setTimeSensitivity(\OCP\BackgroundJob\IJob::TIME_INSENSITIVE); $this->setInterval(24 * 3600); } protected function run(mixed $argument): void { if ($this->appConfig->getValueBool('core', 'metadataGenerationDone', false)) { return; } $lastHandledUser = $this->appConfig->getValueString('core', 'metadataGenerationLastHandledUser', ''); $users = $this->userManager->search(''); // we'll only start timer once we have found a valid user to handle // meaning NOW if we have not handled any user from a previous run $startTime = ($lastHandledUser === '') ? time() : null; foreach ($users as $user) { $userId = $user->getUID(); // if we already handled a previous run, we start timer only when we face the last handled user if ($startTime === null) { if ($userId === $lastHandledUser) { $startTime = time(); } continue; } $this->appConfig->setValueString('core', 'metadataGenerationLastHandledUser', $userId); $this->scanFilesForUser($user->getUID()); // Stop if execution time is more than one hour. if (time() - $startTime > 3600) { return; } } $this->appConfig->deleteKey('core', 'metadataGenerationLastHandledUser'); $this->appConfig->setValueBool('core', 'metadataGenerationDone', true); } private function scanFilesForUser(string $userId): void { $userFolder = $this->rootFolder->getUserFolder($userId); $this->scanFolder($userFolder); } private function scanFolder(Folder $folder): void { // Do not scan share and other moveable mounts. if ($folder->getMountPoint() instanceof \OC\Files\Mount\MoveableMount) { return; } foreach ($folder->getDirectoryListing() as $node) { if ($node instanceof Folder) { $this->scanFolder($node); continue; } // Don't generate metadata for files bigger than configured metadata_max_filesize // Files are loaded in memory so very big files can lead to an OOM on the server $nodeSize = $node->getSize(); $nodeLimit = $this->config->getSystemValueInt('metadata_max_filesize', self::DEFAULT_MAX_FILESIZE); if ($nodeSize > $nodeLimit * 1000000) { $this->logger->debug("Skipping generating metadata for fileid " . $node->getId() . " as its size exceeds configured 'metadata_max_filesize'."); continue; } try { $this->filesMetadataManager->getMetadata($node->getId(), false); } catch (FilesMetadataNotFoundException) { try { $this->filesMetadataManager->refreshMetadata( $node, IFilesMetadataManager::PROCESS_LIVE | IFilesMetadataManager::PROCESS_BACKGROUND ); } catch (\Throwable $ex) { $this->logger->warning("Error while generating metadata for fileid " . $node->getId(), ['exception' => $ex]); } } } } }