# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # # Translators: # , 2012. # Asier Urio Larrea , 2011. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: ownCloud\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugs.owncloud.org/\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-28 00:01+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-27 22:01+0000\n" "Last-Translator: I Robot \n" "Language-Team: Basque (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/owncloud/language/eu/)\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Language: eu\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ajax/vcategories/add.php:22 ajax/vcategories/delete.php:22 msgid "Application name not provided." msgstr "Aplikazioaren izena falta da" #: ajax/vcategories/add.php:28 msgid "No category to add?" msgstr "Ez dago gehitzeko kategoriarik?" #: ajax/vcategories/add.php:35 msgid "This category already exists: " msgstr "Kategoria hau dagoeneko existitzen da:" #: js/js.js:243 templates/layout.user.php:53 templates/layout.user.php:54 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Ezarpenak" #: js/oc-dialogs.js:123 msgid "Choose" msgstr "Aukeratu" #: js/oc-dialogs.js:143 js/oc-dialogs.js:163 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Ezeztatu" #: js/oc-dialogs.js:159 msgid "No" msgstr "Ez" #: js/oc-dialogs.js:160 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Bai" #: js/oc-dialogs.js:177 msgid "Ok" msgstr "Ados" #: js/oc-vcategories.js:68 msgid "No categories selected for deletion." msgstr "Ez da ezabatzeko kategoriarik hautatu." #: js/oc-vcategories.js:68 js/share.js:114 js/share.js:121 js/share.js:505 #: js/share.js:517 msgid "Error" msgstr "Errorea" #: js/share.js:103 msgid "Error while sharing" msgstr "Errore bat egon da elkarbanatzean" #: js/share.js:114 msgid "Error while unsharing" msgstr "Errore bat egon da elkarbanaketa desegitean" #: js/share.js:121 msgid "Error while changing permissions" msgstr "Errore bat egon da baimenak aldatzean" #: js/share.js:130 msgid "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" msgstr "" #: js/share.js:132 msgid "Shared with you by {owner}" msgstr "" #: js/share.js:137 msgid "Share with" msgstr "Elkarbanatu honekin" #: js/share.js:142 msgid "Share with link" msgstr "Elkarbanatu lotura batekin" #: js/share.js:143 msgid "Password protect" msgstr "Babestu pasahitzarekin" #: js/share.js:147 templates/installation.php:42 templates/login.php:24 #: templates/verify.php:13 msgid "Password" msgstr "Pasahitza" #: js/share.js:152 msgid "Set expiration date" msgstr "Ezarri muga data" #: js/share.js:153 msgid "Expiration date" msgstr "Muga data" #: js/share.js:185 msgid "Share via email:" msgstr "Elkarbanatu eposta bidez:" #: js/share.js:187 msgid "No people found" msgstr "Ez da inor aurkitu" #: js/share.js:214 msgid "Resharing is not allowed" msgstr "Berriz elkarbanatzea ez dago baimendua" #: js/share.js:250 msgid "Shared in {item} with {user}" msgstr "" #: js/share.js:271 msgid "Unshare" msgstr "Ez elkarbanatu" #: js/share.js:283 msgid "can edit" msgstr "editatu dezake" #: js/share.js:285 msgid "access control" msgstr "sarrera kontrola" #: js/share.js:288 msgid "create" msgstr "sortu" #: js/share.js:291 msgid "update" msgstr "eguneratu" #: js/share.js:294 msgid "delete" msgstr "ezabatu" #: js/share.js:297 msgid "share" msgstr "elkarbanatu" #: js/share.js:322 js/share.js:492 msgid "Password protected" msgstr "Pasahitzarekin babestuta" #: js/share.js:505 msgid "Error unsetting expiration date" msgstr "Errorea izan da muga data kentzean" #: js/share.js:517 msgid "Error setting expiration date" msgstr "Errore bat egon da muga data ezartzean" #: lostpassword/controller.php:47 msgid "ownCloud password reset" msgstr "ownCloud-en pasahitza berrezarri" #: lostpassword/templates/email.php:2 msgid "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" msgstr "Eribili hurrengo lotura zure pasahitza berrezartzeko: {link}" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:3 msgid "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." msgstr "Zure pashitza berrezartzeko lotura bat jasoko duzu Epostaren bidez." #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:5 msgid "Reset email send." msgstr "" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:8 msgid "Request failed!" msgstr "" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:11 templates/installation.php:38 #: templates/login.php:20 msgid "Username" msgstr "Erabiltzaile izena" #: lostpassword/templates/lostpassword.php:14 msgid "Request reset" msgstr "Eskaera berrezarri da" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:4 msgid "Your password was reset" msgstr "Zure pasahitza berrezarri da" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:5 msgid "To login page" msgstr "Sarrera orrira" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:8 msgid "New password" msgstr "Pasahitz berria" #: lostpassword/templates/resetpassword.php:11 msgid "Reset password" msgstr "Berrezarri pasahitza" #: strings.php:5 msgid "Personal" msgstr "Pertsonala" #: strings.php:6 msgid "Users" msgstr "Erabiltzaileak" #: strings.php:7 msgid "Apps" msgstr "Aplikazioak" #: strings.php:8 