRead = true) { $this->configPrefix = $configPrefix; if ($autoRead) { $this->readConfiguration(); } } /** * @param string $name * @return mixed|null */ public function __get($name) { if (isset($this->config[$name])) { return $this->config[$name]; } return null; } /** * @param string $name * @param mixed $value */ public function __set($name, $value) { $this->setConfiguration([$name => $value]); } public function getConfiguration(): array { return $this->config; } /** * set LDAP configuration with values delivered by an array, not read * from configuration. It does not save the configuration! To do so, you * must call saveConfiguration afterwards. * @param array $config array that holds the config parameters in an associated * array * @param array &$applied optional; array where the set fields will be given to */ public function setConfiguration(array $config, array &$applied = null): void { $cta = $this->getConfigTranslationArray(); foreach ($config as $inputKey => $val) { if (strpos($inputKey, '_') !== false && array_key_exists($inputKey, $cta)) { $key = $cta[$inputKey]; } elseif (array_key_exists($inputKey, $this->config)) { $key = $inputKey; } else { continue; } $setMethod = 'setValue'; switch ($key) { case 'ldapAgentPassword': $setMethod = 'setRawValue'; break; case 'homeFolderNamingRule': $trimmedVal = trim($val); if ($trimmedVal !== '' && strpos($val, 'attr:') === false) { $val = 'attr:'.$trimmedVal; } break; case 'ldapBase': case 'ldapBaseUsers': case 'ldapBaseGroups': case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch': case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch': case 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapUserFilterGroups': case 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapGroupFilterGroups': case 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes': $setMethod = 'setMultiLine'; break; } $this->$setMethod($key, $val); if (is_array($applied)) { $applied[] = $inputKey; // storing key as index avoids duplication, and as value for simplicity } $this->unsavedChanges[$key] = $key; } } public function readConfiguration(): void { if (!$this->configRead) { $cta = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray()); foreach ($this->config as $key => $val) { if (!isset($cta[$key])) { //some are determined continue; } $dbKey = $cta[$key]; switch ($key) { case 'ldapBase': case 'ldapBaseUsers': case 'ldapBaseGroups': case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch': case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch': case 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapUserFilterGroups': case 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapGroupFilterGroups': case 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes': $readMethod = 'getMultiLine'; break; case 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules': $readMethod = 'getSystemValue'; $dbKey = $key; break; case 'ldapAgentPassword': $readMethod = 'getPwd'; break; case 'ldapUserDisplayName2': case 'ldapGroupDisplayName': $readMethod = 'getLcValue'; break; case 'ldapUserDisplayName': default: // user display name does not lower case because // we rely on an upper case N as indicator whether to // auto-detect it or not. FIXME $readMethod = 'getValue'; break; } $this->config[$key] = $this->$readMethod($dbKey); } $this->configRead = true; } } /** * saves the current config changes in the database */ public function saveConfiguration(): void { $cta = array_flip($this->getConfigTranslationArray()); $changed = false; foreach ($this->unsavedChanges as $key) { $value = $this->config[$key]; switch ($key) { case 'ldapAgentPassword': $value = base64_encode($value); break; case 'ldapBase': case 'ldapBaseUsers': case 'ldapBaseGroups': case 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch': case 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch': case 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapUserFilterGroups': case 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass': case 'ldapGroupFilterGroups': case 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes': if (is_array($value)) { $value = implode("\n", $value); } break; //following options are not stored but detected, skip them case 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules': case 'ldapUuidUserAttribute': case 