/** * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later */ import type { User } from '@nextcloud/cypress' import { ACTION_COPY_MOVE } from "../../../apps/files/src/actions/moveOrCopyAction" export const getRowForFileId = (fileid: number) => cy.get(`[data-cy-files-list-row-fileid="${fileid}"]`) export const getRowForFile = (filename: string) => cy.get(`[data-cy-files-list-row-name="${CSS.escape(filename)}"]`) export const getActionsForFileId = (fileid: number) => getRowForFileId(fileid).find('[data-cy-files-list-row-actions]') export const getActionsForFile = (filename: string) => getRowForFile(filename).find('[data-cy-files-list-row-actions]') export const getActionButtonForFileId = (fileid: number) => getActionsForFileId(fileid).findByRole('button', { name: 'Actions' }) export const getActionButtonForFile = (filename: string) => getActionsForFile(filename).findByRole('button', { name: 'Actions' }) const searchForActionInRow = (row: JQuery, actionId: string): Cypress.Chainable> => { const action = row.find(`[data-cy-files-list-row-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`) if (action.length > 0) { cy.log('Found action in row') return cy.wrap(action) } // Else look in the action menu const menuButtonId = row.find('button[aria-controls]').attr('aria-controls') return cy.get(`#${menuButtonId} [data-cy-files-list-row-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`) } export const getActionEntryForFileId = (fileid: number, actionId: string): Cypress.Chainable> => { // If we cannot find the action in the row, it might be in the action menu return getRowForFileId(fileid).should('be.visible') .then(row => searchForActionInRow(row, actionId)) } export const getActionEntryForFile = (filename: string, actionId: string): Cypress.Chainable> => { // If we cannot find the action in the row, it might be in the action menu return getRowForFile(filename).should('be.visible') .then(row => searchForActionInRow(row, actionId)) } export const triggerActionForFileId = (fileid: number, actionId: string) => { // Even if it's inline, we open the action menu to get all actions visible getActionButtonForFileId(fileid).click({ force: true }) getActionEntryForFileId(fileid, actionId) .find('button').last() .should('exist').click({ force: true }) } export const triggerActionForFile = (filename: string, actionId: string) => { // Even if it's inline, we open the action menu to get all actions visible getActionButtonForFile(filename).click({ force: true }) getActionEntryForFile(filename, actionId) .find('button').last() .should('exist').click({ force: true }) } export const triggerInlineActionForFileId = (fileid: number, actionId: string) => { getActionsForFileId(fileid).find(`button[data-cy-files-list-row-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`).should('exist').click() } export const triggerInlineActionForFile = (filename: string, actionId: string) => { getActionsForFile(filename).find(`button[data-cy-files-list-row-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`).should('exist').click() } export const selectAllFiles = () => { cy.get('[data-cy-files-list-selection-checkbox]') .findByRole('checkbox', { checked: false }) .click({ force: true }) } export const deselectAllFiles = () => { cy.get('[data-cy-files-list-selection-checkbox]') .findByRole('checkbox', { checked: true }) .click({ force: true }) } export const selectRowForFile = (filename: string, options: Partial = {}) => { getRowForFile(filename) .find('[data-cy-files-list-row-checkbox]') .findByRole('checkbox') // don't use click to avoid triggering side effects events .trigger('change', { ...options, force: true }) .should('be.checked') cy.get('[data-cy-files-list-selection-checkbox]').findByRole('checkbox').should('satisfy', (elements) => { return elements.length === 1 && (elements[0].checked === true || elements[0].indeterminate === true) }) } export const getSelectionActionButton = () => cy.get('[data-cy-files-list-selection-actions]').findByRole('button', { name: 'Actions' }) export const getSelectionActionEntry = (actionId: string) => cy.get(`[data-cy-files-list-selection-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`) export const triggerSelectionAction = (actionId: string) => { // Even if it's inline, we open the action menu to get all actions visible getSelectionActionButton().click({ force: true }) // the entry might already be a button or a button might its child getSelectionActionEntry(actionId) .then($el => $el.is('button') ? cy.wrap($el) : cy.wrap($el).findByRole('button').last()) .should('exist') .click() } export const moveFile = (fileName: string, dirPath: string) => { getRowForFile(fileName).should('be.visible') triggerActionForFile(fileName, ACTION_COPY_MOVE) cy.get('.file-picker').within(() => { // intercept the copy so we can wait for it cy.intercept('MOVE', /\/(remote|public)\.php\/dav\/files\//).as('moveFile') if (dirPath === '/') { // select home folder cy.get('button[title="Home"]').should('be.visible').click() // click move cy.contains('button', 'Move').should('be.visible').click() } else if (dirPath === '.') { // click move cy.contains('button', 'Copy').should('be.visible').click() } else { const directories = dirPath.split('/') directories.forEach((directory) => { // select the folder cy.get(`[data-filename="${directory}"]`).should('be.visible').click() }) // click move cy.contains('button', `Move to ${directories.at(-1)}`).should('be.visible').click() } cy.wait('@moveFile') }) } export const copyFile = (fileName: string, dirPath: string) => { getRowForFile(fileName).should('be.visible') triggerActionForFile(fileName, ACTION_COPY_MOVE) cy.get('.file-picker').within(() => { // intercept the copy so we can wait for it cy.intercept('COPY', /\/(remote|public)\.php\/dav\/files\//).as('copyFile') if (dirPath === '/') { // select home folder cy.get('button[title="Home"]').should('be.visible').click() // click copy cy.contains('button', 'Copy').should('be.visible').click() } else if (dirPath === '.') { // click copy cy.contains('button', 'Copy').should('be.visible').click() } else { const directories = dirPath.split('/') directories.forEach((directory) => { // select the folder cy.get(`[data-filename="${CSS.escape(directory)}"]`).should('be.visible').click() }) // click copy cy.contains('button', `Copy to ${directories.at(-1)}`).should('be.visible').click() } cy.wait('@copyFile') }) } export const renameFile = (fileName: string, newFileName: string) => { getRowForFile(fileName) triggerActionForFile(fileName, 'rename') // intercept the move so we can wait for it cy.intercept('MOVE', /\/(remote|public)\.php\/dav\/files\//).as('moveFile') getRowForFile(fileName).find('[data-cy-files-list-row-name] input').clear() getRowForFile(fileName).find('[data-cy-files-list-row-name] input').type(`${newFileName}{enter}`) cy.wait('@moveFile') } export const navigateToFolder = (dirPath: string) => { const directories = dirPath.split('/') for (const directory of directories) { if (directory === '') { continue } getRowForFile(directory).should('be.visible').find('[data-cy-files-list-row-name-link]').click() } } export const closeSidebar = () => { // {force: true} as it might be hidden behind toasts cy.get('[data-cy-sidebar] .app-sidebar__close').click({ force: true }) } export const clickOnBreadcrumbs = (label: string) => { cy.intercept('PROPFIND', /\/remote.php\/dav\//).as('propfind') cy.get('[data-cy-files-content-breadcrumbs]').contains(label).click() cy.wait('@propfind') } export const createFolder = (folderName: string) => { cy.intercept('MKCOL', /\/remote.php\/dav\/files\//).as('createFolder') // TODO: replace by proper data-cy selectors cy.get('[data-cy-upload-picker] .action-item__menutoggle').first().click() cy.get('[data-cy-upload-picker-menu-entry="newFolder"] button').click() cy.get('[data-cy-files-new-node-dialog]').should('be.visible') cy.get('[data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-input]').type(`{selectall}${folderName}`) cy.get('[data-cy-files-new-node-dialog-submit]').click() cy.wait('@createFolder') getRowForFile(folderName).should('be.visible') } /** * Check validity of an input element * @param validity The expected validity message (empty string means it is valid) * @example * ```js * cy.findByRole('textbox') * .should(haveValidity(/must not be empty/i)) * ``` */ export const haveValidity = (validity: string | RegExp) => { if (typeof validity === 'string') { return (el: JQuery) => expect((el.get(0) as HTMLInputElement).validationMessage).to.equal(validity) } return (el: JQuery) => expect((el.get(0) as HTMLInputElement).validationMessage).to.match(validity) } export const deleteFileWithRequest = (user: User, path: string) => { // Ensure path starts with a slash and has no double slashes path = `/${path}`.replace(/\/+/g, '/') cy.request('/csrftoken').then(({ body }) => { const requestToken = body.token cy.request({ method: 'DELETE', url: `${Cypress.env('baseUrl')}/remote.php/dav/files/${user.userId}${path}`, auth: { user: user.userId, password: user.password, }, headers: { requestToken, }, retryOnStatusCodeFailure: true, }) }) } export const triggerFileListAction = (actionId: string) => { cy.get(`button[data-cy-files-list-action="${CSS.escape(actionId)}"]`).last() .should('exist').click({ force: true }) } export const reloadCurrentFolder = () => { cy.intercept('PROPFIND', /\/remote.php\/dav\//).as('propfind') cy.get('[data-cy-files-content-breadcrumbs]').findByRole('button', { description: 'Reload current directory' }).click() cy.wait('@propfind') } /** * Enable the grid mode for the files list. * Will fail if already enabled! */ export function enableGridMode() { cy.intercept('**/apps/files/api/v1/config/grid_view').as('setGridMode') cy.findByRole('button', { name: 'Switch to grid view' }) .should('be.visible') .click() cy.wait('@setGridMode') } /** * Calculate the needed viewport height to limit the visible rows of the file list. * Requires a logged in user. * * @param rows The number of rows that should be displayed at the same time */ export function calculateViewportHeight(rows: number): Cypress.Chainable { cy.visit('/apps/files') return cy.get('[data-cy-files-list]') .should('be.visible') .then((filesList) => { const windowHeight = Cypress.$('body').outerHeight()! // Size of other page elements const outerHeight = Math.ceil(windowHeight - filesList.outerHeight()!) // Size of before and filters const beforeHeight = Math.ceil(Cypress.$('.files-list__before').outerHeight()!) const filterHeight = Math.ceil(Cypress.$('.files-list__filters').outerHeight()!) // Size of the table header const tableHeaderHeight = Math.ceil(Cypress.$('[data-cy-files-list-thead]').outerHeight()!) // table row height const rowHeight = Math.ceil(Cypress.$('[data-cy-files-list-tbody] tr').outerHeight()!) // sum it up const viewportHeight = outerHeight + beforeHeight + filterHeight + tableHeaderHeight + rows * rowHeight cy.log(`Calculated viewport height: ${viewportHeight} (${outerHeight} + ${beforeHeight} + ${filterHeight} + ${tableHeaderHeight} + ${rows} * ${rowHeight})`) return cy.wrap(viewportHeight) }) }