 * Copyright (c) 2012 Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
 * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
 * later.
 * See the COPYING-README file.

abstract class OC_Archive{
	 * open any of the supporeted archive types
	 * @param string path
	 * @return OC_Archive
	public static function open($path){
			case '.zip':
				return new OC_Archive_ZIP($path);
			case '.gz':
			case '.bz':
			case '.bz2':
					return new OC_Archive_TAR($path);
			case '.tgz':
				return new OC_Archive_TAR($path);

	abstract function __construct($source);
	 * add an empty folder to the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @return bool
	abstract function addFolder($path);
	 * add a file to the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @param string source either a local file or string data
	 * @return bool
	abstract function addFile($path,$source='');
	 * rename a file or folder in the archive
	 * @param string source
	 * @param string dest
	 * @return bool
	abstract function rename($source,$dest);
	 * get the uncompressed size of a file in the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @return int
	abstract function filesize($path);
	 * get the last modified time of a file in the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @return int
	abstract function mtime($path);
	 * get the files in a folder
	 * @param path
	 * @return array
	abstract function getFolder($path);
	 *get all files in the archive
	 * @return array
	abstract function getFiles();
	 * get the content of a file
	 * @param string path
	 * @return string
	abstract function getFile($path);
	 * extract a single file from the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @param string dest
	 * @return bool
	abstract function extractFile($path,$dest);
	 * extract the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @param string dest
	 * @return bool
	abstract function extract($dest);
	 * check if a file or folder exists in the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @return bool
	abstract function fileExists($path);
	 * remove a file or folder from the archive
	 * @param string path
	 * @return bool
	abstract function remove($path);
	 * get a file handler
	 * @param string path
	 * @param string mode
	 * @return resource
	abstract function getStream($path,$mode);
	 * add a folder and all it's content
	 * @param string $path
	 * @param string source
	 * @return bool
	function addRecursive($path,$source){
				if($file=='.' or $file=='..'){