*dbname* true false utf8 *dbprefix*appconfig appid text true 32 configkey text true 64 configvalue clob false appconfig_appid_key_index true true appid ascending configkey ascending appconfig_config_key_index configkey ascending appconfig_appid_key appid ascending
*dbprefix*storages id text false 64 numeric_id integer 0 true 1 4 available integer 1 true last_checked integer storages_id_index true id ascending
*dbprefix*mounts id integer 0 true 1 4 storage_id integer true root_id integer true user_id text true 64 mount_point text true 4000 mount_id integer mounts_user_index false user_id ascending mounts_storage_index false storage_id ascending mounts_root_index false root_id ascending mounts_mount_id_index false mount_id ascending mounts_user_root_index true user_id ascending root_id ascending
*dbprefix*mimetypes id integer 0 true 1 4 mimetype text true 255 mimetype_id_index true mimetype ascending
*dbprefix*filecache fileid integer 0 true 1 4 storage integer true 4 path text false 4000 path_hash text true 32 parent integer true 4 name text false 250 mimetype integer true 4 mimepart integer true 4 size integer true 8 mtime integer true 4 storage_mtime integer true 4 encrypted integer 0 true 4 unencrypted_size integer 0 true 8 etag text false 40 permissions integer 0 false 4 checksum text false 255 fs_storage_path_hash true storage ascending path_hash ascending fs_parent_name_hash parent ascending name ascending fs_storage_mimetype storage ascending mimetype ascending fs_storage_mimepart storage ascending mimepart ascending fs_storage_size storage ascending size ascending fileid
*dbprefix*group_user gid text true 64 uid text true 64 gu_gid_uid_index true true gid ascending uid ascending gu_uid_index uid ascending
*dbprefix*group_admin gid text true 64 uid text true 64 group_admin_uid uid ascending ga_gid_uid_index true true gid ascending uid ascending
*dbprefix*groups gid text true 64 groups_pKey true gid ascending
*dbprefix*preferences userid text true 64 appid text true 32 configkey text true 64 configvalue clob false pref_userid_appid_key_index true true userid ascending appid ascending configkey ascending
*dbprefix*properties id 1 integer 0 true 4 userid text true 64 propertypath text true 255 propertyname text true 255 propertyvalue clob true property_index userid ascending
*dbprefix*share id 1 integer 0 true 4 share_type integer 0 true 1 share_with text false 255 password text false 255 uid_owner text true 64 uid_initiator text false 64 parent integer false 4 item_type text true 64 item_source text false 255 item_target text false 255 file_source integer false 4 file_target text false 512 permissions integer 0 true 1 stime integer 0 true 8 accepted integer 0 true 1 expiration timestamp false token text false 32 mail_send integer 0 true 1 share_name text false 64 item_share_type_index item_type ascending share_type ascending file_source_index file_source ascending token_index token ascending
*dbprefix*jobs id integer 0 true 1 true 4 class text true 255 argument text true 4000 last_run integer false last_checked integer false reserved_at integer false execution_duration integer true job_class_index class ascending
*dbprefix*users uid text true 64 displayname text 64 password text true 255 users_pKey true uid ascending
*dbprefix*authtoken id integer 0 true 1 true 4 uid text true 64 login_name text true 64 password clob false name clob true token text true 200 type integer 0 true true 2 remember integer 0 true true 1 last_activity integer 0 true true 4 last_check integer 0 true true 4 scope clob false authtoken_token_index true token ascending authtoken_last_activity_index last_activity ascending
*dbprefix*bruteforce_attempts id integer 0 true 1 true 4 action text true 64 occurred integer 0 true true 4 ip text true 255 subnet text true 255 metadata text true 255 bruteforce_attempts_ip ip ascending bruteforce_attempts_subnet subnet ascending
*dbprefix*vcategory id integer 0 true 1 true 4 uid text true 64 type text true 64 category text true 255 uid_index uid ascending type_index type ascending category_index category ascending
*dbprefix*vcategory_to_object objid integer 0 true true 4 categoryid integer 0 true true 4 type text true 64 true true category_object_index categoryid ascending objid ascending type ascending vcategory_objectd_index objid ascending type ascending
*dbprefix*systemtag id integer 0 true 1 true 4 name text true 64 visibility integer 1 true 1 editable integer 1 true 1 tag_ident true name ascending visibility ascending editable ascending
*dbprefix*systemtag_object_mapping objectid text true 64 objecttype text true 64 systemtagid integer 0 true true 4 true mapping objecttype ascending objectid ascending systemtagid ascending
