|DataResponse, array{}>|RedirectResponse * * 200: Preview returned * 303: Redirect to the mime icon url if mimeFallback is true * 400: Getting preview is not possible * 403: Getting preview is not allowed * 404: Preview not found */ #[NoAdminRequired] #[NoCSRFRequired] #[FrontpageRoute(verb: 'GET', url: '/core/preview.png')] #[OpenAPI(scope: OpenAPI::SCOPE_DEFAULT)] public function getPreview( string $file = '', int $x = 32, int $y = 32, bool $a = false, bool $forceIcon = true, string $mode = 'fill', bool $mimeFallback = false): Http\Response { if ($file === '' || $x === 0 || $y === 0) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } try { $userFolder = $this->root->getUserFolder($this->userId); $node = $userFolder->get($file); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } return $this->fetchPreview($node, $x, $y, $a, $forceIcon, $mode, $mimeFallback); } /** * Get a preview by file ID * * @param int $fileId ID of the file * @param int $x Width of the preview. A width of -1 will use the original image width. * @param int $y Height of the preview. A height of -1 will use the original image height. * @param bool $a Preserve the aspect ratio * @param bool $forceIcon Force returning an icon * @param 'fill'|'cover' $mode How to crop the image * @param bool $mimeFallback Whether to fallback to the mime icon if no preview is available * @return FileDisplayResponse|DataResponse, array{}>|RedirectResponse * * 200: Preview returned * 303: Redirect to the mime icon url if mimeFallback is true * 400: Getting preview is not possible * 403: Getting preview is not allowed * 404: Preview not found */ #[NoAdminRequired] #[NoCSRFRequired] #[FrontpageRoute(verb: 'GET', url: '/core/preview')] #[OpenAPI(scope: OpenAPI::SCOPE_DEFAULT)] public function getPreviewByFileId( int $fileId = -1, int $x = 32, int $y = 32, bool $a = false, bool $forceIcon = true, string $mode = 'fill', bool $mimeFallback = false) { if ($fileId === -1 || $x === 0 || $y === 0) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } $userFolder = $this->root->getUserFolder($this->userId); $node = $userFolder->getFirstNodeById($fileId); if (!$node) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } return $this->fetchPreview($node, $x, $y, $a, $forceIcon, $mode, $mimeFallback); } /** * @return FileDisplayResponse|DataResponse, array{}>|RedirectResponse */ private function fetchPreview( Node $node, int $x, int $y, bool $a, bool $forceIcon, string $mode, bool $mimeFallback = false) : Http\Response { if (!($node instanceof File) || (!$forceIcon && !$this->preview->isAvailable($node))) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } if (!$node->isReadable()) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } if ($node->getId() <= 0) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } // Is this header is set it means our UI is doing a preview for no-download shares // we check a header so we at least prevent people from using the link directly (obfuscation) $isNextcloudPreview = $this->request->getHeader('X-NC-Preview') === 'true'; $storage = $node->getStorage(); if ($isNextcloudPreview === false && $storage->instanceOfStorage(ISharedStorage::class)) { /** @var ISharedStorage $storage */ $share = $storage->getShare(); $attributes = $share->getAttributes(); // No "allow preview" header set, so we must check if // the share has not explicitly disabled download permissions if ($attributes?->getAttribute('permissions', 'download') === false) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_FORBIDDEN); } } try { $f = $this->preview->getPreview($node, $x, $y, !$a, $mode); $response = new FileDisplayResponse($f, Http::STATUS_OK, [ 'Content-Type' => $f->getMimeType(), ]); $response->cacheFor(3600 * 24, false, true); return $response; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // If we have no preview enabled, we can redirect to the mime icon if any if ($mimeFallback) { if ($url = $this->mimeIconProvider->getMimeIconUrl($node->getMimeType())) { return new RedirectResponse($url); } } return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_NOT_FOUND); } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { return new DataResponse([], Http::STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); } } /** * Get a preview by mime * * @param string $mime Mime type * @return RedirectResponse * * 303: The mime icon url */ #[NoCSRFRequired] #[PublicPage] #[FrontpageRoute(verb: 'GET', url: '/core/mimeicon')] #[OpenAPI(scope: OpenAPI::SCOPE_DEFAULT)] public function getMimeIconUrl(string $mime = 'application/octet-stream') { $url = $this->mimeIconProvider->getMimeIconUrl($mime); if ($url === null) { $url = $this->mimeIconProvider->getMimeIconUrl('application/octet-stream'); } return new RedirectResponse($url); } }