{ "translations": { "The given operator is invalid" : "اپراتور گرفته شده بی اعتبار است ", "The given regular expression is invalid" : "عبارت منظم گرفته شده معتبر نیست ", "The given file size is invalid" : "حجم فایل معتبر نیست", "The given tag id is invalid" : "آی دی برچسب معتبر نیست ", "The given IP range is invalid" : "رنج آی پی گرفته شده معتبر نیست", "The given IP range is not valid for IPv4" : "رنج آی پی گرفته شده برای آی پی ورژن 4 معتبر نیست", "The given IP range is not valid for IPv6" : "رنج آی پی گرفته شده برای آی پی ورژن 6 معتبر نیست", "The given time span is invalid" : "طول تاریخ گرفته شده معتبر نیست ", "The given start time is invalid" : "تاریخ شروع معتبر نیست", "The given end time is invalid" : "تاریخ پایان معتبر نیست ", "The given group does not exist" : "گروه گرفته شده معتبر نیست", "File" : "File", "File created" : "File created", "File updated" : "File updated", "File renamed" : "File renamed", "File deleted" : "File deleted", "File accessed" : "File accessed", "File copied" : "File copied", "Tag assigned" : "Tag assigned", "Someone" : "Someone", "%s created %s" : "%s created %s", "%s modified %s" : "%s modified %s", "%s deleted %s" : "%s deleted %s", "%s accessed %s" : "%s accessed %s", "%s renamed %s" : "%s renamed %s", "%s copied %s" : "%s copied %s", "%s assigned %s to %s" : "%s assigned %s to %s", "Operation #%s does not exist" : "عمل %s وجود ندارد", "Entity %s does not exist" : "Entity %s does not exist", "Entity %s is invalid" : "Entity %s is invalid", "No events are chosen." : "No events are chosen.", "Entity %s has no event %s" : "Entity %s has no event %s", "Operation %s does not exist" : "عمل %s وجود ندارد ", "Operation %s is invalid" : "عمل %s معتبر نیست", "At least one check needs to be provided" : "At least one check needs to be provided", "The provided operation data is too long" : "The provided operation data is too long", "Invalid check provided" : "Invalid check provided", "Check %s does not exist" : "%s را چک کنید وجود ندارد", "Check %s is invalid" : "%s را چک کنید معتبر نیست", "Check %s is not allowed with this entity" : "Check %s is not allowed with this entity", "The provided check value is too long" : "The provided check value is too long", "Check #%s does not exist" : "%s را چک کنید وجود ندارد ", "Check %s is invalid or does not exist" : "%s یا وجود ندارد یا معتبر نیست", "Flow" : "جریان", "Nextcloud workflow engine" : "Nextcloud workflow engine", "Select a filter" : "Select a filter", "Select a comparator" : "Select a comparator", "Remove filter" : "Remove filter", "Select a file type" : "Select a file type", "e.g. httpd/unix-directory" : "e.g. httpd/unix-directory", "Folder" : "پوشه", "Images" : "عکسها", "Office documents" : "Office documents", "PDF documents" : "PDF documents", "Custom MIME type" : "Custom MIME type", "Custom mimetype" : "Custom mimetype", "Please enter a valid time span" : "Please enter a valid time span", "Select a request URL" : "Select a request URL", "Files WebDAV" : "فایل های WebDAV", "Custom URL" : "Custom URL", "Select a user agent" : "Select a user agent", "Android client" : "دستگاه های اندروید ", "iOS client" : "دستگاه های IOS", "Desktop client" : "دستگاه دسکتاپ", "Thunderbird & Outlook addons" : "Thunderbird & Outlook addons", "Custom user agent" : "Custom user agent", "Select a trigger" : "Select a trigger", "At least one event must be selected" : "At least one event must be selected", "Add new flow" : "Add new flow", "When" : "When", "and" : "and", "Add a new filter" : "Add a new filter", "Cancel" : "لغو", "Delete" : "حذف", "The configuration is invalid" : "The configuration is invalid", "Active" : "فعال کردن", "Save" : "ذخیره", "Available flows" : "Available flows", "For details on how to write your own flow, check out the development documentation." : "For details on how to write your own flow, check out the development documentation.", "More flows" : "More flows", "Browse the App Store" : "Browse the App Store", "Show less" : "Show less", "Show more" : "Show more", "Configured flows" : "Configured flows", "Your flows" : "Your flows", "matches" : "مطابق است", "does not match" : "مطابق نیست", "is" : "هست ", "is not" : "نیست", "File name" : "نام فایل", "File MIME type" : "فایل از نوع MIME", "File size (upload)" : "حجم فایل (بارگزاری شده )", "less" : "کمتر", "less or equals" : "کمتر یا مساوی ", "greater or equals" : "بزرگتر یا مساوی", "greater" : "بزرگتر", "Request remote address" : "درخواست آدرس ریموت", "matches IPv4" : "مطابق با آی پی ورژن 4", "does not match IPv4" : "مطابق نیست با آی پی ورژن 4", "matches IPv6" : "مطابق با آی پی ورژن 6 ", "does not match IPv6" : "مطابق نیست با آی پی ورژن 6 ", "File system tag" : "برچسب فایل های سیستمی ", "is tagged with" : "برچسب خورده با ", "is not tagged with" : "برچسب نخورده با ", "Request URL" : "درخواست URL", "Request time" : "زمان درخواست ", "between" : "بین ", "not between" : "نیست بین", "Request user agent" : "درخواست سفیر کاربر", "is member of" : "عضو است در ", "is not member of" : "عضو نیست در ", "User group membership" : "عضویت کاربر در گروه" },"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);" }