*dbprefix*systemtag_group systemtagid integer 0 true true 4 gid string true systemtag_group true true gid ascending systemtagid ascending
*dbprefix*privatedata keyid integer 0 true true 4 1 user text true 64 app text true 255 key text true 255 value text true 255 true true keyid_index keyid ascending
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*dbprefix*comments id integer 0 true true 4 1 parent_id integer 0 true true 4 topmost_parent_id integer 0 true true 4 children_count integer 0 true true 4 actor_type text true 64 actor_id text true 64 message clob false verb text false 64 creation_timestamp timestamp false latest_child_timestamp timestamp false object_type text true 64 object_id text true 64 comments_parent_id_index false parent_id descending comments_topmost_parent_id_idx false topmost_parent_id descending comments_object_index false object_type ascending object_id ascending creation_timestamp descending comments_actor_index false actor_type ascending actor_id ascending
*dbprefix*comments_read_markers user_id text true 64 marker_datetime timestamp false object_type text true 64 object_id text true 64 comments_marker_object_index false object_type ascending object_id ascending comments_marker_index true user_id descending object_type ascending object_id ascending
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*dbprefix*personal_sections id text false 64 class text true 255 priority integer true 1 personal_sections_id_index true id ascending personal_sections_class true class ascending
*dbprefix*personal_settings id integer 0 true 1 4 class text true 255 section text false 64 priority integer true 1 personal_settings_id_index true id ascending personal_settings_class true class ascending personal_settings_section false section ascending
*dbprefix*accounts uid text true 64 data clob true uid_index true true uid ascending
vi">@curdiffs.push ['-', i, elem] end def discardb(i, elem) @curdiffs.push ['+', i, elem] end def compact return Diff.new(compactdiffs) end def compact! @diffs = compactdiffs end def inspect @diffs.inspect end end end module Diffable def diff(b) RedmineDiff::Diff.new(self, b) end # Create a hash that maps elements of the array to arrays of indices # where the elements are found. def reverse_hash(range = (0...self.length)) revmap = {} range.each { |i| elem = self[i] if revmap.has_key? elem revmap[elem].push i else revmap[elem] = [i] end } return revmap end def replacenextlarger(value, high = nil) high ||= self.length if self.empty? || value > self[-1] push value return high end # binary search for replacement point low = 0 while low < high index = (high+low)/2 found = self[index] return nil if value == found if value > found low = index + 1 else high = index end end self[low] = value # $stderr << "replace #{value} : 0/#{low}/#{init_high} (#{steps} steps) (#{init_high-low} off )\n" # $stderr.puts self.inspect #gets #p length - low return low end def patch(diff) newary = nil if diff.difftype == String newary = diff.difftype.new('') else newary = diff.difftype.new end ai = 0 bi = 0 diff.diffs.each { |d| d.each { |mod| case mod[0] when '-' while ai < mod[1] newary << self[ai] ai += 1 bi += 1 end ai += 1 when '+' while bi < mod[1] newary << self[ai] ai += 1 bi += 1 end newary << mod[2] bi += 1 else raise "Unknown diff action" end } } while ai < self.length newary << self[ai] ai += 1 bi += 1 end return newary end end class Array include Diffable end class String include Diffable end =begin = Diff (({diff.rb})) - computes the differences between two arrays or strings. Copyright (C) 2001 Lars Christensen == Synopsis diff = Diff.new(a, b) b = a.patch(diff) == Class Diff === Class Methods --- Diff.new(a, b) --- a.diff(b) Creates a Diff object which represent the differences between ((|a|)) and ((|b|)). ((|a|)) and ((|b|)) can be either be arrays of any objects, strings, or object of any class that include module ((|Diffable|)) == Module Diffable The module ((|Diffable|)) is intended to be included in any class for which differences are to be computed. Diffable is included into String and Array when (({diff.rb})) is (({require}))'d. Classes including Diffable should implement (({[]})) to get element at integer indices, (({<<})) to append elements to the object and (({ClassName#new})) should accept 0 arguments to create a new empty object. === Instance Methods --- Diffable#patch(diff) Applies the differences from ((|diff|)) to the object ((|obj|)) and return the result. ((|obj|)) is not changed. ((|obj|)) and can be either an array or a string, but must match the object from which the ((|diff|)) was created. =end