{ "translations": {
    "Cannot write into \"config\" directory!" : "无法写入 \"config\" 目录!",
    "This can usually be fixed by giving the webserver write access to the config directory" : "您可以设置 Web 服务器对 config 目录的写权限修复这个问题",
    "See %s" : "查看 %s",
    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the config directory%s." : "您可以由 %s 设置 Web 服务器对 config 目录 %s 的写权限修复这个问题",
    "The files of the app %$1s were not replaced correctly. Make sure it is a version compatible with the server." : "应用 %$1s 的文件替换不正确. 请确认版本与当前服务器兼容.",
    "Sample configuration detected" : "示例配置检测",
    "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "您似乎直接把 config.php 的样例文件直接复制使用. 这可能会破坏您的安装. 在对 config.php 进行修改之前请先阅读相关文档.",
    "%1$s and %2$s" : "%1$s 和 %2$s",
    "%1$s, %2$s and %3$s" : "%1$s, %2$s 和 %3$s",
    "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s and %4$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s 和 %4$s",
    "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s and %5$s" : "%1$s, %2$s, %3$s, %4$s 和 %5$s",
    "PHP %s or higher is required." : "要求 PHP 版本 %s 或者更高。",
    "PHP with a version lower than %s is required." : "需要版本低于 %s 的PHP.",
    "%sbit or higher PHP required." : "需要 %s 或更高版本的 PHP",
    "Following databases are supported: %s" : "支持以下数据库: %s",
    "The command line tool %s could not be found" : "命令行工具 %s 未找到",
    "The library %s is not available." : "库文件 %s 不可用",
    "Library %s with a version higher than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s 需要 %s 或更高的版本 - 可用版本 %s.",
    "Library %s with a version lower than %s is required - available version %s." : "%s 需要 %s 或更低的版本 - 可用版本 %s.",
    "Following platforms are supported: %s" : "支持以下平台:%s",
    "Server version %s or higher is required." : "需要服务器版本 %s 或更高版本。",
    "Server version %s or lower is required." : "需要服务器版本 %s 或更低版本。",
    "Unknown filetype" : "未知的文件类型",
    "Invalid image" : "无效的图像",
    "Avatar image is not square" : "头像图像不是正方形",
    "today" : "今天",
    "yesterday" : "昨天",
    "_%n day ago_::_%n days ago_" : ["%n 天前"],
    "last month" : "上月",
    "_%n month ago_::_%n months ago_" : ["%n 月前"],
    "last year" : "去年",
    "_%n year ago_::_%n years ago_" : ["%n 年前"],
    "_%n hour ago_::_%n hours ago_" : ["%n 小时前"],
    "_%n minute ago_::_%n minutes ago_" : ["%n 分钟前"],
    "seconds ago" : "秒前",
    "Module with id: %s does not exist. Please enable it in your apps settings or contact your administrator." : "ID 为 %s 的模块不存在. 请在应用设置中启用或联系您的管理员.",
    "File name is a reserved word" : "文件名包含敏感字符",
    "File name contains at least one invalid character" : "文件名中存在至少一个非法字符",
    "File name is too long" : "文件名过长",
    "Dot files are not allowed" : ".文件 不被允许",
    "Empty filename is not allowed" : "不允许使用空名称。",
    "APCu" : "APCu",
    "Redis" : "Redis",
    "Server settings" : "服务器设置",
    "Sharing" : "分享",
    "Encryption" : "加密",
    "Additional settings" : "其他设置",
    "Tips & tricks" : "小提示",
    "%s enter the database username and name." : "%s 输入数据库用户名和名称.",
    "%s enter the database username." : "%s 输入数据库用户名。",
    "%s enter the database name." : "%s 输入数据库名称。",
    "%s you may not use dots in the database name" : "%s 您不能在数据库名称中使用英文句号。",
    "Oracle connection could not be established" : "不能建立甲骨文连接",
    "Oracle username and/or password not valid" : "Oracle 数据库用户名和/或密码无效",
    "DB Error: \"%s\"" : "数据库错误:\"%s\"",
    "Offending command was: \"%s\"" : "冲突命令为:\"%s\"",
    "You need to enter either an existing account or the administrator." : "你需要输入一个数据库中已有的账户或管理员账户。",
    "Offending command was: \"%s\", name: %s, password: %s" : "冲突命令为:\"%s\",名称:%s,密码:%s",
    "PostgreSQL username and/or password not valid" : "PostgreSQL 数据库用户名和/或密码无效",
    "Mac OS X is not supported and %s will not work properly on this platform. Use it at your own risk! " : "Mac OS X 不被支持并且 %s 在这个平台上无法正常工作。请自行承担风险!",
    "For the best results, please consider using a GNU/Linux server instead." : "为了达到最好的效果,请考虑使用 GNU/Linux 服务器。",
