setName('upgrade') ->setDescription('run upgrade routines after installation of a new release. The release has to be installed before.'); } /** * Execute the upgrade command * * @param InputInterface $input input interface * @param OutputInterface $output output interface */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { if (Util::needUpgrade()) { if ($output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { // Prepend each line with a little timestamp $timestampFormatter = new TimestampFormatter($this->config, $output->getFormatter()); $output->setFormatter($timestampFormatter); } $self = $this; $updater = \OCP\Server::get(Updater::class); $incompatibleOverwrites = $this->config->getSystemValue('app_install_overwrite', []); /** @var IEventDispatcher $dispatcher */ $dispatcher = \OC::$server->get(IEventDispatcher::class); $progress = new ProgressBar($output); $progress->setFormat(" %message%\n %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%%"); $listener = function (MigratorExecuteSqlEvent $event) use ($progress, $output): void { $message = $event->getSql(); if ($output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $output->writeln(' Executing SQL ' . $message); } else { if (strlen($message) > 60) { $message = substr($message, 0, 57) . '...'; } $progress->setMessage($message); if ($event->getCurrentStep() === 1) { $output->writeln(''); $progress->start($event->getMaxStep()); } $progress->setProgress($event->getCurrentStep()); if ($event->getCurrentStep() === $event->getMaxStep()) { $progress->setMessage('Done'); $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); } } }; $repairListener = function (Event $event) use ($progress, $output): void { if ($event instanceof RepairStartEvent) { $progress->setMessage('Starting ...'); $output->writeln($event->getCurrentStepName()); $output->writeln(''); $progress->start($event->getMaxStep()); } elseif ($event instanceof RepairAdvanceEvent) { $desc = $event->getDescription(); if (!empty($desc)) { $progress->setMessage($desc); } $progress->advance($event->getIncrement()); } elseif ($event instanceof RepairFinishEvent) { $progress->setMessage('Done'); $progress->finish(); $output->writeln(''); } elseif ($event instanceof RepairStepEvent) { if ($output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $output->writeln('Repair step: ' . $event->getStepName() . ''); } } elseif ($event instanceof RepairInfoEvent) { if ($output->getVerbosity() > OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) { $output->writeln('Repair info: ' . $event->getMessage() . ''); } } elseif ($event instanceof RepairWarningEvent) { $output->writeln('Repair warning: ' . $event->getMessage() . ''); } elseif ($event instanceof RepairErrorEvent) { $output->writeln('Repair error: ' . $event->getMessage() . ''); } }; $dispatcher->addListener(MigratorExecuteSqlEvent::class, $listener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairStartEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairAdvanceEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairFinishEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairStepEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairInfoEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairWarningEvent::class, $repairListener); $dispatcher->addListener(RepairErrorEvent::class, $repairListener); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceEnabled', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Turned on maintenance mode'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceDisabled', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Turned off maintenance mode'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'maintenanceActive', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Maintenance mode is kept active'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'updateEnd', function ($success) use ($output, $self) { if ($success) { $message = 'Update successful'; } else { $message = 'Update failed'; } $output->writeln($message); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgradeBefore', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Updating database schema'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'dbUpgrade', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Updated database'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'incompatibleAppDisabled', function ($app) use ($output, &$incompatibleOverwrites) { if (!in_array($app, $incompatibleOverwrites)) { $output->writeln('Disabled incompatible app: ' . $app . ''); } }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'upgradeAppStoreApp', function ($app) use ($output) { $output->writeln('Update app ' . $app . ' from App Store'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appSimulateUpdate', function ($app) use ($output) { $output->writeln("Checking whether the database schema for <$app> can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)"); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgradeStarted', function ($app, $version) use ($output) { $output->writeln("Updating <$app> ..."); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'appUpgrade', function ($app, $version) use ($output) { $output->writeln("Updated <$app> to $version"); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'failure', function ($message) use ($output, $self) { $output->writeln("$message"); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'setDebugLogLevel', function ($logLevel, $logLevelName) use ($output) { $output->writeln('Setting log level to debug'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'resetLogLevel', function ($logLevel, $logLevelName) use ($output) { $output->writeln('Resetting log level'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'startCheckCodeIntegrity', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Starting code integrity check...'); }); $updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'finishedCheckCodeIntegrity', function () use ($output) { $output->writeln('Finished code integrity check'); }); $success = $updater->upgrade(); $this->postUpgradeCheck($input, $output); if (!$success) { return self::ERROR_FAILURE; } return self::ERROR_SUCCESS; } elseif ($this->config->getSystemValueBool('maintenance')) { //Possible scenario: Nextcloud core is updated but an app failed $output->writeln('Nextcloud is in maintenance mode'); $output->write('Maybe an upgrade is already in process. Please check the ' . 'logfile (data/nextcloud.log). If you want to re-run the ' . 'upgrade procedure, remove the "maintenance mode" from ' . 'config.php and call this script again.', true); return self::ERROR_MAINTENANCE_MODE; } else { $output->writeln('No upgrade required.'); $output->writeln(''); $output->writeln('Note: This command triggers the upgrade actions associated with a new version. The new version\'s updated source files must be deployed in advance.'); $doc = $this->urlGenerator->linkToDocs('admin-update'); $output->writeln('See the upgrade documentation: ' . $doc . ' for more information.'); return self::ERROR_UP_TO_DATE; } } /** * Perform a post upgrade check (specific to the command line tool) * * @param InputInterface $input input interface * @param OutputInterface $output output interface */ protected function postUpgradeCheck(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $trustedDomains = $this->config->getSystemValue('trusted_domains', []); if (empty($trustedDomains)) { $output->write( 'The setting "trusted_domains" could not be ' . 'set automatically by the upgrade script, ' . 'please set it manually' ); } } }