<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Help" => "bantu", "Personal" => "perseorangan", "Settings" => "pengaturan", "Users" => "pengguna", "Apps" => "aplikasi", "Admin" => "admin", "ZIP download is turned off." => "download ZIP sedang dimatikan", "Files need to be downloaded one by one." => "file harus di unduh satu persatu", "Back to Files" => "kembali ke daftar file", "Selected files too large to generate zip file." => "file yang dipilih terlalu besar untuk membuat file zip", "Application is not enabled" => "aplikasi tidak diaktifkan", "Authentication error" => "autentikasi bermasalah", "Token expired. Please reload page." => "token kadaluarsa.mohon perbaharui laman.", "Text" => "teks", "seconds ago" => "beberapa detik yang lalu", "1 minute ago" => "1 menit lalu", "%d minutes ago" => "%d menit lalu", "today" => "hari ini", "yesterday" => "kemarin", "%d days ago" => "%d hari lalu", "last month" => "bulan kemarin", "last year" => "tahun kemarin", "years ago" => "beberapa tahun lalu", "%s is available. Get <a href=\"%s\">more information</a>" => "%s tersedia. dapatkan <a href=\"%s\"> info lebih lanjut</a>", "up to date" => "terbaru", "updates check is disabled" => "pengecekan pembaharuan sedang non-aktifkan" );