    "It seems that this %s instance is running on a 32-bit PHP environment and the open_basedir has been configured in php.ini. This will lead to problems with files over 4 GB and is highly discouraged." : "看起来这个 %s 实例运行在32位PHP环境中并且已在php.ini中配置open_basedir。这将在文件超过4GB时出现问题,我们极力反对这样做。",
    "Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "请删除php.ini中的open_basedir设置或切换到64位PHP。",
    "Set an admin username." : "请设置一个管理员用户名。",
    "Set an admin password." : "请设置一个管理员密码。",
    "Can't create or write into the data directory %s" : "无法创建或写入数据目录 %s",
    "Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "无效的联合云ID",
    "%s shared »%s« with you" : "%s 向您分享了 »%s«",
    "%s via %s" : "%s 通过 %s",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the backend does not allow shares from type %i" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为后端不允许分享 %i 类型",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the file does not exist" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为文件不存在.",
    "You are not allowed to share %s" : "您无权分享 %s",
    "Sharing %s failed, because you can not share with yourself" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为您不能分享给自己",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s does not exist" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为用户 %s 不存在",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the user %s is not a member of any groups that %s is a member of" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为用户 %s 不是 %s 所属的任何组的用户",
    "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为该项已经分享给用户 %s",
    "Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with user %s" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为该项已经分享给用户 %s",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the group %s does not exist" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为 %s 分组不存在",
    "Sharing %s failed, because %s is not a member of the group %s" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为 %s 不是 %s 分组的成员",
    "You need to provide a password to create a public link, only protected links are allowed" : "链接分享需要密码, 您需要提供一个密码以创建公开连接",
    "Sharing %s failed, because sharing with links is not allowed" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为不允许使用链接分享",
    "Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "不能给你自己分享文件",
    "Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "分享 %s 失败, 无法找到 %s, 该服务当前无法连接.",
    "Share type %s is not valid for %s" : "%s 不是 %s 的合法共享类型",
    "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "设置 %s 权限失败,因为权限超出了 %s 已有权限。",
    "Setting permissions for %s failed, because the item was not found" : "设置 %s 的权限失败,因为未找到到对应项",
    "Cannot set expiration date. Shares cannot expire later than %s after they have been shared" : "无法设置过期时间. 过期时间不能晚于其分享时间 %s",
    "Cannot set expiration date. Expiration date is in the past" : "无法设置过期时间. 过期时间不能为过去",
    "Cannot clear expiration date. Shares are required to have an expiration date." : "无法清除过期时间. 每个分享必须有一个过期时间",
    "Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "分享后端 %s 必须实现 OCP\\Share_Backend 接口",
    "Sharing backend %s not found" : "%s 的分享后端未找到",
    "Sharing backend for %s not found" : "%s 的分享后端未找到",
    "Sharing failed, because the user %s is the original sharer" : "分享失败, 因为用户 %s 是原始的分享者.",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the permissions exceed permissions granted to %s" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为权限超过了 %s 的已有权限",
    "Sharing %s failed, because resharing is not allowed" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为不允许二次共享",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the sharing backend for %s could not find its source" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为无法找到 %s 分享后端的来源",
    "Sharing %s failed, because the file could not be found in the file cache" : "分享 %s 失败, 因为文件缓存中找不到该文件",
    "Cannot increase permissions of %s" : "无法提升 %s 的权限",
