* * @author Arthur Schiwon * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ namespace OCA\User_LDAP\Migration; use Closure; use OCP\DB\ISchemaWrapper; use OCP\DB\QueryBuilder\IQueryBuilder; use OCP\IDBConnection; use OCP\Migration\IOutput; use OCP\Migration\SimpleMigrationStep; class Version1141Date20220323143801 extends SimpleMigrationStep { private IDBConnection $dbc; public function __construct(IDBConnection $dbc) { $this->dbc = $dbc; } /** * @param IOutput $output * @param Closure $schemaClosure The `\Closure` returns a `ISchemaWrapper` * @param array $options */ public function preSchemaChange(IOutput $output, Closure $schemaClosure, array $options): void { foreach (['ldap_user_mapping', 'ldap_group_mapping'] as $tableName) { $qb = $this->dbc->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('ldap_dn') ->from($tableName) ->where($qb->expr()->gt($qb->func()->octetLength('ldap_dn'), '4000', IQueryBuilder::PARAM_INT)); $dnsTooLong = []; $result = $qb->executeQuery(); while (($dn = $result->fetchOne()) !== false) { $dnsTooLong[] = $dn; } $result->closeCursor(); $this->shortenDNs($dnsTooLong, $tableName); } } protected function shortenDNs(array $dns, string $table): void { $qb = $this->dbc->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->update($table) ->set('ldap_dn', $qb->createParameter('shortenedDn')) ->where($qb->expr()->eq('ldap_dn', $qb->createParameter('originalDn'))); $pageSize = 1000; $page = 0; do { $subset = array_slice($dns, $page * $pageSize, $pageSize); try { $this->dbc->beginTransaction(); foreach ($subset as $dn) { $shortenedDN = mb_substr($dn, 0, 4000); $qb->setParameter('shortenedDn', $shortenedDN); $qb->setParameter('originalDn', $dn); $qb->executeStatement(); } $this->dbc->commit(); } catch (\Throwable $t) { $this->dbc->rollBack(); throw $t; } $page++; } while (count($subset) === $pageSize); } /** * @param IOutput $output * @param Closure $schemaClosure The `\Closure` returns a `ISchemaWrapper` * @param array $options * @return null|ISchemaWrapper */ public function changeSchema(IOutput $output, Closure $schemaClosure, array $options): ?ISchemaWrapper { /** @var ISchemaWrapper $schema */ $schema = $schemaClosure(); foreach (['ldap_user_mapping', 'ldap_group_mapping'] as $tableName) { $table = $schema->getTable($tableName); $column = $table->getColumn('ldap_dn'); if ($column->getLength() > 4000) { $column->setLength(4000); } } return $schema; } }