<?php /** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 ownCloud, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ namespace OCA\User_LDAP; use OC\ServerNotAvailableException; use OCA\User_LDAP\DataCollector\LdapDataCollector; use OCA\User_LDAP\Exceptions\ConstraintViolationException; use OCP\IConfig; use OCP\Profiler\IProfiler; use OCP\Server; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; class LDAP implements ILDAPWrapper { protected array $curArgs = []; protected LoggerInterface $logger; private ?LdapDataCollector $dataCollector = null; public function __construct( protected string $logFile = '', ) { /** @var IProfiler $profiler */ $profiler = Server::get(IProfiler::class); if ($profiler->isEnabled()) { $this->dataCollector = new LdapDataCollector(); $profiler->add($this->dataCollector); } $this->logger = Server::get(LoggerInterface::class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function bind($link, $dn, $password) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('bind', $link, $dn, $password); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function connect($host, $port) { $pos = strpos($host, '://'); if ($pos === false) { $host = 'ldap://' . $host; $pos = 4; } if (strpos($host, ':', $pos + 1) === false && !empty($port)) { //ldap_connect ignores port parameter when URLs are passed $host .= ':' . $port; } return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('connect', $host); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function controlPagedResultResponse($link, $result, &$cookie): bool { $errorCode = 0; $errorMsg = ''; $controls = []; $matchedDn = null; $referrals = []; /** Cannot use invokeLDAPMethod because arguments are passed by reference */ $this->preFunctionCall('ldap_parse_result', [$link, $result]); $success = ldap_parse_result($link, $result, $errorCode, $matchedDn, $errorMsg, $referrals, $controls); if ($errorCode !== 0) { $this->processLDAPError($link, 'ldap_parse_result', $errorCode, $errorMsg); } if ($this->dataCollector !== null) { $this->dataCollector->stopLastLdapRequest(); } $cookie = $controls[LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS]['value']['cookie'] ?? ''; return $success; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function countEntries($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('count_entries', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function errno($link) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('errno', $link); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function error($link) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('error', $link); } /** * Splits DN into its component parts * @param string $dn * @param int $withAttrib * @return array|false * @link https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.ldap-explode-dn.php */ public function explodeDN($dn, $withAttrib) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('explode_dn', $dn, $withAttrib); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function firstEntry($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('first_entry', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getAttributes($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('get_attributes', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getDN($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('get_dn', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getEntries($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('get_entries', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function nextEntry($link, $result) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('next_entry', $link, $result); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function read($link, $baseDN, $filter, $attr) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('read', $link, $baseDN, $filter, $attr, 0, -1); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function search($link, $baseDN, $filter, $attr, $attrsOnly = 0, $limit = 0, int $pageSize = 0, string $cookie = '') { if ($pageSize > 0 || $cookie !== '') { $serverControls = [[ 'oid' => LDAP_CONTROL_PAGEDRESULTS, 'value' => [ 'size' => $pageSize, 'cookie' => $cookie, ], 'iscritical' => false, ]]; } else { $serverControls = []; } /** @psalm-suppress UndefinedVariable $oldHandler is defined when the closure is called but psalm fails to get that */ $oldHandler = set_error_handler(function ($no, $message, $file, $line) use (&$oldHandler) { if (str_contains($message, 'Partial search results returned: Sizelimit exceeded')) { return true; } $oldHandler($no, $message, $file, $line); return true; }); try { $result = $this->invokeLDAPMethod('search', $link, $baseDN, $filter, $attr, $attrsOnly, $limit, -1, LDAP_DEREF_NEVER, $serverControls); restore_error_handler(); return $result; } catch (\Exception $e) { restore_error_handler(); throw $e; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function modReplace($link, $userDN, $password) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('mod_replace', $link, $userDN, ['userPassword' => $password]); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function exopPasswd($link, string $userDN, string $oldPassword, string $password) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('exop_passwd', $link, $userDN, $oldPassword, $password); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setOption($link, $option, $value) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('set_option', $link, $option, $value); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function startTls($link) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('start_tls', $link); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function unbind($link) { return $this->invokeLDAPMethod('unbind', $link); } /** * Checks whether the server supports LDAP * @return boolean if it the case, false otherwise * */ public function areLDAPFunctionsAvailable() { return function_exists('ldap_connect'); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function isResource($resource) { return is_resource($resource) || is_object($resource); } /** * Checks whether the return value from LDAP is wrong or not. * * When using ldap_search we provide an array, in case multiple bases are * configured. Thus, we need to check the array elements. * * @param mixed $result */ protected function isResultFalse(string $functionName, $result): bool { if ($result === false) { return true; } if ($functionName === 'ldap_search' && is_array($result)) { foreach ($result as $singleResult) { if ($singleResult === false) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * @param array $arguments * @return mixed */ protected function invokeLDAPMethod(string $func, ...$arguments) { $func = 'ldap_' . $func; if (function_exists($func)) { $this->preFunctionCall($func, $arguments); $result = call_user_func_array($func, $arguments); if ($this->isResultFalse($func, $result)) { $this->postFunctionCall($func); } if ($this->dataCollector !== null) { $this->dataCollector->stopLastLdapRequest(); } return $result; } return null; } private function preFunctionCall(string $functionName, array $args): void { $this->curArgs = $args; if (strcasecmp($functionName, 'ldap_bind') === 0 || strcasecmp($functionName, 'ldap_exop_passwd') === 0) { // The arguments are not key value pairs // \OCA\User_LDAP\LDAP::bind passes 3 arguments, the 3rd being the pw // Remove it via direct array access for now, although a better solution could be found mebbe? // @link https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/38461 $args[2] = IConfig::SENSITIVE_VALUE; } $this->logger->debug('Calling LDAP function {func} with parameters {args}', [ 'app' => 'user_ldap', 'func' => $functionName, 'args' => json_encode($args), ]); if ($this->dataCollector !== null) { $args = array_map(function ($item) { if ($this->isResource($item)) { return '(resource)'; } if (isset($item[0]['value']['cookie']) && $item[0]['value']['cookie'] !== '') { $item[0]['value']['cookie'] = '*opaque cookie*'; } return $item; }, $this->curArgs); $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS); $this->dataCollector->startLdapRequest($functionName, $args, $backtrace); } if ($this->logFile !== '' && is_writable(dirname($this->logFile)) && (!file_exists($this->logFile) || is_writable($this->logFile))) { $args = array_map(fn ($item) => (!$this->isResource($item) ? $item : '(resource)'), $this->curArgs); file_put_contents( $this->logFile, $functionName . '::' . json_encode($args) . "\n", FILE_APPEND ); } } /** * Analyzes the returned LDAP error and acts accordingly if not 0 * * @param \LDAP\Connection $resource the LDAP Connection resource * @throws ConstraintViolationException * @throws ServerNotAvailableException * @throws \Exception */ private function processLDAPError($resource, string $functionName, int $errorCode, string $errorMsg): void { $this->logger->debug('LDAP error {message} ({code}) after calling {func}', [ 'app' => 'user_ldap', 'message' => $errorMsg, 'code' => $errorCode, 'func' => $functionName, ]); if ($functionName === 'ldap_get_entries' && $errorCode === -4) { } elseif ($errorCode === 32) { //for now } elseif ($errorCode === 10) { //referrals, we switch them off, but then there is AD :) } elseif ($errorCode === -1) { throw new ServerNotAvailableException('Lost connection to LDAP server.'); } elseif ($errorCode === 52) { throw new ServerNotAvailableException('LDAP server is shutting down.'); } elseif ($errorCode === 48) { throw new \Exception('LDAP authentication method rejected', $errorCode); } elseif ($errorCode === 1) { throw new \Exception('LDAP Operations error', $errorCode); } elseif ($errorCode === 19) { ldap_get_option($resource, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_STRING, $extended_error); throw new ConstraintViolationException(!empty($extended_error) ? $extended_error : $errorMsg, $errorCode); } } /** * Called after an ldap method is run to act on LDAP error if necessary * @throws \Exception */ private function postFunctionCall(string $functionName): void { if ($this->isResource($this->curArgs[0])) { $resource = $this->curArgs[0]; } elseif ( $functionName === 'ldap_search' && is_array($this->curArgs[0]) && $this->isResource($this->curArgs[0][0]) ) { // we use always the same LDAP connection resource, is enough to // take the first one. $resource = $this->curArgs[0][0]; } else { return; } $errorCode = ldap_errno($resource); if ($errorCode === 0) { return; } $errorMsg = ldap_error($resource); $this->processLDAPError($resource, $functionName, $errorCode, $errorMsg); $this->curArgs = []; } }