 * ownCloud
 * @author Tom Needham
 * @copyright 2012 Tom Needham tom@owncloud.com
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
 * License along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 * provides methods to add and access data from the migration
class OC_Migration_Content{
	private $zip=false;
	// Holds the MDB2 object
	private $db=null;
	// Holds an array of tmpfiles to delete after zip creation
	private $tmpfiles=false;
	* @brief sets up the
	* @param $zip ZipArchive object
	* @param optional $db a MDB2 database object (required for exporttype user)
	* @return bool
	public function __construct( $zip, $db=null ){

		$this->zip = $zip;
		$this->db = $db;
		if( !is_null( $db ) ){
			// Get db path
			$db = $this->db->getDatabase();
			$this->tmpfiles[] = $db;
	// @brief prepares the db
	// @param $query the sql query to prepare
	public function prepare( $query ){
		// Optimize the query
		$query = $this->processQuery( $query );
		// Optimize the query
		$query = $this->db->prepare( $query );
		// Die if we have an error (error means: bad query, not 0 results!)
		if( PEAR::isError( $query ) ) {
			$entry = 'DB Error: "'.$result->getMessage().'"<br />';
			$entry .= 'Offending command was: '.$query.'<br />';
			OC_Log::write( 'migration', $entry, OC_Log::FATAL );
			return false;
		} else {
			return $query;	
	* @brief processes the db query
	* @param $query the query to process
	* @return string of processed query
	private function processQuery( $query ){
		$query = str_replace( '`', '\'', $query );
		$query = str_replace( 'NOW()', 'datetime(\'now\')', $query );
		$query = str_replace( 'now()', 'datetime(\'now\')', $query );
		// remove table prefixes
		$query = str_replace( '*PREFIX*', '', $query );
		return $query;
	* @brief copys rows to migration.db from the main database
	* @param $options array of options.
	* @return bool
	public function copyRows( $options ){
		if( !array_key_exists( 'table', $options ) ){
			return false;	
		$return = array();
		// Need to include 'where' in the query?
		if( array_key_exists( 'matchval', $options ) && array_key_exists( 'matchcol', $options ) ){
			// If only one matchval, create an array
				$options['matchval'] = array( $options['matchval'] );	
			foreach( $options['matchval'] as $matchval ){
				// Run the query for this match value (where x = y value)
				$sql = "SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*" . $options['table'] . " WHERE " . $options['matchcol'] . " LIKE ?";
				$query = OC_DB::prepare( $sql );
				$results = $query->execute( array( $matchval ) );
				$newreturns = $this->insertData( $results, $options );
				$return = array_merge( $return, $newreturns );

		} else {
			// Just get everything
			$sql = "SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*" . $options['table'];
			$query = OC_DB::prepare( $sql );
			$results = $query->execute();
			$return = $this->insertData( $results, $options );
		return $return;
	* @brief saves a sql data set into migration.db
	* @param $data a sql data set returned from self::prepare()->query()
	* @param $options array of copyRows options
	* @return void
	private function insertData( $data, $options ){
		$return = array();
		// Foreach row of data to insert
		while( $row = $data->fetchRow() ){
			// Now save all this to the migration.db
			foreach($row as $field=>$value){
				$fields[] = $field;
				$values[] = $value;
			// Generate some sql
			$sql = "INSERT INTO `" . $options['table'] . '` ( `';
			$fieldssql = implode( '`, `', $fields );
			$sql .= $fieldssql . "` ) VALUES( ";
			$valuessql = substr( str_repeat( '?, ', count( $fields ) ),0,-2 );
			$sql .= $valuessql . " )";
			// Make the query
			$query = $this->prepare( $sql );
			if( !$query ){
				OC_Log::write( 'migration', 'Invalid sql produced: '.$sql, OC_Log::FATAL );	
				return false;
			} else {
				$query->execute( $values );
				// Do we need to return some values?
				if( array_key_exists( 'idcol', $options ) ){
					// Yes we do
					$return[] = $row[$options['idcol']];	
				} else {
					// Take a guess and return the first field :)
					$return[] = reset($row);	
			$fields = '';
			$values = '';
		return $return;
	* @brief adds a directory to the zip object
	* @param $dir string path of the directory to add
	* @param $recursive bool 
	* @param $internaldir string path of folder to add dir to in zip
	* @return bool
	public function addDir( $dir, $recursive=true, $internaldir='' ) {
	    $dirname = basename($dir);
	    $this->zip->addEmptyDir($internaldir . $dirname);
		if( !file_exists( $dir ) ){
			return false;	
	    if ($dirhandle = opendir($dir)) {
			while (false !== ( $file = readdir($dirhandle))) {
				if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) {
					if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file) && $recursive) {
						$this->addDir($dir . '/' . $file, $recursive, $internaldir);
					} elseif (is_file($dir . '/' . $file)) {
						$this->zip->addFile($dir . '/' . $file, $internaldir . $file);
	    } else {
			OC_Log::write('admin_export',"Was not able to open directory: " . $dir,OC_Log::ERROR);
			return false;
	    return true;
	* @brief adds a file to the zip from a given string
	* @param $data string of data to add
	* @param $path the relative path inside of the zip to save the file to
	* @return bool
	public function addFromString( $data, $path ){
		// Create a temp file
		$file = tempnam( get_temp_dir(). '/', 'oc_export_tmp_' );
		$this->tmpfiles[] = $file;
		if( !file_put_contents( $file, $data ) ){
			OC_Log::write( 'migation', 'Failed to save data to a temporary file', OC_Log::ERROR );
			return false;	
		// Add file to the zip
		$this->zip->addFile( $file, $path );
		return true;
	* @brief closes the zip, removes temp files
	* @return bool
	public function finish(){
		if( !$this->zip->close() ){
			OC_Log::write( 'migration', 'Failed to write the zip file with error: '.$this->zip->getStatusString(), OC_Log::ERROR );
			return false;	
		return true;	
	* @brief cleans up after the zip
	private function cleanup(){
		// Delete tmp files
		foreach($this->tmpfiles as $i){
			unlink( $i );	