'ldapUuidGroupAttribute': continue 2; } if (is_null($value)) { $value = ''; } $changed = true; $this->saveValue($cta[$key], $value); } if ($changed) { $this->saveValue('_lastChange', (string)time()); } $this->unsavedChanges = []; } /** * @param string $varName * @return array|string */ protected function getMultiLine($varName) { $value = $this->getValue($varName); if (empty($value)) { $value = ''; } else { $value = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $value); } return $value; } /** * Sets multi-line values as arrays * * @param string $varName name of config-key * @param array|string $value to set */ protected function setMultiLine(string $varName, $value): void { if (empty($value)) { $value = ''; } elseif (!is_array($value)) { $value = preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n|;/', $value); if ($value === false) { $value = ''; } } if (!is_array($value)) { $finalValue = trim($value); } else { $finalValue = []; foreach ($value as $key => $val) { if (is_string($val)) { $val = trim($val); if ($val !== '') { //accidental line breaks are not wanted and can cause // odd behaviour. Thus, away with them. $finalValue[] = $val; } } else { $finalValue[] = $val; } } } $this->setRawValue($varName, $finalValue); } protected function getPwd(string $varName): string { return base64_decode($this->getValue($varName)); } protected function getLcValue(string $varName): string { return mb_strtolower($this->getValue($varName), 'UTF-8'); } protected function getSystemValue(string $varName): string { //FIXME: if another system value is added, softcode the default value return \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue($varName, false); } protected function getValue(string $varName): string { static $defaults; if (is_null($defaults)) { $defaults = $this->getDefaults(); } return \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('user_ldap', $this->configPrefix.$varName, $defaults[$varName]); } /** * Sets a scalar value. * * @param string $varName name of config key * @param mixed $value to set */ protected function setValue(string $varName, $value): void { if (is_string($value)) { $value = trim($value); } $this->config[$varName] = $value; } /** * Sets a scalar value without trimming. * * @param string $varName name of config key * @param mixed $value to set */ protected function setRawValue(string $varName, $value): void { $this->config[$varName] = $value; } protected function saveValue(string $varName, string $value): bool { \OC::$server->getConfig()->setAppValue( 'user_ldap', $this->configPrefix.$varName, $value ); return true; } /** * @return array an associative array with the default values. Keys are correspond * to config-value entries in the database table */ public function getDefaults(): array { return [ 'ldap_host' => '', 'ldap_port' => '', 'ldap_backup_host' => '', 'ldap_backup_port' => '', 'ldap_override_main_server' => '', 'ldap_dn' => '', 'ldap_agent_password' => '', 'ldap_base' => '', 'ldap_base_users' => '', 'ldap_base_groups' => '', 'ldap_userlist_filter' => '', 'ldap_user_filter_mode' => 0, 'ldap_userfilter_objectclass' => '', 'ldap_userfilter_groups' => '', 'ldap_login_filter' => '', 'ldap_login_filter_mode' => 0, 'ldap_loginfilter_email' => 0, 'ldap_loginfilter_username' => 1, 'ldap_loginfilter_attributes' => '', 'ldap_group_filter' => '', 'ldap_group_filter_mode' => 0, 'ldap_groupfilter_objectclass' => '', 'ldap_groupfilter_groups' => '', 'ldap_gid_number' => 'gidNumber', 'ldap_display_name' => 'displayName', 'ldap_user_display_name_2' => '', 'ldap_group_display_name' => 'cn', 'ldap_tls' => 0, 'ldap_quota_def' => '', 'ldap_quota_attr' => '', 'ldap_email_attr' => '', 'ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute' => '', 'ldap_cache_ttl' => 600, 'ldap_uuid_user_attribute' => 'auto', 'ldap_uuid_group_attribute' => 'auto', 'home_folder_naming_rule' => '', 'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 0, 'ldap_configuration_active' => 0, 'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => '', 'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => '', 'ldap_expert_username_attr' => '', 'ldap_expert_uuid_user_attr' => '', 'ldap_expert_uuid_group_attr' => '', 'has_memberof_filter_support' => 0, 'use_memberof_to_detect_membership' => 1, 'last_jpegPhoto_lookup' => 0, 