OC.L10N.register( "user_status", { "Recent statuses" : "Oxirgi holatlar", "No recent status changes" : "Oxirgi holatda o'zgarish mavjud emas", "In a meeting" : "Uchrashuvda", "Commuting" : "Qatnov", "Out sick" : "Kasal", "Vacationing" : "Dam olish", "Out of office" : "Ofisda emas", "Working remotely" : "Masofadan ishlash", "In a call" : "Qo'ng'iroqda", "User status" : "Foydalanuvchi holati", "Clear status after" : "Holatni tozalashdan keyin", "Emoji for your status message" : "Xabar holati uchun emoji", "What is your status?" : "Sizning holatingiz qanday?", "Predefined statuses" : "Oldindan belgilangan holatlar", "Previously set" : "Ilgari o'rnatilgan", "Reset status" : "Holatni tiklash", "Reset status to \"{icon} {message}\"" : " \"{icon} {message}\" uchun holatni tiklash", "Reset status to \"{message}\"" : " \"{message}\" uchun holatni tiklash", "Reset status to \"{icon}\"" : " \"{icon}\" uchun holatni tiklash", "There was an error saving the status" : "Holatni saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi", "There was an error clearing the status" : "Holatni tozalashda xatolik yuz berdi", "There was an error reverting the status" : "Holatni qaytarishda xatolik yuz berdi", "Set status" : "Holatni belgilash", "Online status" : "Onlayn holat", "Status message" : "Holat xabari", "Set absence period" : "Aloqadan o`chirilgan muddatini belgilang", "Set absence period and replacement" : "Aloqadan o`chirilgan muddatini va almashtirish belgilang", "Your status was set automatically" : "Sizning holatingiz avtomatik ravishda o'rnatildi", "Clear status message" : "Holat xabarini tozalash", "Set status message" : "Holat xabarini o'rnatish", "Don't clear" : "Aniq emas", "Today" : "Bugun", "This week" : "Shu hafta", "Online" : "Online", "Away" : "Uzoqda", "Do not disturb" : "Bezovta qilmang", "Invisible" : "Ko'rinmas", "Offline" : "Offline", "There was an error saving the new status" : "Yangi holatni saqlashda xatolik yuz berdi", "30 minutes" : "30 minut", "1 hour" : "1 soat", "4 hours" : "4 soat", "Mute all notifications" : "Barcha bildirishnomalarni o'chirish", "Appear offline" : "Oflayn ko'rinishda" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");