
* ownCloud
* @author Frank Karlitschek 
* @copyright 2012 Frank Karlitschek frank@owncloud.org 
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public 
* License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * Class for abstraction of filesystem functions
 * This class won't call any filesystem functions for itself but but will pass them to the correct OC_Filestorage object
 * this class should also handle all the file permission related stuff
 * Hooks provided:
 *   read(path)
 *   write(path, &run)
 *   post_write(path)
 *   create(path, &run) (when a file is created, both create and write will be emited in that order)
 *   post_create(path)
 *   delete(path, &run)
 *   post_delete(path)
 *   rename(oldpath,newpath, &run)
 *   post_rename(oldpath,newpath)
 *   copy(oldpath,newpath, &run) (if the newpath doesn't exists yes, copy, create and write will be emited in that order)
 *   post_rename(oldpath,newpath)
 *   the &run parameter can be set to false to prevent the operation from occuring

class OC_Filesystem{
	static private $storages=array();
	static private $mounts=array();
	public static $loaded=false;
	 * @var OC_Filestorage $defaultInstance
	static private $defaultInstance;

	 * classname which used for hooks handling
	 * used as signalclass in OC_Hooks::emit()
	const CLASSNAME = 'OC_Filesystem';

	 * signalname emited before file renaming
	 * @param oldpath
	 * @param newpath
	const signal_rename = 'rename';

	 * signal emited after file renaming
	 * @param oldpath
	 * @param newpath
	const signal_post_rename = 'post_rename';

	 * signal emited before file/dir creation
	 * @param path
	 * @param run changing this flag to false in hook handler will cancel event
	const signal_create = 'create';

	 * signal emited after file/dir creation
	 * @param path
	 * @param run changing this flag to false in hook handler will cancel event
	const signal_post_create = 'post_create';

	 * signal emits before file/dir copy
	* @param oldpath
	 * @param newpath
	  * @param run changing this flag to false in hook handler will cancel event
	const signal_copy = 'copy';

	 * signal emits after file/dir copy
	 * @param oldpath
	 * @param newpath
	const signal_post_copy = 'post_copy';

	 * signal emits before file/dir save
	 * @param path
	 * @param run changing this flag to false in hook handler will cancel event
	const signal_write = 'write';

	 * signal emits after file/dir save
	 * @param path
	const signal_post_write = 'post_write';

	 * signal emits when reading file/dir
	 * @param path
	const signal_read = 'read';

	 * signal emits when removing file/dir
	 * @param path
	const signal_delete = 'delete';

	 * parameters definitions for signals
	const signal_param_path = 'path';
	const signal_param_oldpath = 'oldpath';
	const signal_param_newpath = 'newpath';

	 * run - changing this flag to false in hook handler will cancel event
	const signal_param_run = 'run';

	 * get the mountpoint of the storage object for a path
	 ( note: because a storage is not always mounted inside the fakeroot, the returned mountpoint is relative to the absolute root of the filesystem and doesn't take the chroot into account
	 * @param string path
	  * @return string
	static public function getMountPoint($path){
		$path=str_replace('//', '/',$path);
		foreach($mountPoints as $mountpoint){
				return $mountpoint;
			if(strpos($path,$mountpoint)===0 and strlen($mountpoint)>strlen($foundMountPoint)){
		return $foundMountPoint;

	* get the part of the path relative to the mountpoint of the storage it's stored in
	* @param  string  path
	* @return bool
	static public function getInternalPath($path){
		return $internalPath;
	* get the storage object for a path
	* @param string path
	* @return OC_Filestorage
	static public function getStorage($path){
			return OC_Filesystem::$storages[$mountpoint];
	static public function init($root){
			return false;
		self::$defaultInstance=new OC_FilesystemView($root);

		//load custom mount config
				foreach($mountConfig['global'] as $mountPoint=>$options){

				foreach($mountConfig['group'] as $group=>$mounts){
						foreach($mounts as $mountPoint=>$options){
							foreach($options as &$option){

				foreach($mountConfig['user'] as $user=>$mounts){
					if($user==='all' or strtolower($user)===strtolower(OC_User::getUser())){
						foreach($mounts as $mountPoint=>$options){
							foreach($options as &$option){

	 * fill in the correct values for $user, and $password placeholders
	 * @param string intput
	 * @return string
	private static function setUserVars($input){
		return str_replace('$user',OC_User::getUser(),$input);