'ldap_nested_groups' => 0, 'ldap_paging_size' => 500, 'ldap_turn_on_pwd_change' => 0, 'ldap_experienced_admin' => 0, 'ldap_dynamic_group_member_url' => '', 'ldap_default_ppolicy_dn' => '', 'ldap_user_avatar_rule' => 'default', 'ldap_ext_storage_home_attribute' => '', 'ldap_matching_rule_in_chain_state' => self::LDAP_SERVER_FEATURE_UNKNOWN, ]; } /** * @return array that maps internal variable names to database fields */ public function getConfigTranslationArray(): array { //TODO: merge them into one representation static $array = [ 'ldap_host' => 'ldapHost', 'ldap_port' => 'ldapPort', 'ldap_backup_host' => 'ldapBackupHost', 'ldap_backup_port' => 'ldapBackupPort', 'ldap_override_main_server' => 'ldapOverrideMainServer', 'ldap_dn' => 'ldapAgentName', 'ldap_agent_password' => 'ldapAgentPassword', 'ldap_base' => 'ldapBase', 'ldap_base_users' => 'ldapBaseUsers', 'ldap_base_groups' => 'ldapBaseGroups', 'ldap_userfilter_objectclass' => 'ldapUserFilterObjectclass', 'ldap_userfilter_groups' => 'ldapUserFilterGroups', 'ldap_userlist_filter' => 'ldapUserFilter', 'ldap_user_filter_mode' => 'ldapUserFilterMode', 'ldap_user_avatar_rule' => 'ldapUserAvatarRule', 'ldap_login_filter' => 'ldapLoginFilter', 'ldap_login_filter_mode' => 'ldapLoginFilterMode', 'ldap_loginfilter_email' => 'ldapLoginFilterEmail', 'ldap_loginfilter_username' => 'ldapLoginFilterUsername', 'ldap_loginfilter_attributes' => 'ldapLoginFilterAttributes', 'ldap_group_filter' => 'ldapGroupFilter', 'ldap_group_filter_mode' => 'ldapGroupFilterMode', 'ldap_groupfilter_objectclass' => 'ldapGroupFilterObjectclass', 'ldap_groupfilter_groups' => 'ldapGroupFilterGroups', 'ldap_gid_number' => 'ldapGidNumber', 'ldap_display_name' => 'ldapUserDisplayName', 'ldap_user_display_name_2' => 'ldapUserDisplayName2', 'ldap_group_display_name' => 'ldapGroupDisplayName', 'ldap_tls' => 'ldapTLS', 'ldap_quota_def' => 'ldapQuotaDefault', 'ldap_quota_attr' => 'ldapQuotaAttribute', 'ldap_email_attr' => 'ldapEmailAttribute', 'ldap_group_member_assoc_attribute' => 'ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr', 'ldap_cache_ttl' => 'ldapCacheTTL', 'home_folder_naming_rule' => 'homeFolderNamingRule', 'ldap_turn_off_cert_check' => 'turnOffCertCheck', 'ldap_configuration_active' => 'ldapConfigurationActive', 'ldap_attributes_for_user_search' => 'ldapAttributesForUserSearch', 'ldap_attributes_for_group_search' => 'ldapAttributesForGroupSearch', 'ldap_expert_username_attr' => 'ldapExpertUsernameAttr', 'ldap_expert_uuid_user_attr' => 'ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr', 'ldap_expert_uuid_group_attr' => 'ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr', 'has_memberof_filter_support' => 'hasMemberOfFilterSupport', 'use_memberof_to_detect_membership' => 'useMemberOfToDetectMembership', 'last_jpegPhoto_lookup' => 'lastJpegPhotoLookup', 'ldap_nested_groups' => 'ldapNestedGroups', 'ldap_paging_size' => 'ldapPagingSize', 'ldap_turn_on_pwd_change' => 'turnOnPasswordChange', 'ldap_experienced_admin' => 'ldapExperiencedAdmin', 'ldap_dynamic_group_member_url' => 'ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL', 'ldap_default_ppolicy_dn' => 'ldapDefaultPPolicyDN', 'ldap_ext_storage_home_attribute' => 'ldapExtStorageHomeAttribute', 'ldap_matching_rule_in_chain_state' => 'ldapMatchingRuleInChainState', 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules' => 'ldapIgnoreNamingRules', // sysconfig ]; return $array; } /** * @throws \RuntimeException */ public function resolveRule(string $rule): array { if ($rule === 'avatar') { return $this->getAvatarAttributes(); } throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid rule'); } public function getAvatarAttributes(): array { $value = $this->ldapUserAvatarRule ?: self::AVATAR_PREFIX_DEFAULT; $defaultAttributes = ['jpegphoto', 'thumbnailphoto']; if ($value === self::AVATAR_PREFIX_NONE) { return []; } if (strpos($value, self::AVATAR_PREFIX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE) === 0) { $attribute = trim(substr($value, strlen(self::AVATAR_PREFIX_DATA_ATTRIBUTE))); if ($attribute === '') { return $defaultAttributes; } return [strtolower($attribute)]; } if ($value !== self::AVATAR_PREFIX_DEFAULT) { \OC::$server->getLogger()->warning('Invalid config value to ldapUserAvatarRule; falling back to default.'); } return $defaultAttributes; } }