msgid "Admin" msgstr "Kudeatzailea" #: strings.php:9 msgid "Help" msgstr "Laguntza" #: templates/403.php:12 msgid "Access forbidden" msgstr "Sarrera debekatuta" #: templates/404.php:12 msgid "Cloud not found" msgstr "Ez da hodeia aurkitu" #: templates/edit_categories_dialog.php:4 msgid "Edit categories" msgstr "Editatu kategoriak" #: templates/edit_categories_dialog.php:14 msgid "Add" msgstr "Gehitu" #: templates/installation.php:23 templates/installation.php:31 msgid "Security Warning" msgstr "Segurtasun abisua" #: templates/installation.php:24 msgid "" "No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP " "OpenSSL extension." msgstr "" #: templates/installation.php:26 msgid "" "Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict " "password reset tokens and take over your account." msgstr "" #: templates/installation.php:32 msgid "" "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the " "internet. The .htaccess file that ownCloud provides is not working. We " "strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data " "directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the" " webserver document root." msgstr "Zure data karpeta eta zure fitxategiak internetetik zuzenean eskuragarri egon daitezke. ownCloudek emandako .htaccess fitxategia ez du bere lana egiten. Aholkatzen dizugu zure web zerbitzaria ongi konfiguratzea data karpeta eskuragarri ez izateko edo data karpeta web zerbitzariaren dokumentu errotik mugitzea." #: templates/installation.php:36 msgid "Create an admin account" msgstr "Sortu kudeatzaile kontu bat" #: templates/installation.php:48 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Aurreratua" #: templates/installation.php:50 msgid "Data folder" msgstr "Datuen karpeta" #: templates/installation.php:57 msgid "Configure the database" msgstr "Konfiguratu datu basea" #: templates/installation.php:62 templates/installation.php:73 #: templates/installation.php:83 templates/installation.php:93 msgid "will be used" msgstr "erabiliko da" #: templates/installation.php:105 msgid "Database user" msgstr "Datubasearen erabiltzailea" #: templates/installation.php:109 msgid "Database password" msgstr "Datubasearen pasahitza" #: templates/installation.php:113 msgid "Database name" msgstr "Datubasearen izena" #: templates/installation.php:121 msgid "Database tablespace" msgstr "Datu basearen taula-lekua" #: templates/installation.php:127 msgid "Database host" msgstr "Datubasearen hostalaria" #: templates/installation.php:132 msgid "Finish setup" msgstr "Bukatu konfigurazioa" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Igandea" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Astelehena" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Asteartea" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Asteazkena" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Osteguna" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Ostirala" #: templates/layout.guest.php:15 templates/layout.user.php:17 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Larunbata" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "January" msgstr "Urtarrila" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "February" msgstr "Otsaila" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "March" msgstr "Martxoa" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "April" msgstr "Apirila" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "May" msgstr "Maiatza" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "June" msgstr "Ekaina" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "July" msgstr "Uztaila" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "August" msgstr "Abuztua" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "September" msgstr "Iraila" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "October" msgstr "Urria" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "November" msgstr "Azaroa" #: templates/layout.guest.php:16 templates/layout.user.php:18 msgid "December" msgstr "Abendua" #: templates/layout.guest.php:41 msgid "web services under your control" msgstr "web zerbitzuak zure kontrolpean" #: templates/layout.user.php:38 msgid "Log out" msgstr "Saioa bukatu" #: templates/login.php:8 msgid "Automatic logon rejected!" msgstr "" #: templates/login.php:9 msgid "" "If you did not change your password recently, your account may be " "compromised!" msgstr "" #: templates/login.php:10 msgid "Please change your password to secure your account again." msgstr "" #: templates/login.php:15 msgid "Lost your password?" msgstr "Galdu duzu pasahitza?" #: templates/login.php:27 msgid "remember" msgstr "gogoratu" #: templates/login.php:28 msgid "Log in" msgstr "Hasi saioa" #: templates/logout.php:1 msgid "You are logged out." msgstr "Zure saioa bukatu da." #: templates/part.pagenavi.php:3 msgid "prev" msgstr "aurrekoa" #: templates/part.pagenavi.php:20 msgid "next" msgstr "hurrengoa" #: templates/verify.php:5 msgid "Security Warning!" msgstr "" #: templates/verify.php:6 msgid "" "Please verify your password.
For security reasons you may be " "occasionally asked to enter your password again." msgstr "" #: templates/verify.php:16 msgid "Verify" msgstr ""