. * */ // set some stuff ob_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); ini_set('arg_separator.output','&'); ini_set('session.cookie_httponly','1;'); session_start(); // calculate the documentroot $SERVERROOT=substr(__FILE__,0,-17); $DOCUMENTROOT=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $count=strlen($DOCUMENTROOT); $WEBROOT=substr($SERVERROOT,$count); // set the right include path set_include_path(get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.'/inc'.PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.'/config'); // define default config values $CONFIG_ADMINLOGIN=''; $CONFIG_ADMINPASSWORD=''; $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY=$SERVERROOT.$WEBROOT.'/data'; $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL=false; $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT='j M Y G:i'; $CONFIG_DBNAME='owncloud'; $CONFIG_DBTYPE='sqlite'; // include the generated configfile @include_once('config.php'); // redirect to https site if configured if(isset($CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL) and $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL){ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') { $url = "https://". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: $url"); exit; } } // load core libs require_once('lib_files.php'); require_once('lib_log.php'); require_once('lib_config.php'); // load plugins $CONFIG_LOADPLUGINS='music'; $plugins=explode(' ',$CONFIG_LOADPLUGINS); if(isset($plugins[0]['url'])) foreach($plugins as $plugin) require_once('plugins/'.$plugin.'/lib_'.$plugin.'.php'); // check if the server is correctly configured for ownCloud OC_UTIL::checkserver(); // listen for login or logout actions OC_USER::logoutlisener(); $loginresult=OC_USER::loginlisener(); /** * Class for usermanagement * */ class OC_USER { /** * check if the login button is pressed and logg the user in * */ public static function loginlisener(){ global $CONFIG_ADMINLOGIN; global $CONFIG_ADMINPASSWORD; if(isset($_POST['loginbutton']) and isset($_POST['password']) and isset($_POST['login'])){ if($_POST['login']==$CONFIG_ADMINLOGIN and $_POST['password']==$CONFIG_ADMINPASSWORD){ $_SESSION['username']=$_POST['login']; OC_LOG::event($_SESSION['username'],1,''); return(''); }else{ return('error'); } } return(''); } /** * check if the logout button is pressed and logout the user * */ public static function logoutlisener(){ if(isset($_GET['logoutbutton']) && isset($_SESSION['username'])){ OC_LOG::event($_SESSION['username'],2,''); unset($_SESSION['username']); } } } /** * Class for utility functions * */ class OC_UTIL { public static $scripts=array(); /** * add a javascript file * * @param url $url */ public static function addscript($url){ self::$scripts[]=$url; } /** * array to store all the optional navigation buttons of the plugins * */ static private $NAVIGATION = array(); /** * check if the current server configuration is suitable for ownCloud * */ public static function checkserver(){ global $SERVERROOT; $f=@fopen($SERVERROOT.'/config/config.php','a+'); if(!$f) die('Error: Config file (config/config.php) is not writable for the webserver.'); @fclose($f); } /** * show the header of the web GUI * */ public static function showheader(){ global $CONFIG_ADMINLOGIN; global $WEBROOT; require('templates/header.php');; } /** * show the footer of the web GUI * */ public static function showfooter(){ global $CONFIG_FOOTEROWNERNAME; global $CONFIG_FOOTEROWNEREMAIL; require('templates/footer.php');; } /** * add an navigationentry to the main navigation * * @param name $name * @param url $url */ public static function addnavigationentry($name,$url) { $entry=array(); $entry['name']=$name; $entry['url']=$url; OC_UTIL::$NAVIGATION[]=$entry; } /** * show the main navigation * */ public static function shownavigation(){ global $WEBROOT; global $SERVERROOT; echo(''); echo(''); if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']==$WEBROOT.'/index.php') echo(''); else echo(''); foreach(OC_UTIL::$NAVIGATION as $NAVI) { if(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])==$WEBROOT.$NAVI['url']) echo(''); else echo(''); } if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']==$WEBROOT.'/log/index.php') echo(''); else echo(''); if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']==$WEBROOT.'/settings/index.php') echo(''); else echo(''); echo(''); echo('
