<?php /** * Copyright (c) 2012 Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl> * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ class OC_Cache { /** * @var OC_Cache $user_cache */ static protected $user_cache; /** * @var OC_Cache $global_cache */ static protected $global_cache; /** * @var OC_Cache $global_cache_fast */ static protected $global_cache_fast; /** * @var OC_Cache $user_cache_fast */ static protected $user_cache_fast; static protected $isFast=null; /** * get the global cache * @return OC_Cache */ static public function getGlobalCache($fast=false) { if (!self::$global_cache) { self::$global_cache_fast = null; if (!self::$global_cache_fast && function_exists('xcache_set')) { self::$global_cache_fast = new OC_Cache_XCache(true); } if (!self::$global_cache_fast && function_exists('apc_store')) { self::$global_cache_fast = new OC_Cache_APC(true); } self::$global_cache = new OC_Cache_FileGlobal(); if (self::$global_cache_fast) { self::$global_cache = new OC_Cache_Broker(self::$global_cache_fast, self::$global_cache); } } if($fast){ if(self::$global_cache_fast){ return self::$global_cache_fast; }else{ return false; } } return self::$global_cache; } /** * get the user cache * @return OC_Cache */ static public function getUserCache($fast=false) { if (!self::$user_cache) { self::$user_cache_fast = null; if (!self::$user_cache_fast && function_exists('xcache_set')) { self::$user_cache_fast = new OC_Cache_XCache(); } if (!self::$user_cache_fast && function_exists('apc_store')) { self::$user_cache_fast = new OC_Cache_APC(); } self::$user_cache = new OC_Cache_File(); if (self::$user_cache_fast) { self::$user_cache = new OC_Cache_Broker(self::$user_cache_fast, self::$user_cache); } } if($fast){ if(self::$user_cache_fast){ return self::$user_cache_fast; }else{ return false; } } return self::$user_cache; } /** * get a value from the user cache * @return mixed */ static public function get($key) { $user_cache = self::getUserCache(); return $user_cache->get($key); } /** * set a value in the user cache * @return bool */ static public function set($key, $value, $ttl=0) { if (empty($key)) { return false; } $user_cache = self::getUserCache(); return $user_cache->set($key, $value, $ttl); } /** * check if a value is set in the user cache * @return bool */ static public function hasKey($key) { $user_cache = self::getUserCache(); return $user_cache->hasKey($key); } /** * remove an item from the user cache * @return bool */ static public function remove($key) { $user_cache = self::getUserCache(); return $user_cache->remove($key); } /** * clear the user cache of all entries starting with a prefix * @param string prefix (optional) * @return bool */ static public function clear($prefix='') { $user_cache = self::getUserCache(); return $user_cache->clear($prefix); } /** * check if a fast memory based cache is available * @return true */ static public function isFast() { if(is_null(self::$isFast)){ self::$isFast=function_exists('xcache_set') || function_exists('apc_store'); } return self::$isFast; } }