/** * @copyright 2017 Christoph Wurst * * @author Christoph Wurst * @author John Molakvoæ * @author Roeland Jago Douma * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /* eslint-disable */ import _ from 'underscore' import $ from 'jquery' import { Collection, Model, View } from 'backbone' import OC from './index' /** * @class Contact */ const Contact = Model.extend({ defaults: { fullName: '', lastMessage: '', actions: [], hasOneAction: false, hasTwoActions: false, hasManyActions: false }, /** * @returns {undefined} */ initialize: function() { // Add needed property for easier template rendering if (this.get('actions').length === 0) { this.set('hasOneAction', true) } else if (this.get('actions').length === 1) { this.set('hasTwoActions', true) this.set('secondAction', this.get('actions')[0]) } else { this.set('hasManyActions', true) } } }) /** * @class ContactCollection * @private */ const ContactCollection = Collection.extend({ model: Contact }) /** * @class ContactsListView * @private */ const ContactsListView = View.extend({ /** @type {ContactCollection} */ _collection: undefined, /** @type {array} */ _subViews: [], /** @type {string} */ tagName: 'ul', /** * @param {object} options * @returns {undefined} */ initialize: function(options) { this._collection = options.collection }, /** * @returns {self} */ render: function() { var self = this self.$el.html('') self._subViews = [] self._collection.forEach(function(contact) { var item = new ContactsListItemView({ model: contact }) item.render() self.$el.append(item.$el) item.on('toggle:actionmenu', self._onChildActionMenuToggle, self) self._subViews.push(item) }) return self }, /** * Event callback to propagate opening (another) entry's action menu * * @param {type} $src * @returns {undefined} */ _onChildActionMenuToggle: function($src) { this._subViews.forEach(function(view) { view.trigger('parent:toggle:actionmenu', $src) }) } }) /** * @class ContactsListItemView * @private */ const ContactsListItemView = View.extend({ /** @type {string} */ className: 'contact', /** @type {string} */ tagName: 'li', /** @type {undefined|function} */ _template: undefined, /** @type {Contact} */ _model: undefined, /** @type {boolean} */ _actionMenuShown: false, events: { 'click .icon-more': '_onToggleActionsMenu' }, contactTemplate: require('./contactsmenu/contact.handlebars'), /** * @param {object} data * @returns {undefined} */ template: function(data) { return this.contactTemplate(data) }, /** * @param {object} options * @returns {undefined} */ initialize: function(options) { this._model = options.model this.on('parent:toggle:actionmenu', this._onOtherActionMenuOpened, this) }, /** * @returns {self} */ render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template({ contact: this._model.toJSON() })) this.delegateEvents() // Show placeholder if no avatar is available (avatar is rendered as img, not div) this.$('div.avatar').imageplaceholder(this._model.get('fullName')) return this }, /** * Toggle the visibility of the action popover menu * * @private * @returns {undefined} */ _onToggleActionsMenu: function() { this._actionMenuShown = !this._actionMenuShown if (this._actionMenuShown) { this.$('.menu').show() } else { this.$('.menu').hide() } this.trigger('toggle:actionmenu', this.$el) }, /** * @private * @argument {jQuery} $src * @returns {undefined} */ _onOtherActionMenuOpened: function($src) { if (this.$el.is($src)) { // Ignore return } this._actionMenuShown = false this.$('.menu').hide() } }) /** * @class ContactsMenuView * @private */ const ContactsMenuView = View.extend({ /** @type {undefined|function} */ _loadingTemplate: undefined, /** @type {undefined|function} */ _errorTemplate: undefined, /** @type {undefined|function} */ _contentTemplate: undefined, /** @type {undefined|function} */ _contactsTemplate: undefined, /** @type {undefined|ContactCollection} */ _contacts: undefined, /** @type {string} */ _searchTerm: '', events: { 'input #contactsmenu-search': '_onSearch' }, templates: { loading: require('./contactsmenu/loading.handlebars'), error: require('./contactsmenu/error.handlebars'), menu: require('./contactsmenu/menu.handlebars'), list: require('./contactsmenu/list.handlebars') }, /** * @returns {undefined} */ _onSearch: _.debounce(function(e) { var searchTerm = this.