    "Files can't be shared with delete permissions" : "无法分享有删除权限的文件",
    "Files can't be shared with create permissions" : "无法分享有创建权限的文件",
    "Expiration date is in the past" : "到期日期已过.",
    "Cannot set expiration date more than %s days in the future" : "无法将过期日期设置为超过 %s 天.",
    "Could not find category \"%s\"" : "无法找到分类 \"%s\"",
    "Sunday" : "星期日",
    "Monday" : "星期一",
    "Tuesday" : "星期二",
    "Wednesday" : "星期三",
    "Thursday" : "星期四",
    "Friday" : "星期五",
    "Saturday" : "星期六",
    "Sun." : "周日",
    "Mon." : "周一",
    "Tue." : "周二",
    "Wed." : "周三",
    "Thu." : "周四",
    "Fri." : "周五",
    "Sat." : "周六",
    "Su" : "日",
    "Mo" : "一",
    "Tu" : "二",
    "We" : "三",
    "Th" : "四",
    "Fr" : "五",
    "Sa" : "六",
    "January" : "一月",
    "February" : "二月",
    "March" : "三月",
    "April" : "四月",
    "May" : "五月",
    "June" : "六月",
    "July" : "七月",
    "August" : "八月",
    "September" : "九月",
    "October" : "十月",
    "November" : "十一月",
    "December" : "十二月",
    "Jan." : "一月",
    "Feb." : "二月",
    "Mar." : "三月",
    "Apr." : "四月",
    "May." : "五月",
    "Jun." : "六月",
    "Jul." : "七月",
    "Aug." : "八月",
    "Sep." : "九月",
    "Oct." : "十月",
    "Nov." : "十一月",
    "Dec." : "十二月",
    "Apps" : "应用",
    "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-'\"" : "在用户名中只允许使用以下字符:“a-z”,“A-Z”,“0-9”和\"_.@-'\"",
    "A valid username must be provided" : "必须提供合法的用户名",
    "Username contains whitespace at the beginning or at the end" : "用户名在开头或结尾处包含空格",
    "A valid password must be provided" : "必须提供合法的密码",
    "The username is already being used" : "用户名已被使用",
    "Login canceled by app" : "已通过应用取消登录",
    "User disabled" : "用户已禁用",
    "Help" : "帮助",
    "Personal" : "个人",
    "Users" : "用户",
    "Admin" : "管理",
    "App \"%s\" cannot be installed because appinfo file cannot be read." : "无法安装应用\"%s\",因为无法读取appinfo文件.",
    "App \"%s\" cannot be installed because it is not compatible with this version of the server." : "应用程式 \"%s\" 无法安装,因为它与这个版本的服务器不兼容.",
    "No app name specified" : "没有指定的 App 名称",
    "App '%s' could not be installed!" : "应用程序 '%s' 无法被安装!",
    "App \"%s\" cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled: %s" : "应用程序 \"%s\" 无法被安装,因为为满足下列依赖关系: %s",
    "a safe home for all your data" : "给您所有的数据一个安全的家",
    "File is currently busy, please try again later" : "文件当前正忙,请稍后再试",
    "Can't read file" : "无法读取文件",
    "Application is not enabled" : "应用程序未启用",
    "Authentication error" : "认证出错",
    "Token expired. Please reload page." : "Token 过期,请刷新页面。",
    "Unknown user" : "未知用户",
    "No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed." : "没有安装数据库驱动 (SQLite、MySQL 或 PostgreSQL)。",
    "Cannot write into \"config\" directory" : "无法写入“config”目录",
    "Cannot write into \"apps\" directory" : "无法写入“apps”目录",
    "This can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the apps directory%s or disabling the appstore in the config file." : "您可以由 %s 设置 Web 服务器对应用目录 %s 的写权限或在配置文件中禁用应用商店可以修复这个问题.",
    "Cannot create \"data\" directory (%s)" : "无法创建“apps”目录 (%s)",
    "This can usually be fixed by <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">giving the webserver write access to the root directory</a>." : "点击 <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">设置 Web 服务器对根目录的写入权限</a> 可修复这个问题.",
    "Permissions can usually be fixed by %sgiving the webserver write access to the root directory%s." : "您可以由 %s 设置 Web 服务器对根目录 %s 的写权限可以修复这个问题.",
    "Setting locale to %s failed" : "设置语言为 %s 失败",
    "Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your webserver." : "请在您的系统中安装下述一种语言并重启 Web 服务器.",
    "Please ask your server administrator to install the module." : "请联系服务器管理员安装模块.",
    "PHP module %s not installed." : "PHP %s 模块未安装.",
    "PHP setting \"%s\" is not set to \"%s\"." : "PHP 选项 \"%s\" 未设置为 \"%s\".",
    "Adjusting this setting in php.ini will make Nextcloud run again" : "在 php.ini 中调整该设置将导致 Nextcloud 重新运行",
