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		Namespaced Key-Value Store for Application Configuration.
		 - Keys are namespaced per appid.
		 - E.g. (core, global_cache_gc_lastrun) -> 1385463286









		Bidirectional Map for Storage Names and Storage Ids.
		 - Assigns each storage name a unique storage id integer.
		 - Long storage names are hashed.
		 - E.g.                     local::/tmp/ <-> 2
		 - E.g. b5db994aa8c6625100e418406c798269 <-> 27



















		Bidirectional Map for Mimetypes and Mimetype Id
		 - Assigns each mimetype (and supertype) a unique mimetype id integer.
		 - E.g.     application <-> 5
		 - E.g. application/pdf <-> 6








		Main file table containing one row for each directory and file.
		 - Assigns a unique integer fileid to each file (and directory)
		 - Assigns an etag to each file (and directory)
		 - Caches various file/dir properties such as:
		  - path (filename, e.g. files/combinatoricslib-2.0_doc.zip)
		  - path_hash = md5(path)
		  - name (basename, e.g. combinatoricslib-2.0_doc.zip)
		  - size (for directories this is the sum of all contained file sizes)



			<!-- Foreign Key storages::numeric_id -->



			<!-- Foreign Key filecache::fileid -->


			<!-- Foreign Key mimetypes::id -->

			<!-- Foreign Key mimetypes::id -->
















		Stores which groups have which users as members in an n:m relationship.
		 - Maps group id (gid) to a set of users (uid)
		 - Maps user id (uid) to a set of groups (gid) (but without index)


			<!-- Foreign Key groups::gid -->

			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->





		Stores which groups have which users as admins in an n:m relationship.
		 - Maps group id (gid) to a set of users (uid)
		 - Maps user id (uid) to a set of groups (gid)

		NOTE: This could (very likely) be reduced to a single bit in group_user
		      instead of repeating varchars gid and uid here


			<!-- Foreign Key groups::gid -->

			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->





		A simple list of groups.







		Locks held by WebDAV clients via OC_Connector_Sabre_Locks.



			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->











		Namespaced Key-Value Store for User Preferences
		 - Keys are namespaced per userid and appid.
		 - E.g. (admin, files, cache_version) -> 5


			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->








		WebDAV properties.



			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->








		Shares of all types (user-to-user, external-via-link, etc.)



			<!-- Constant OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_* -->

			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid or NULL -->

			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->

			<!-- Foreign Key share::id or NULL -->

			<!-- E.g. file or folder -->

			<!-- Foreign Key filecache::fileid -->


			<!-- Foreign Key filecache::fileid -->


			<!-- Permission bitfield -->

			<!-- Time of share creation -->

			<!-- Whether the receiver accepted the share, if share_with is set. -->

			<!-- Time of share expiration -->






		Scheduled background jobs.
		See OC\BackgroundJob\JobList.










		List of usernames, their display name and login password.









		List of tags (category) + a unique tag id (id) per user (uid) and type.



			<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->








		Object-Tag associations per tag type.



		<!-- Foreign Key vcategory::id -->







		Namespaced Key-Value Store for arbitrary data.
		 - Keys are namespaced per userid and appid.
		 - E.g. (admin, files, foo) -> bar



		<!-- Foreign Key users::uid -->






