/** * @copyright 2023 Christopher Ng <chrng8@gmail.com> * * @author Christopher Ng <chrng8@gmail.com> * * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * */ import { User } from '@nextcloud/cypress' import { assertNotExistOrNotVisible, getUserListRow, handlePasswordConfirmation, toggleEditButton } from './usersUtils' // eslint-disable-next-line n/no-extraneous-import import randomString from 'crypto-random-string' const admin = new User('admin', 'admin') describe('Settings: Create groups', () => { before(() => { cy.login(admin) cy.visit('/settings/users') }) it('Can create a group', () => { const groupName = randomString(7) // open the Create group menu cy.get('button[aria-label="Create group"]').click() cy.get('li[data-cy-users-settings-new-group-name]').within(() => { // see that the group name is "" cy.get('input').should('exist').and('have.value', '') // set the group name to foo cy.get('input').type(groupName) // see that the group name is foo cy.get('input').should('have.value', groupName) // submit the group name cy.get('input ~ button').click() }) // Make sure no confirmation modal is shown handlePasswordConfirmation(admin.password) // see that the created group is in the list cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { // see that the list of groups contains the group foo cy.contains(groupName).should('exist') }) }) }) describe('Settings: Assign user to a group', { testIsolation: false }, () => { const groupName = randomString(7) let testUser: User after(() => cy.deleteUser(testUser)) before(() => { cy.createRandomUser().then((user) => { testUser = user }) cy.runOccCommand(`group:add '${groupName}'`) cy.login(admin) cy.visit('/settings/users') }) it('see that the group is in the list', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').contains('li', groupName).should('exist') cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').contains('li', groupName).within(() => { cy.get('.counter-bubble__counter') .should('not.exist') // is hidden when 0 }) }) it('see that the user is in the list', () => { getUserListRow(testUser.userId) .contains(testUser.userId) .should('exist') .scrollIntoView() }) it('switch into user edit mode', () => { toggleEditButton(testUser) getUserListRow(testUser.userId) .find('[data-cy-user-list-input-groups]') .should('exist') }) it('assign the group', () => { // focus inside the input getUserListRow(testUser.userId) .find('[data-cy-user-list-input-groups] input') .click({ force: true }) // enter the group name getUserListRow(testUser.userId) .find('[data-cy-user-list-input-groups] input') .type(`${groupName.slice(0, 5)}`) // only type part as otherwise we would create a new one with the same name cy.contains('li.vs__dropdown-option', groupName) .click({ force: true }) handlePasswordConfirmation(admin.password) }) it('leave the user edit mode', () => { toggleEditButton(testUser, false) }) it('see the group was successfully assigned', () => { // see a new memeber cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]') .contains('li', groupName) .find('.counter-bubble__counter') .should('contain', '1') }) it('validate the user was added on backend', () => { cy.runOccCommand(`user:info --output=json '${testUser.userId}'`).then((output) => { cy.wrap(output.code).should('eq', 0) cy.wrap(JSON.parse(output.stdout)?.groups).should('include', groupName) }) }) }) describe('Settings: Delete an empty group', { testIsolation: false }, () => { const groupName = randomString(7) before(() => { cy.runOccCommand(`group:add '${groupName}'`) cy.login(admin) cy.visit('/settings/users') }) it('see that the group is in the list', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { // see that the list of groups contains the group foo cy.contains(groupName).should('exist').scrollIntoView() // open the actions menu for the group cy.contains('li', groupName).within(() => { cy.get('button.action-item__menutoggle').click({ force: true }) }) }) }) it('can delete the group', () => { // The "Remove group" action in the actions menu is shown and clicked cy.get('.action-item__popper button').contains('Remove group').should('exist').click({ force: true }) // And confirmation dialog accepted cy.get('.modal-container button').contains('Confirm').click({ force: true }) // Make sure no confirmation modal is shown handlePasswordConfirmation(admin.password) }) it('deleted group is not shown anymore', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { // see that the list of groups does not contain the