#!/bin/bash # # ownCloud # # @author Thomas Müller # @copyright 2012, 2013 Thomas Müller thomas.mueller@tmit.eu # #$EXECUTOR_NUMBER is set by Jenkins and allows us to run autotest in parallel DATABASENAME=oc_autotest$EXECUTOR_NUMBER DATABASEUSER=oc_autotest$EXECUTOR_NUMBER ADMINLOGIN=admin$EXECUTOR_NUMBER DATADIR=data-autotest BASEDIR=$PWD echo "Using database $DATABASENAME" # create autoconfig for sqlite, mysql and postgresql cat > ./tests/autoconfig-sqlite.php <<DELIM <?php \$AUTOCONFIG = array ( 'installed' => false, 'dbtype' => 'sqlite', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'adminlogin' => '$ADMINLOGIN', 'adminpass' => 'admin', 'directory' => '$BASEDIR/$DATADIR', ); DELIM cat > ./tests/autoconfig-mysql.php <<DELIM <?php \$AUTOCONFIG = array ( 'installed' => false, 'dbtype' => 'mysql', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'adminlogin' => '$ADMINLOGIN', 'adminpass' => 'admin', 'directory' => '$BASEDIR/$DATADIR', 'dbuser' => '$DATABASEUSER', 'dbname' => '$DATABASENAME', 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'dbpass' => 'owncloud', ); DELIM cat > ./tests/autoconfig-pgsql.php <<DELIM <?php \$AUTOCONFIG = array ( 'installed' => false, 'dbtype' => 'pgsql', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'adminlogin' => '$ADMINLOGIN', 'adminpass' => 'admin', 'directory' => '$BASEDIR/$DATADIR', 'dbuser' => '$DATABASEUSER', 'dbname' => '$DATABASENAME', 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'dbpass' => 'owncloud', ); DELIM cat > ./tests/autoconfig-oci.php <<DELIM <?php \$AUTOCONFIG = array ( 'installed' => false, 'dbtype' => 'oci', 'dbtableprefix' => 'oc_', 'adminlogin' => '$ADMINLOGIN', 'adminpass' => 'admin', 'directory' => '$BASEDIR/$DATADIR', 'dbuser' => '$DATABASENAME', 'dbname' => 'XE', 'dbhost' => 'localhost', 'dbpass' => 'owncloud', ); DELIM function execute_tests { echo "Setup environment for $1 testing ..." # back to root folder cd $BASEDIR # revert changes to tests/data git checkout tests/data/* # reset data directory rm -rf $DATADIR mkdir $DATADIR # remove the old config file #rm -rf config/config.php cp tests/preseed-config.php config/config.php # drop database if [ "$1" == "mysql" ] ; then mysql -u $DATABASEUSER -powncloud -e "DROP DATABASE $DATABASENAME" fi if [ "$1" == "pgsql" ] ; then dropdb -U $DATABASEUSER $DATABASENAME fi if [ "$1" == "oci" ] ; then echo "drop the database" sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<EOF drop user $DATABASENAME cascade; EOF echo "create the database" sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<EOF create user $DATABASENAME identified by owncloud; alter user $DATABASENAME default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp quota unlimited on users; grant create session , create table , create procedure , create sequence , create trigger , create view , create synonym , alter session to $DATABASENAME; exit; EOF fi # copy autoconfig cp $BASEDIR/tests/autoconfig-$1.php $BASEDIR/config/autoconfig.php # trigger installation php -f index.php #test execution echo "Testing with $1 ..." cd tests rm -rf coverage-html-$1 mkdir coverage-html-$1 php -f enable_all.php if [ "$1" == "sqlite" ] ; then # coverage only with sqlite - causes segfault on ci.tmit.eu - reason unknown phpunit --configuration phpunit-autotest.xml --log-junit autotest-results-$1.xml --coverage-clover autotest-clover-$1.xml --coverage-html coverage-html-$1 $2 $3 else phpunit --configuration phpunit-autotest.xml --log-junit autotest-results-$1.xml $2 $3 fi } # # start test execution # if [ -z "$1" ] then execute_tests 'sqlite' execute_tests 'mysql' execute_tests 'pgsql' execute_tests 'oci' else execute_tests $1 $2 $3 fi # # NOTES on mysql: # - CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest; # - CREATE USER 'oc_autotest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud'; # - grant all on oc_autotest.* to 'oc_autotest'@'localhost'; # # - for parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0: # - CREATE DATABASE oc_autotest0; # - CREATE USER 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'owncloud'; # - grant all on oc_autotest0.* to 'oc_autotest0'@'localhost'; # # NOTES on pgsql: # - su - postgres # - createuser -P oc_autotest (enter password and enable superuser) # - to enable dropdb I decided to add following line to pg_hba.conf (this is not the safest way but I don't care for the testing machine): # local all all trust # # - for parallel executor support with EXECUTOR_NUMBER=0: # - createuser -P oc_autotest0 (enter password and enable superuser) # # NOTES on oci: # - it's a pure nightmare to install Oracle on a Linux-System # - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! # - if you really need it: we feel sorry for you #