$('#contactsmenu-search').val() // IE11 triggers an 'input' event after the view has been rendered // resulting in an endless loading loop. To prevent this, we remember // the last search term to savely ignore some events // See https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues/5281 if (searchTerm !== this._searchTerm) { this.trigger('search', this.$('#contactsmenu-search').val()) this._searchTerm = searchTerm } }, 700), /** * @param {object} data * @returns {string} */ loadingTemplate: function(data) { return this.templates.loading(data) }, /** * @param {object} data * @returns {string} */ errorTemplate: function(data) { return this.templates.error( _.extend({ couldNotLoadText: t('core', 'Could not load your contacts') }, data) ) }, /** * @param {object} data * @returns {string} */ contentTemplate: function(data) { return this.templates.menu( _.extend({ searchContactsText: t('core', 'Search contacts …') }, data) ) }, /** * @param {object} data * @returns {string} */ contactsTemplate: function(data) { return this.templates.list( _.extend({ noContactsFoundText: t('core', 'No contacts found'), showAllContactsText: t('core', 'Show all contacts …'), contactsAppMgmtText: t('core', 'Install the Contacts app') }, data) ) }, /** * @param {object} options * @returns {undefined} */ initialize: function(options) { this.options = options }, /** * @param {string} text * @returns {undefined} */ showLoading: function(text) { this.render() this._contacts = undefined this.$('.content').html(this.loadingTemplate({ loadingText: text })) }, /** * @returns {undefined} */ showError: function() { this.render() this._contacts = undefined this.$('.content').html(this.errorTemplate()) }, /** * @param {object} viewData * @param {string} searchTerm * @returns {undefined} */ showContacts: function(viewData, searchTerm) { this._contacts = viewData.contacts this.render({ contacts: viewData.contacts }) var list = new ContactsListView({ collection: viewData.contacts }) list.render() this.$('.content').html(this.contactsTemplate({ contacts: viewData.contacts, searchTerm: searchTerm, contactsAppEnabled: viewData.contactsAppEnabled, contactsAppURL: OC.generateUrl('/apps/contacts'), canInstallApp: OC.isUserAdmin(), contactsAppMgmtURL: OC.generateUrl('/settings/apps/social/contacts') })) this.$('#contactsmenu-contacts').html(list.$el) }, /** * @param {object} data * @returns {self} */ render: function(data) { var searchVal = this.$('#contactsmenu-search').val() this.$el.html(this.contentTemplate(data)) // Focus search this.$('#contactsmenu-search').val(searchVal) this.$('#contactsmenu-search').focus() return this } }) /** * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.el * @class ContactsMenu * @memberOf OC */ const ContactsMenu = function(options) { this.initialize(options) } ContactsMenu.prototype = { /** @type {string} */ $el: undefined, /** @type {ContactsMenuView} */ _view: undefined, /** @type {Promise} */ _contactsPromise: undefined, /** * @param {Object} options * @param {string} options.el - the selector of the element to render the menu in * @returns {undefined} */ initialize: function(options) { this.$el = $(options.el) this._view = new ContactsMenuView({ el: this.$el, }) this._view.on('search', function(searchTerm) { this.loadContacts(searchTerm) }, this) }, /** * @private * @param {string|undefined} searchTerm * @returns {Promise} */ _getContacts: function(searchTerm) { var url = OC.generateUrl('/contactsmenu/contacts') return Promise.resolve($.ajax(url, { method: 'POST', data: { filter: searchTerm } })) }, /** * @param {string|undefined} searchTerm * @returns {undefined} */ loadContacts: function(searchTerm) { var self = this if (!self._contactsPromise) { self._contactsPromise = self._getContacts(searchTerm) } if (_.isUndefined(searchTerm) || searchTerm === '') { self._view.showLoading(t('core', 'Loading your contacts …')) } else { self._view.showLoading(t('core', 'Looking for {term} …', { term: searchTerm })) } return self._contactsPromise.then(function(data) { // Convert contact entries to Backbone collection data.contacts = new ContactCollection(data.contacts) self._view.showContacts(data, searchTerm) }, function(e) { self._view.showError() console.error('There was an error loading your contacts', e) }).then(function() { // Delete promise, so that contacts are fetched again when the // menu is opened the next time. delete self._contactsPromise }).catch(console.error.bind(this)) } } export default ContactsMenu