group cy.contains(groupName).should('not.exist') }) // and also not in database cy.runOccCommand('group:list --output=json').then(($response) => { const groups: string[] = Object.keys(JSON.parse($response.stdout)) expect(groups).to.not.include(groupName) }) }) }) describe('Settings: Delete a non empty group', () => { let testUser: User const groupName = randomString(7) before(() => { cy.runOccCommand(`group:add '${groupName}'`) cy.createRandomUser().then(($user) => { testUser = $user cy.runOccCommand(`group:addUser '${groupName}' '${$user.userId}'`) }) cy.login(admin) cy.visit('/settings/users') }) after(() => cy.deleteUser(testUser)) it('see that the group is in the list', () => { // see that the list of groups contains the group cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').contains('li', groupName).should('exist').scrollIntoView() }) it('can delete the group', () => { // open the menu cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]') .contains('li', groupName) .find('button.action-item__menutoggle') .click({ force: true }) // The "Remove group" action in the actions menu is shown and clicked cy.get('.action-item__popper button').contains('Remove group').should('exist').click({ force: true }) // And confirmation dialog accepted cy.get('.modal-container button').contains('Confirm').click({ force: true }) // Make sure no confirmation modal is shown handlePasswordConfirmation(admin.password) }) it('deleted group is not shown anymore', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { // see that the list of groups does not contain the group foo cy.contains(groupName).should('not.exist') }) // and also not in database cy.runOccCommand('group:list --output=json').then(($response) => { const groups: string[] = Object.keys(JSON.parse($response.stdout)) expect(groups).to.not.include(groupName) }) }) }) describe.only('Settings: Sort groups in the UI', () => { before(() => { // Clear state cy.runOccCommand('group:list --output json').then((output) => { const groups = Object.keys(JSON.parse(output.stdout)).filter((group) => group !== 'admin') groups.forEach((group) => { cy.runOccCommand(`group:delete "${group}"`) }) }) // Add two groups and add one user to group B cy.runOccCommand('group:add A') cy.runOccCommand('group:add B') cy.createRandomUser().then((user) => { cy.runOccCommand(`group:adduser B "${user.userId}"`) }) // Visit the settings as admin cy.login(admin) cy.visit('/settings/users') }) it('Can set sort by member count', () => { // open the settings dialog cy.contains('button', 'Account management settings').click() cy.contains('.modal-container', 'Account management settings').within(() => { cy.get('[data-test="sortGroupsByMemberCount"] input[type="radio"]').scrollIntoView() cy.get('[data-test="sortGroupsByMemberCount"] input[type="radio"]').check({ force: true }) // close the settings dialog cy.get('button.modal-container__close').click() }) cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('.modal-container').should(el => assertNotExistOrNotVisible(el))) }) it('See that the groups are sorted by the member count', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { cy.get('li').eq(0).should('contain', 'B') // 1 member cy.get('li').eq(1).should('contain', 'A') // 0 members }) }) it('See that the order is preserved after a reload', () => { cy.reload() cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { cy.get('li').eq(0).should('contain', 'B') // 1 member cy.get('li').eq(1).should('contain', 'A') // 0 members }) }) it('Can set sort by group name', () => { // open the settings dialog cy.contains('button', 'Account management settings').click() cy.contains('.modal-container', 'Account management settings').within(() => { cy.get('[data-test="sortGroupsByName"] input[type="radio"]').scrollIntoView() cy.get('[data-test="sortGroupsByName"] input[type="radio"]').check({ force: true }) // close the settings dialog cy.get('button.modal-container__close').click() }) cy.waitUntil(() => cy.get('.modal-container').should(el => assertNotExistOrNotVisible(el))) }) it('See that the groups are sorted by the user count', () => { cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { cy.get('li').eq(0).should('contain', 'A') cy.get('li').eq(1).should('contain', 'B') }) }) it('See that the order is preserved after a reload', () => { cy.reload() cy.get('ul[data-cy-users-settings-navigation-groups="custom"]').within(() => { cy.get('li').eq(0).should('contain', 'A') cy.get('li').eq(1).should('contain', 'B') }) }) })