#!/usr/bin/env bash # @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (danxuliu@gmail.com) # # @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # Helper script to merge several Noto fonts in a single TTF file. # # The "Noto Sans" font (https://www.google.com/get/noto) only includes a subset # of all the available glyphs in the Noto fonts. This scripts uses # "merge_noto.py" from the Noto Tools package to add other scripts, like Arabic, # Devanagari or Hebrew. # # "merge_noto.py" originally merges the fonts by region. However it was adjusted # to merge "all" the fonts in a single file, like done by "merge_fonts.py". The # reason to use "merge_noto.py" instead of "merge_fonts.py" is that # "merge_noto.py" merges regular and bold fonts, which are both needed in # Nextcloud. "merge_fonts.py" only merges regular fonts, and adjusting it to # handle bold fonts too would have been more work than adjusting # "merge_noto.py". # # Please note that, due to technical limitations of the TTF format (a single # file can not have more than 65535 glyphs) the merged file does not include any # Chinese, Japanese or Korean glyph (the Noto CJK files already use all the # slots). In fact, it seems that it can not include either all the glyphs from # all the non CJK Noto fonts, so it merges only those predefined in the # "merge_fonts.py" script (as it is a larger set than the original one in # "merge_noto.py"). # # Also please note that merging the fonts is a slow process and it can take a # while (from minutes to hours, depending on the system). # # To perform its job, the script requires the "docker" command to be available. # # The Docker Command Line Interface (the "docker" command) requires special # permissions to talk to the Docker daemon, and those permissions are typically # available only to the root user. Please see the Docker documentation to find # out how to give access to a regular user to the Docker daemon: # https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/linux-postinstall/ # # Note, however, that being able to communicate with the Docker daemon is the # same as being able to get root privileges for the system. Therefore, you must # give access to the Docker daemon (and thus run this script as) ONLY to trusted # and secure users: # https://docs.docker.com/engine/security/security/#docker-daemon-attack-surface # Stops the container started by this script. function cleanUp() { # Disable (yes, "+" disables) exiting immediately on errors to ensure that # all the cleanup commands are executed (well, no errors should occur during # the cleanup anyway, but just in case). set +o errexit echo "Cleaning up" docker rm --volumes --force $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID } # Exit immediately on errors. set -o errexit # Execute cleanUp when the script exits, either normally or due to an error. trap cleanUp EXIT # Ensure working directory is script directory, as some actions (like copying # the patches to the container) expect that. cd "$(dirname $0)" # python:3.9 can not be used, as one of the requeriments of Noto Tools # (pyclipper) fails to build. # # The container exits immediately if no command is given, so a Bash session # is created to prevent that. DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID=`docker run --rm --detach --interactive --tty python:3.8-slim bash` # Install required dependencies. docker exec $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID apt-get update docker exec $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID apt-get install -y git gcc g++ libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev wget # Install Noto Tools in the container. docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID git clone https://github.com/googlefonts/nototools docker exec --workdir /tmp/nototools $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID git checkout 76b29f8f8f9b docker exec --workdir /tmp/nototools $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID pip install --requirement requirements.txt docker exec --workdir /tmp/nototools $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID pip install --editable . # As Noto Tools were installed as "editable" the scripts can be patched after # installation. docker cp merge-font-noto-fix-merging-v20201206-phase3-76b29f8f8f9b.patch $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID:/tmp/nototools/merge-font-noto-fix-merging-v20201206-phase3-76b29f8f8f9b.patch docker exec --workdir /tmp/nototools --interactive $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID patch --strip 1 < merge-font-noto-fix-merging-v20201206-phase3-76b29f8f8f9b.patch # Get Noto fonts. # # Phase 2 Noto fonts use 2048 units per em, while phase 3 Noto fonts use 1000*. # Currently the fonts in the released package** (apparently from 2017-10-25) are # a mix of both, but fonts with different units per em can not be merged***. # However, the fonts in the Git repository, although not released yet, are all # using 1000 units per em already, so those are the ones merged. # # *https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/issues/908#issuecomment-298687906. # **https://noto-website-2.storage.googleapis.com/pkgs/Noto-unhinted.zip # ***https://fonttools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/merge.html docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID wget https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-fonts/archive/v20201206-phase3.tar.gz docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID tar -xzf v20201206-phase3.tar.gz # noto-fonts in Git and snapshots of Git (like the package used) have a # subdirectory for each font, but "merge_noto.py" expects to find all the fonts # in a single directory, so the structure needs to be "flattened". # # Hinted fonts* adapt better to being rendered in different sizes. The full # package in https://www.google.com/get/noto/ includes only unhinted fonts # (according to its name**, I have not actually verified the fonts themselves), # while the individual fonts listed below in the page are a mix of hinted and # unhinted fonts. However, the Git directory has hinted versions of all fonts, # so those are the ones merged (maybe there is a good reason not to merge hinted # fonts, but seems to work :-P). # # *https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Font_hinting # **https://noto-website-2.storage.googleapis.com/pkgs/Noto-unhinted.zip docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID mkdir --parent individual/hinted docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID find noto-fonts-20201206-phase3/hinted/ttf -iname "NotoSans*Regular.ttf" -exec mv {} individual/hinted/ \; docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID find noto-fonts-20201206-phase3/hinted/ttf -iname "NotoSans*Bold.ttf" -exec mv {} individual/hinted/ \; # Merge the fonts. docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID mkdir --parent combined/hinted docker exec --workdir /tmp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID merge_noto.py # Copy resulting files. # # Noto fonts, as well as the merged files, are licensed under the SIL Open Font # License: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL docker cp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID:/tmp/combined/hinted/NotoSans-Regular.ttf ../core/fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf docker cp $DOCKER_CONTAINER_ID:/tmp/combined/hinted/NotoSans-Bold.ttf ../core/fonts/NotoSans-Bold.ttf