/** * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020 Marco Ambrosini * * @author Marco Ambrosini * * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ import type { Config } from 'jest' // TODO: find a way to consolidate this in one place, with webpack.common.js const ignorePatterns = [ '@buttercup/fetch', '@juliushaertl', '@mdi/svg', '@nextcloud/files', '@nextcloud/upload', '@nextcloud/vue', 'ansi-regex', 'camelcase', 'char-regex', 'hot-patcher', 'is-svg', 'layerr', 'mime', 'p-cancelable', 'p-limit', 'p-queue', 'p-timeout', 'splitpanes', 'string-length', 'strip-ansi', 'tributejs', 'unist-.+', 'url-join', 'vue-material-design-icons', 'webdav', 'yocto-queue', ] const config: Config = { testMatch: ['/**/*.(spec|test).(ts|js)'], clearMocks: true, setupFilesAfterEnv: ['/__tests__/jest-setup.ts'], testEnvironment: './__tests__/FixJSDOMEnvironment.ts', preset: 'ts-jest/presets/js-with-ts', roots: [ '/__mocks__', '/__tests__', '/apps', '/core', ], transform: { // process `*.js` files with `babel-jest` '^.+\\.c?js$': 'babel-jest', '^.+\\.vue$': '@vue/vue2-jest', '^.+\\.ts$': ['ts-jest', { // @see https://github.com/kulshekhar/ts-jest/issues/4081 tsconfig: './__tests__/tsconfig.json', }], }, transformIgnorePatterns: [ 'node_modules/(?!(' + ignorePatterns.join('|') + ')/)', ], // Allow mocking svg files moduleNameMapper: { '^.+\\.svg(\\?raw)?$': '/__mocks__/svg.js', '\\.s?css$': '/__mocks__/css.js', }, modulePathIgnorePatterns: [ '/apps2/', '/apps-extra/', ], } export default config