'); } /** * show the loginform * */ public static function showloginform(){ global $loginresult; require('templates/loginform.php'); } /** * show an icon for a filetype * */ public static function showicon($filetype){ global $WEBROOT; if($filetype=='dir'){ echo(''); }elseif($filetype=='foo'){ echo('foo'); }else{ echo(''); } } } /** * Class for database access * */ class OC_DB { /** * executes a query on the database * * @param string $cmd * @return result-set */ static function query($cmd) { global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $DBConnection; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if(!isset($DBConnection)) { if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $DBConnection = @new SQLiteDatabase($DOCUMENTROOT.'/'.$CONFIG_DBNAME); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $DBConnection = @new mysqli($CONFIG_DBHOST, $CONFIG_DBUSER, $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD,$CONFIG_DBNAME); } if (!$DBConnection) { @ob_end_clean(); echo('can not connect to database, using '.$CONFIG_DBTYPE.'.'); exit(); } } $result = @$DBConnection->query($cmd); if (!$result) { if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $error=sqlite_error_string($DBConnection->lastError()); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ print_r($DBConnection); $error=$DBConnection->error; } $entry='DB Error: "'.$error.'"
'; $entry.='Offending command was: '.$cmd.'
'; echo($entry); } return $result; } /** * executes multiply queries on the database * * @param string $cmd * @return result-set */ static function multiquery($cmd) { global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $DBConnection; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; if(!isset($DBConnection)) { if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $DBConnection = @new SQLiteDatabase($DOCUMENTROOT.'/'.$CONFIG_DBNAME); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $DBConnection = @new mysqli($CONFIG_DBHOST, $CONFIG_DBUSER, $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD,$CONFIG_DBNAME); } if (!$DBConnection) { @ob_end_clean(); echo('can not connect to database, using '.$CONFIG_DBTYPE.'.'); exit(); } } if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $result = @$DBConnection->queryExec($cmd); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $result = @$DBConnection->multi_query($cmd); } if (!$result) { if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $error=sqlite_error_string($DBConnection->lastError()); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $error=$DBConnection->error; } $entry='DB Error: "'.$error.'"
'; $entry.='Offending command was: '.$cmd.'
'; echo($entry); } return $result; } /** * closing a db connection * * @return bool */ static function close() { global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $DBConnection; if(isset($DBConnection)) { return $DBConnection->close(); } else { return(false); } } /** * Returning primarykey if last statement was an insert. * * @return primarykey */ static function insertid() { global $DBConnection; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ return $DBConnection->lastInsertRowid(); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ return(mysqli_insert_id($DBConnection)); } } /** * Returning number of rows in a result * * @param resultset $result * @return int */ static function numrows($result) { if(!isset($result) or ($result == false)) return 0; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $num= $result->numRows(); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $num= mysqli_num_rows($result); } return($num); } /** * Returning number of affected rows * * @return int */ static function affected_rows() { global $DBConnection; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if(!isset($DBConnection) or ($DBConnection==false)) return 0; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $num= $DBConnection->changes(); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $num= mysqli_affected_rows($DBConnection); } return($num); } /** * get a field from the resultset * * @param resultset $result * @param int $i * @param int $field * @return unknown */ static function result($result, $i, $field) { global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $result->seek($i); $tmp=$result->fetch(); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ mysqli_data_seek($result,$i); if (is_string($field)) $tmp=mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_BOTH); else $tmp=mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_NUM); } $tmp=$tmp[$field]; return($tmp); return($tmp); } /** * get data-array from resultset * * @param resultset $result * @return data */ static function fetch_assoc($result) { global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ return $result->fetch(SQLITE_ASSOC); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ return mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } } /** * Freeing resultset (performance) * * @param unknown_type $result * @return bool */ static function free_result($result) { global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $result = null; //No native way to do this return true; }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ return @mysqli_free_result($result); } } } ?>