    "mbstring.func_overload is set to \"%s\" instead of the expected value \"0\"" : "mbstring.func_overload 当前设置为 \"%s\", 预期值为 \"0\"",
    "To fix this issue set <code>mbstring.func_overload</code> to <code>0</code> in your php.ini" : "请在 php.ini 中设置  <code>mbstring.func_overload</code> 为 <code>0</code> 以解决该问题",
    "libxml2 2.7.0 is at least required. Currently %s is installed." : "至少需要 libxml2 2.7.0. 当前安装 %s.",
    "To fix this issue update your libxml2 version and restart your web server." : "升级您的 libxml2 版本然后重启 Web 服务器以解决该问题.",
    "PHP is apparently set up to strip inline doc blocks. This will make several core apps inaccessible." : "PHP 被设置为移除内联块, 这将导致多个核心应用无法访问.",
    "This is probably caused by a cache/accelerator such as Zend OPcache or eAccelerator." : "这可能由缓存/加速器导致的, 例如 Zend OPcache 或 eAccelerator.",
    "PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?" : "PHP 模块已经安装, 但仍然显示未安装?",
    "Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server." : "请联系服务器管理员重启 Web 服务器.",
    "PostgreSQL >= 9 required" : "要求 PostgreSQL >= 9",
    "Please upgrade your database version" : "请升级您的数据库版本",
    "Please change the permissions to 0770 so that the directory cannot be listed by other users." : "请更改权限为 0770 以避免其他用户查看目录.",
    "Data directory (%s) is readable by other users" : "数据目录 (%s) 能被其他用户读取",
    "Data directory (%s) must be an absolute path" : "数据目录 (%s) 必须为绝对路径",
    "Check the value of \"datadirectory\" in your configuration" : "请检查配置文件中 \"datadirectory\" 的值",
    "Data directory (%s) is invalid" : "数据目录 (%s) 无效",
    "Please check that the data directory contains a file \".ocdata\" in its root." : "请检查根目录下 data 目录中包含名为 \".ocdata\" 的文件.",
    "Could not obtain lock type %d on \"%s\"." : "无法在 \"%s\" 上获取锁类型 %d.",
    "Storage unauthorized. %s" : "存储认证失败. %s",
    "Storage incomplete configuration. %s" : "存储未完成配置. %s",
    "Storage connection error. %s" : "存储连接错误. %s",
    "Storage is temporarily not available" : "存储暂时不可用",
    "Storage connection timeout. %s" : "存储连接超时. %s",
    "4-byte characters are not supported in file names" : "文件名中不支持 4 字节字符",
    "App directory already exists" : "应用目录已经存在",
    "Can't create app folder. Please fix permissions. %s" : "无法创建应用文件夹. 请修改权限. %s",
    "Archive does not contain a directory named %s" : "压缩文件中不包含目录 %s",
    "No source specified when installing app" : "安装应用时未指定来源",
    "No href specified when installing app from http" : "从 http 安装应用时未指定链接",
    "No path specified when installing app from local file" : "从本地文件安装应用时未指定路径",
    "Archives of type %s are not supported" : "不支持 %s 的压缩格式",
    "Failed to open archive when installing app" : "安装应用时打开文件失败",
    "App does not provide an info.xml file" : "应用未提供 info.xml 文件",
    "App cannot be installed because appinfo file cannot be read." : "无法安装应用, 因为无法读取应用信息文件",
    "Signature could not get checked. Please contact the app developer and check your admin screen." : "签名检查失败. 请联系应用开发者并检查您的管理界面",
    "App can't be installed because of not allowed code in the App" : "无法安装应用, 因为应用中包含不允许的代码",
    "App can't be installed because it is not compatible with this version of the server" : "无法安装应用, 因为应用不兼容当前服务器的版本",
    "App can't be installed because it contains the <shipped>true</shipped> tag which is not allowed for non shipped apps" : "无法安装应用, 因为应用包含 <shipped>true</shipped> 标签",
    "App can't be installed because the version in info.xml is not the same as the version reported from the app store" : "无法安装应用, 因为 info.xml 中的版本与应用市场中的版本不同",
    "Logging" : "日志",
    "Recommended" : "推荐",
    "Microsoft Windows Platform is not supported" : "不支持 Microsoft Windows 平台",
    "Running Nextcloud Server on the Microsoft Windows platform is not supported. We suggest you use a Linux server in a virtual machine if you have no option for migrating the server itself." : "不支持在 Microsoft Windows 平台运行 Nextcloud 服务器. 如果您没有迁移服务器的计划, 我们建议您在虚拟机中使用 Linux 服务器.",
    "Storage not available" : "存储空间不可用"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"