{ "translations": { "Unknown address" : "Tundmatu aadress", "No result." : "Vasteid ei leitud.", "Malformed JSON data." : "Vigased JSON-andmed.", "Error" : "Viga", "Weather status" : "Hetke ilm", "Weather status in your dashboard" : "Hetke ilm sinu avalehel", "Weather status integrated in the Dashboard app.\n The geographic location can be automatically determined or manually defined. A 6 hours forecast is then displayed.\n This status can also be integrated in other places like the Calendar app." : "Hetke ilm integreeritud Kodulehe äppi.\nGeograafilist asukohta saab määrata automaatselt või käsitsi. Näidatakse 6 tunni ennustust.\nSeda staatust saab integreerida ka teistesse kohtadesse nagu Kalendri rakendusse.", "{temperature} {unit} clear sky later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem taevas selge", "{temperature} {unit} clear sky" : "{temperature} {unit} taevas selge", "{temperature} {unit} cloudy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem taevas pilvine", "{temperature} {unit} cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} pilvine", "{temperature} {unit} snow and thunder later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumi ja äike", "{temperature} {unit} snow and thunder" : "{temperature} {unit} lumi ja äike", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers and thunder later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumesajud ja äike", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers and thunder" : "{temperature} {unit} lumesajud ja äike ", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers, thunder and polar twilight later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumesajud, äike ja polaaröö", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers, thunder and polar twilight" : "{temperature} {unit} lumesajud, äike ja polaaröö", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumesajud", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers" : "{temperature} {unit} lumesajud", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers and polar twilight later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumesajud ja polaaröö", "{temperature} {unit} snow showers and polar twilight" : "{temperature} {unit} lumesajud ja polaaröö", "{temperature} {unit} snow later today" : "{temperature} {unit} täna hiljem lumi", "{temperature} {unit} snow" : "{temperature} {unit} lumi", "{temperature} {unit} fair weather later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem ilus ilm", "{temperature} {unit} fair weather" : "{temperature} {unit} ilus ilm", "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem vahelduv pilvisus", "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} vahelduv pilvisus", "{temperature} {unit} foggy later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem udune", "{temperature} {unit} foggy" : "{temperature} {unit} udune", "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem kerge vihm", "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} kerge vihm", "{temperature} {unit} rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem vihm", "{temperature} {unit} rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} vihm", "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem tihe vihm", "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall" : "{temperature} {unit} tihe vihm", "{temperature} {unit} rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem hoovihm", "{temperature} {unit} rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} hoovihm", "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem kerge hoovihm", "{temperature} {unit} light rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} kerge hoovihm", "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall showers later today" : "{temperature} {unit} hiljem tihe hoovihm", "{temperature} {unit} heavy rainfall showers" : "{temperature} {unit} tihe hoovihm", "More weather for {adr}" : "Rohkem ilmaandmeid {adr} jaoks", "Loading weather" : "Ilmaennustuse laadimine", "Set location for weather" : "Määra ilma jaoks asukoht", "Remove from favorites" : "Eemalda lemmikutest", "Add as favorite" : "Lisa lemmikuks", "You are not logged in." : "Sa pole sisse logitud.", "There was an error getting the weather status information." : "Ilmaandmete hankimisel esines viga.", "No weather information found" : "Ilmaandmeid ei leitud", "Location not found" : "Asukohta ei leitud", "There was an error setting the location address." : "Asukoha aadressi määramisel esines viga.", "There was an error setting the location." : "Asukoha määramisel esines viga.", "There was an error saving the mode." : "Režiimi salvestamisel esines viga.", "There was an error using personal address." : "Personaalse aadressi kasutamisel esines viga.", "Unknown weather code" : "Tundmatu ilma kood", "Detect location" : "Tuvasta asukoht", "Set custom address" : "Määra aadress", "Favorites" : "Lemmikud" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" }