	 * get the default filesystem view
	 * @return OC_FilesystemView
	static public function getView(){
		return self::$defaultInstance;
	 * tear down the filesystem, removing all storage providers
	static public function tearDown(){
	* create a new storage of a specific type
	* @param  string  type
	* @param  array  arguments
	* @return OC_Filestorage
	static private function createStorage($class,$arguments){
			return new $class($arguments);
			OC_Log::write('core','storage backend '.$class.' not found',OC_Log::ERROR);
			return false;
	* change the root to a fake root
	* @param  string  fakeRoot
	* @return bool
	static public function chroot($fakeRoot){
		return self::$defaultInstance->chroot($fakeRoot);

	 * @brief get the relative path of the root data directory for the current user
	 * @return string
	 * Returns path like /admin/files
	static public function getRoot(){
		return self::$defaultInstance->getRoot();

	 * clear all mounts and storage backends
	public static function clearMounts(){

	* mount an OC_Filestorage in our virtual filesystem
	* @param OC_Filestorage storage
	* @param string mountpoint
	static public function mount($class,$arguments,$mountpoint){
	* return the path to a local version of the file
	* we need this because we can't know if a file is stored local or not from outside the filestorage and for some purposes a local file is needed
	* @param string path
	* @return string
	static public function getLocalFile($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->getLocalFile($path);
	* return path to file which reflects one visible in browser
	* @param string path
	* @return string
	static public function getLocalPath($path) {
		$datadir = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('datadirectory').'/'.\OC_User::getUser().'/files';
		$newpath = $path;
		if (strncmp($newpath, $datadir, strlen($datadir)) == 0) {
			$newpath = substr($path, strlen($datadir));
		return $newpath;
	 * check if the requested path is valid
	 * @param string path
	 * @return bool
	static public function isValidPath($path){
		if(!$path || $path[0]!=='/'){
		if(strstr($path,'/../') || strrchr($path, '/') === '/..' ){
			return false;
		return true;
	 * checks if a file is blacklsited for storage in the filesystem
	 * @param array $data from hook
	static public function isBlacklisted($data){
		$blacklist = array('.htaccess');
		$filename = strtolower(basename($data['path']));
			$data['run'] = false;	
	 * following functions are equivilent to their php buildin equivilents for arguments/return values.
	static public function mkdir($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->mkdir($path);
	static public function rmdir($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->rmdir($path);
	static public function opendir($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->opendir($path);
	static public function readdir($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->readdir($path);
	static public function is_dir($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->is_dir($path);
	static public function is_file($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->is_file($path);
	static public function stat($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->stat($path);
	static public function filetype($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->filetype($path);
	static public function filesize($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->filesize($path);
	static public function readfile($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->readfile($path);
	static public function is_readable($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->is_readable($path);
	static public function is_writable($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->is_writable($path);
	static public function file_exists($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->file_exists($path);
	static public function filectime($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->filectime($path);
	static public function filemtime($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->filemtime($path);
	static public function touch($path, $mtime=null){
		return self::$defaultInstance->touch($path, $mtime);
	static public function file_get_contents($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->file_get_contents($path);
	static public function file_put_contents($path,$data){
		return self::$defaultInstance->file_put_contents($path,$data);
	static public function unlink($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->unlink($path);
	static public function rename($path1,$path2){
		return self::$defaultInstance->rename($path1,$path2);
	static public function copy($path1,$path2){
		return self::$defaultInstance->copy($path1,$path2);
	static public function fopen($path,$mode){
		return self::$defaultInstance->fopen($path,$mode);
	static public function toTmpFile($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->toTmpFile($path);
	static public function fromTmpFile($tmpFile,$path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->fromTmpFile($tmpFile,$path);

	static public function getMimeType($path){
		return self::$defaultInstance->getMimeType($path);
	static public function hash($type,$path, $raw = false){
		return self::$defaultInstance->hash($type,$path, $raw);
	static public function free_space($path='/'){
		return self::$defaultInstance->free_space($path);
	static public function search($query){
		return OC_FileCache::search($query);

	 * check if a file or folder has been updated since $time
	 * @param int $time
	 * @return bool
	static public function hasUpdated($path,$time){
		return self::$defaultInstance->hasUpdated($path,$time);

	static public function removeETagHook($params) {
		if (isset($params['path'])) {
		} else {
OC_Hook::connect('OC_Filesystem','post_write', 'OC_Filesystem','removeETagHook');
